Building my own system Im planning on building my own system this spring but Im pretty new at this whole concept. Does anyone know any good books out there that would help or any good sites?? Any help at all would be appreciated. Thanks
My hubby and I just went around looking at all the parts we needed at the local computer parts store and then when we were checking out they volunteered to assemble the computer for free... are you wanting to do something like that or are you wanting to learn how to put it all together too? I was wanting to do that but hubby wanted a working computer fast instead!! Anything I'm just learning or looking into I do a search on and try to look up information and guides, you might try that. For books you might try doing searches on Good luck with your project!!
Car boot sales are also quite good, though make sure you're getting a good deal and always ask for the drivers (if needed). and the Microsoft site is very helpful