Darkspore Attn: EA Purchasers

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by Zaughn, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Nyx

    Nyx The Ever-Knowing

    hehe, smilies now tell the stories.
  2. Zaughn

    Zaughn Member

  3. Nyx

    Nyx The Ever-Knowing

  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

  5. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Poor Josh. He's so put upon.
    ManagerJosh likes this.
  6. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    non moving smilies still suck!
  7. Zaughn

    Zaughn Member

    yeah we need some smilies with ACTION!!
  8. gillgamesh

    gillgamesh New Member

    Your type is almost unreadable with that shade of green! (just saying)
  9. Zaughn

    Zaughn Member

    Whos is ??? o_O
  10. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Oh yay a troll or some idiot who likes to copy other people's posts like mine !
  11. Nyx

    Nyx The Ever-Knowing

  12. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

  13. Nyx

    Nyx The Ever-Knowing

  14. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    hee hee hee :)
  15. Nyx

    Nyx The Ever-Knowing

    hee hee hee :)
  16. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    hee hee hee :)
  17. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    hee hee hee :)
  18. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    har har har :)

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