Actually, no it's not. You put emphasis on the word or phrase you want to appear sarcastic...(i.e itallics, all caps or bold) and use smily faces/winky faces to clarify that it is, in fact, lighthearted... and you have a clear impression of sarcasm through text. If it's too hard to distinguish the sarcasm from a "normal toned" comment, than maybe it's time to invest in a sense of humor.
Are you two having a disagreement? I thought this was about the sims 2 not about being sarcasm! Well I am not here to judge but just to be friends with everyone!
hehe... just proving my point... But yes... I agreee... moving on to the subject of this thread! lol!!! But isn't it funny how most threads always go off topic. HEHE it happens!
sad... bella was hot too.. you know, i think she'll be in the game... i have no questions... i wonder if she'll be married to luc tho... and i wonder if mortimor will be hooked up with betty newbie... eeww.... haha...
I sorry I never liked the goths at all or the newbies if that matters. anyway, there are sure to be a huge number of new characters that we will embrace with enthusiasum (sp?) besides all the np's that we can now play with so they aren't really np's any longer are they?
Well they are for a while, that is before you marry them, then once married you control them ..... did i make any sense ?
Rebirth of the Goths First family I'll make will be the Goth Family. Under one roof will be three generations and counting with: Gunther and Cornelia(Goth Sr.), Mortimer, Bella, and finally(for now) Cassandra. Though when I played them I always had Mortimer and Bella cheat on each other and Cassandra was pretty boring. C was more interesting with Sims Teen Plus when all the other teen guys were trying to hit on her. They will never leave, they started it all for me!
I read somewhere that Bella may not be gone! She may be in the game after all just not with her husband and kids! Hmm...That's enough to get you thinking right?