Alien abduction requirements

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Xenu, Oct 16, 2004.

  1. Amy Sims

    Amy Sims New Member

    I've had all of the Curious brothers adbucted on the same evening. Very strange. I thought adbuctions happened when one reached a certain logic point or didn't actually want to be adbucted...but I guess it must be just random Strangely enough I've had all of my male sims matter where I've placed the telescope, which telescope I've had or how many logic points the sim had.
    I've also had alien sims adbucted which is quite odd to see.
    I'm actually trying to fill Strangetown with nothing but aliens and I have a good supply of alien sims now. I've succeeded once in breeding two alien sims but the game crashed when it was time to give birth. I don't think that it is possible to breed the aliens amongst themselves because they all come from the same 'alien source' which makes them already related.

  2. aquinas210

    aquinas210 New Member

    My Pascal had an alien girl, and when she grew up i had her move neighbourhoods and mad Jhonny move too. They fell in love and then had a baby, but it had normal coloured skin! I tryed again and the same happened. Did anyone else have this problem?Amyway,I've been trying to get my sim abducted for 12 sim days and it hasn't happend. I'm beginning to give up hope.:disappointed:
  3. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Alien family trees are pretty FUBAR: If an alien baby grows up and is subsequently abducted, the resulting child is his own uncle. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out how a child can become his own grandparent.
  4. lou_knee

    lou_knee New Member

    So far I've had two sims in Pleasentville become abducted. One female logic sim and her son who had moved to another lot. I was actuall a bit annoyed when he was abducted, he's wife was already preggers and ther he goes and stargazes and getting himself up the duff. Atleast the human bub was able to turn into a child before the half-alien turned into a toddler. It's funny tho, the wife of the abductee doesn't recognise the alien as family even though it's her husband's kid.:alien: :alien: :alien:
  5. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    That's not funny at all: The wife is not in any way related to the kid. Naturally, she doesn't really consider the kid to be "family" as such.
  6. Maskinisten

    Maskinisten New Member

    Mine gets abducted all the time at night, so I have to stargaze at days or play chess in order to get some logic :S
  7. fuzzy_ferret_luver

    fuzzy_ferret_luver New Member

    Do you have to live in Strangeville to be abducted or can it be anywhere?
  8. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Any neighborhood. :alien:
  9. latmere1

    latmere1 Blah Blah

    any neighbouehood but i think strangehood is the most common for abductions.
  10. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    Ive had the least amount of abductions in strangetown. I think its just flat out random.
  11. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    It's flat out random and also very unlikely. As it turns out, the chance for an abduction is also stated erroneously. Many believe the chance is 5%. This is obviously false, because if it were truly that high, people would be getting abducted left and right. As any D&D player can tell you, anything that happens 5% of the time will happen all the time.

    However, it is true that there is a "5" in the percentage chance to be abducted: It is actually 0.05%, which translates as "never freaking happens". Frankly, your odds of being abducted outside of the scripted Curious family are somewhat worse than your odds of becoming a road waffle every time you cross the street without looking.
  12. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    If my memory is correct, by the time Starboy and Boba Fett Curious grew into toddlers and children, and when Lazlo got himself married, the Curious brothers in my Strangetown no longer were interested in getting abducted by aliens, and ceased to get abducted. The tendency wore off when I imported the Curious family into my custom neighborhood. Odd. :confused: :alien:

    PS: the family tree is even more creepy...not only are Starboy and Boba Fett cousins...they're half-brothers. :D
  13. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Being both cousins and half-brothers isn't really creepy. If you want creepy, try getting one of the aliens abducted. Then your new baby will be his own uncle!
  14. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Now that is creepy o_0
  15. aharris

    aharris New Member

    So, if the game is programmed to detect when you're actively tryign to get your sims abducted, whne does that threshhold get crossed? I can't say that I'm actually trying to get any of sims abducted, but I do have telescopes in nearly all my households. And a lot of my sims like stargazing and do so naturally. So does my game think I'm trying to get them abducted? I've certainly never had anyone get abducted.
  16. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Hi - when i used the boolprop cheat - BE AREFULL and shift-clicked n my female sim, the option 'get pregnant...' and 'by aliens' came up. Not entirely sure whether this works, and whether it works on male sims as well. Once again be careful if you are going to test it out.
  17. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Please don't dig up old threads. This one's from April.
  18. babyace2006

    babyace2006 New Member


    how does the sims get abducted like what happens do they just disappear and then come back or does it show what its like in the spaceship?:p
  19. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    and a year later along comes another passer by with no idea that 2005 is sooooo last year's April fool ... :rolleyes:

    So when you're ready, 123 ... with me ...

    Babyface! Please don't dig up old threads. This one's from 2005!
  20. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Wow, I can't believe that was Babe...and look at her now. It's almost scary how much our roles on the forum change over time. :eek:

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