User profile changes Here's a new one (at least for me). I can't update my job in my user profile. I've tried several times, and it seems to...
More Sick Car News Okay, Patsy Cline has a home Byu-Tee So-long and I get this option: "Offer free makeover to NPC Remote Control Car!" Swear...
Ha, I'm not actually dead It seemed like it for awhile there. Ha! She's alive! And she got OFB for her birthday. I, the free-roaming...
Strange Flu Just got a message, as Patsy Cline was playing with the car: "NPC Remote Control Car has the flu! He needs a lot of rest to get...
(un)moving objects Since I installed Nightlife, I can't use the 'move objects' cheat. It simply doesn't appear. Ideas?
more invisible helpers I've died plenty and gone crazy often enough, but now I have an invisible grim reaper and an invisible shrink. no way to...
The Amazing Floating Purse went to Rodney's hangout. still trying to get bit by vampire. all the time they were playing cards, an upside-down...
can't build it! Okay, I did search the whole forum under 'driveway' and 'garage' and I can't find the answer. I can't build a driveway. I...
long time no dagdag Hey you cool cats, long time I've been gone. Them prison walls couldn't hold me. Here I am and I got Nightlife for...
boohoo for the rest of us Boy, you go away for a while and all your pals leave town. Everyone seems to be in this place called "Nightlife." I...
Gender politics I wonder how differently men and women play the sims. I actually feel guilty about the sims I don't play anymore. They're all...
Drunks I once had a sim get drunk - he was spending the night at his boyfriend's house for the first time and snuck out of bed to drink at the...
Meditation Schmeditation I finally got around to testing the meditation theory. Greg Oz, an elderly SWAT team leader with high logic, was...
bad pancakes Bad, bad pancakes. Young Oz had just woohooed her way into another pregnancy, slept a bit and then got up to make pancakes in the...
a nearly impossible challenge I've decided to make friends with Mortimer Goth and invite him to move in with me. This is proving quite...
Wealth beyond one's dreams of avarice and so on A couple of my households are rolling in douch. I'm talking 150,000 simoleans or so all the time....
Manifest Destiny Reproduces This has to mean something (Lord knows what) but I just got my first set of twins, woohoo and I do mean that. After...
Body Function Has anyone noticed a pattern with farting? I have a sim who farts a lot (then giggles of course) and burps a bit. Everyone farts...
Sims with disabilities This is SO COOL. Now I have to figure out how to take a snapshot for crying out loud. Primavera and Greg adopted a...
kids with flu How do I call in sick for a child who has the flu? Do they just have to take the hit on their grades for missing a day?
Separate names with a comma.