I haven't made a new neighborhood at all yet, either within the sims 2 game, or using sim city 4, but I want to do both! I just messed with the...
I'm trying to re-create one of my sims 1 families, I started it in the original game as a single female and then found a guy to get to know and...
Keep coming over to visit and see if she stops puking and shows you her new baby instead.... I've wondered how pregnancies go when it's a sim...
I guess the economy in our sims neighborhoods are just expensive. :p I still wish we could get shoes to be separate.... sigh... :)
I'm not sure if one of the sims that came to meet and greet kicked the gnome and destroyed it while we weren't looking... but it LOOKED like he...
I haven't had any of my sims get pregnant yet, but my friend has been coming over to play my game and HER sim has gotten morning sickness... so...
Yikes!! Thanks for posting to warn us! I usually save my game before deleting my sim, but since I'm so used to it working I might not have... now...
What about the word Understand? ;)
Funny screenshot! :D I've been wondering about how you can tell if a sim you don't know is a teen or not, I guess I'll try calling them during...
I finally got mine on the 16th, after running to Best Buy on the 14th to find out they had my pre-order but were going to HOLD IT IN THE BACK...
Whoohooo congratulations! :D I hope to be allowed to pick up my pre-order at Best Buy tomorrow... if I'm lucky... :p
Looks like I need to add to my bookmarks, thanks! :D
Hey! I just got FF XI and I'm loving it! I'm on the Phoenix worldserver and I'm playing a Mythra named Faeluna :D ...imagine that.... :p My...
I am SOOO going to be yelled at by my grumpy Animal Crossing neighbors, haha! And my town will be COVERED in weeds! :o :p
Whoohoo indeed! :D I hope my hubby gets off work early so we can pick up my pre-order... sigh... it's so hard they're making me WAIT!!! :p
I guess my sims will be hitting the motherlode a lot then, haha! :D I'm twitching to get the game tomorrow... if they let me... sigh. :p
What's been unbearable for me is I went RUSHING into the store where I'd Pre-Ordered the DVD version of the game, only to discover they DIDN'T...
Now I'm wondering if a pregnant sim can "hide" her pregnancy from the father.... hmmm.... think of the intrigue and surprises if that turns out to...
Start from scratch and see if you can re-create that chaos!!! Think of the impact on the kids when they're grown up! The trauma! The life long...
I love all the creative ways you guys are coming up with names! I hadn't thought of going the historic route, or flipping through the phone book!...
Separate names with a comma.