Blind or Mentally Challenged TS2R Members?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ManagerJosh, Dec 7, 2003.

  1. ccboy

    ccboy New Member

    I was banned for a year for absolutely no reason.
  2. ian80

    ian80 New Member

    I would like to say that I am now thoroughly disgusted with the behavior of all involved in this debacle -- HE WAS A THIRTEEN YEAR OLD KID FOR GOD'S SAKE! And now he is resigning. I hope you're proud of yourself. May I remind you - this is a Sims community (it is a video game; it should not be taken too seriously) and they were ONLY snowflakes. You can feed me all the mumbo jumbo you like about how you told him "no" and that you have legal rights, blah blah blah. Yeah, I'd be pissed too if someone stole my script after I told them not too - but he's thirteen and you are an adult. Are you not ashamed of yourself? I would apreciate an honest rebuttle to this. You seem to me like an inteligent guy, so why did you let this escalate (and you DEFINTELY added gas to the fire). I don't care who was right and who was wrong. What I care about is that I would have expected you to be the MATURE one.

    If maxis is following this, I would like to apologize on behalf of the community for the disgusting behavior being exhibited (on both sides). There is no excuse for it.

    PS - I realize this is an attack on you, but...come on. Is it not deserved? I plan to still frequent the site and froth at the mouth with the rest of you as the Sims 2 approached reaches its release date. But can we keep things just a little more civil?
  3. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I don't mind your opinions at all Ian. I personally don't mind it and I have no problems against it. I am probably one of the few people in the world who can take critisim, don't mind being attacked for it and use it. But I would like to point out Ian that if a 13 year old can't learn "no", then what can he learn? I told him no prior to this incidient (it was about only two-three days before)

    So I told him no privately before he even took the snowflakes. I don't think I need to repeat myself to a 13 year old who has the brain capacity of a student in year 8.
  4. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    Wow....I am glad I didn't go to that university...seems like the whole sims community is waring now....... oh well

    *gets in my shelter*
  5. slimsim

    slimsim Often-Idle Member

    josh, i have an idea, take hom to court for stealing Worldsims scripts,
  6. slimsim

    slimsim Often-Idle Member

    Well it's been almost exactly 6 months since The Sims 2 Resource first opened. Although I'm a few hours too late .... Just like to say thanks to all my loyal visitors for choosing us as number 1 for your Sims 2 needs.

    On a not so great note, I am officially handing in my resignation from TS2R, as of the 1st of July 2004 I will no longer be webmaster of The Sims 2 Resource. Co-Webmaster Jill will be stepping up as the webmaster and owner of The Sims 2 Resource.

    After Jill has been given the site I will apply for a job as Head Technician and Chat Master, no longer will I have a roll of high importance at TS2R where I could easily make descisions I end up regretting.

    IF he ever gets a chance to apply because he will be in jail
  7. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Since when did allegiance come into play in this little debacle? So just because someone posts at more than one site they are a "spy"? I could over look everything that has been said about everyone involved, even the claim that Josh was "stealing" by copying and pasting their posts, but I just cant stand ccboy being called a traitor just because he's a mod on this site. So this is what being an enthusiastic simmer gets a person nowadays? I was seriously contemplating posting at the TS2R forums so I could see first hand how pleasant and civil they really are, but I wouldnt want to become a turn-coat now would I?

    Yes, Josh should have been the bigger man and not post at someone's site telling its members to stop going there; and yes, Callan should have NEVER gone to another person's chat and repeatedly done what he did AND hack (did he really, or is that just a rumor?) into the logs neither. Like it's been said to death already; both parties are at fault, but Callan resigning just looks to me like he hasnt got the guts to finish what he started. Just because he's 13 we're supposed to ignore the shameful behavior he exhibited in Josh's chat? He's thirteen, not three.

    However, that's as far as I'm going to involve myself in this "site-war". Nothing ever constructive comes out of arguing on the net, especially over such a trivial matter as some script and the shameful way some people acted.
  8. slimsim

    slimsim Often-Idle Member

  9. ccboy

    ccboy New Member

    I know. I'm partially responsible for that. I linked to WorldSims in my sig and he edited it out.
  10. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Text removed at user's request.
  11. deadtoaster22

    deadtoaster22 New Member

    what did your sig say anyways?
  12. Jake

    Jake New Member

    *sigh* too many comments to comment on. oh well. Is it over yet?

    perhaps this and other threads relating to this topic should be closed? Then people will stop talking about droping the subject and be forced to stop stalking about it. It has grown out of proportion. I'm with the mod at TS2R who closed the thread over there, Bryan for suggesting it and mmmyrs2 for doing it. The fighting may have stopped, but the animosity seems to have not. Frankly, i dont see the point in continuing to post it. No point in poking an old wound eh?

    And on a final note: The name of this thread doesn't help matters at all. It'll just fuel ill feelings from members at TS2R and do we really want members of the sims community feeling ill towards each other? I saw lots of talk about being nice to other simmers and such.. please tell me it wasn't just talk. There's a song by Relient K (Hello McFly) that has a line in it i like "actions speak louder than words"
  13. amethyst_88

    amethyst_88 New Member

    lmao, the whole idea everything started about snowflakes is still funny to me. anyway, so now i see TS2R is trying to help make sales on computer stuff or something. what's that about?
  14. caramelcutie411

    caramelcutie411 New Member

    They're trying to gain some popularity out of it..

    Personally I think it's a sad move...
  15. amethyst_88

    amethyst_88 New Member

    of course, if they're gonna help someone else they should get something out of it too at least. but still it's strange they're helping worldsims when i thought they hated each other. hopefully that's all over and that's why they're trying to make peace, maybe lol
  16. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

  17. caramelcutie411

    caramelcutie411 New Member

    They can make money out of it?

    Oh, and it looks like he's selling his website to the highest bidder. . .
  18. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    Thats strange!!
  19. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    Thats callan for ya

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