I don't play with Servos very often. When I do, I use lots of Mods to manage them: Servo do less chores by Pescado I think, the InSim, and Squinge's old "Servos change appearance" hack. I loved that one! I created a Servo named Data, used the change appearence hack to change him into some downloaded Data skin, hair, and suit I had downloaded somewhere. Data became a proud Daddy later on when he fell in love with his creator. It was very sweet. Of course, now that Squinge has retired, I don't think that his change appearence hack has been updated for BV, nor has his hacks for Sims wearing downloaded maternity clothes. (sigh)
I have been away from this forum for way to long, but i have OFB, NL and Uni, so now I have a huge community with more than 30 playable lots, and over 40 houses I have downloaded and are ready to go. Robots. I love them. I had this sim starting to learn the process of making robots from scratch, as they do, and by the time he build his first Servo, the servo took over. He also started from building small toy-robots, but eventually caught on just fine. Now this household has 4 Servos, build by two of the Servos. The Sim build an addition to the house just for them, complete with 2 computers(for writing books on), and 4 easels(for making masterpieces). On average I make apporximately 6000 simoleons a day, just by having them doing all the work. My sim goes to work, date, buy stuff, the usual. And the robots just need a little care once in a while, and they would be fine. I have thought about the four of them should leave to start their own family, but I dont know.
Hey, Jake, I found an easier way to make a Servo--Monique at MTS2 has a hacked computer that will allow your sims to purchase a Servo, instantly. I bought one yesterday to try it out, because I wanted to take a family on vacation and didn't want to hire a sitter for the toddler and pets. (giggles evilly) I love my hacks, don't know what I'd do without them!!!
I'm sick of these crazy servos. Power up, power down, run amok, do chores, "I'm lonely! I'm bored!" They're practically human. I still have to keep the one who wants to talk about grilled cheese, though. He's probably one in a million.