What kind of chat program did you use for the old chat, and what kind of program would you use for the new one?
good questions...the old chat had lots of smilies and a buch of diffrent rooms, it was also down a lot, if i remember correctly...and yes josh, what will the new one be like?
It certainly would be different with penguins.. but then we miss the other ple.. so how about polar bears?? Joke aside. It would be great with a chat too. And i'm as curious as the rest for waht it would be like. So Josh. What do you have in mind for us??
the chat we would use would be a modified version of phpmychat. It would merge with the forums. http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmychat
Ermmm. Josh.. I looked at that site... ermm. There's a lot of swedish in it??? It's a mix of swedish and english.. can you explain that phenomena?
I think that is luck, Nina. Sourceforge is known to translate itself automatically to the language of preference of a user's PC.
Well, a chat room eats up a LOT a Bandwith, like my site went from 500 megs a month to over 1000 megs...just from the chat room alone...it might cost more...or cost the site to be temporilary down...just something to think about,
to be down, or to be not down, that is the qustion... no but seriosly, sure it would be great to have a chat here, but would we really want it down al the time or stuff like that?
i just thought of something, if Josh wants more visitors, then he might get a few more if he had the chat, because it would end up being much like thesims only a lot weaker, and we would have mod's on all the time or almost all the time, what would the mods be named if Josh did make a chat...?
Thanks Josh.. As always a good answer from you. :classic: I think a chat would be good, would prob. get a lot of people in. But should anyone have access? No i don't think so, It would of course be for members only But I did get an idea here, need to think about it a little. could something for guest , and is pretty easily controlled too.