Download problems, hanging loads, and queues to enter games greet new players. EA promised again and again that its servers were entirely prepared to handle the influx of players simultaneously logging on for today's North American launch of the always-online SimCity reboot. But we had our doubts that things would go as smoothly as expected, and it seems like our fears were well-founded.
Promises promises promises ! I've heard cows fart in the pasture before and it didn't sound any different than a lot of EA's promises!
Still don't understand why this has to be online... while playing my CPU barely hit 50% usage. Couldn't do anything with the region though as the servers are up and down. Guess I'll log back on and see how much of my city didn't save to the 'cloud'. Don't know why it can't save locally and then sync like Steam does...
Let's just face it. This is a miserable failure on EA's part. They screwed this up completely. And they still have not fixed this ridiculous blunder of theirs.
Has been more stable tonight... it disconnects but then seems to reconnect fine, but I want my cheetah speed back! Just hit 300k pop in one of my cities. So much traffic its insane. Wind changed and now my industrial smoke is in the residential high rises... and now they're all sick. The traffic really is the main issue, and the AI. Fires around the city and all 10 of the truck are at the one building... Also fairly certain some of the cars go through an entire ingame day without reaching there destination. This blocks up emergency services as they seem to wait in line rather than going around/ploughing through.
It really is a shame the launch was so bad, it really is a fun game apart from and few bugs, and the traffic!
When Maxis has final and ultimate say, they do good things. Where items Maxis must collaborate with EA on (ie. Servers), EA screws up royally.
While EA really do seem to have badly predicted the demand and load on the servers, it also seems that the servers have never been designed to be scaled up to begin with. I do not understand why I can't play my cities on different servers.