coffee house :)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sugar_junkie, Oct 25, 2002.

  1. Billie

    Billie New Member

    Mind if I join you?...
    (orders a double chocolate latte and sits down to watch)
    I enjoy learning new things... I finally got that appliqued top you gave me quilted Pokey, and another top finished for Courtney, now it waits to be quilted next. :)
  2. Emidio

    Emidio New Member

    *Exchanges the dreamcatcher with south american red macaw feathers!*

    *Gives Pokey a huge hug because of the dreamcatcher....*

    *Makes a photocopy of the dreamcatcher and gives to Tess :p * J/K
  3. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Hello all...can I join you?
    (orders a mocha latte and sits down)

    So, Billie, it sounds like you like to you do alot of it? I've tried some quilting recently but haven't put my squares together yet!! Wish me luck!! :)
  4. sugar_junkie

    sugar_junkie Active Member

    lol,ood luck on the quilt bookworm :D

    *orders a mocha frappuchino* :D
  5. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Cool Bookworm. Quilts are easy, but time consuming. I have never bought a quilt in my life, have help make them all. My grandmother and mother both quilted, so I have been making them since I was about 12. My mothers' house has a king size quilting frame hanging from the ceiling. Before I moved, my mom, aunt and myself could quilt a king sized quilt in two days. :p
  6. sugar_junkie

    sugar_junkie Active Member

    woah,hey ala can ya make dreamcatchers? just wunderin :p
  7. Billie

    Billie New Member

    Hi everyone...
    Yes, I do enjoy sewing, the joy of the whole process greatly intrigues me...especially quilting. :D That and my music (piano and singing) are two important parts of my life. Now and again I even manage to put a few words on paper, but not very often.
    A few years ago, I nearly lost the joy from Pokey can verify, when we got roped into making new bed ensembles for a dear old friend... she wanted the whole works...:confused:
    I managed to get my friend here to come over and we spent all night getting it finished.:)

    Hey I think I need a refill...(orders another chocolate latte) and sits back to enjoy everyone's company.
  8. timz2rules

    timz2rules New Member

    *walks in quietly and sits down*
  9. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Oh yea, that was a sewing marathon nightmare. But heh, we got it done, and put all the stuff in her place for her. We were glad when we finished that one. :p

    And yes Tess, I make dreamer catchers, and mandola's and assorted other native american types of crafts. :classic:

    *gets a double chocoalte latte and sits at the table*
  10. sugar_junkie

    sugar_junkie Active Member

    Coooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D lol i got a dreamcatcher in my room and a dreamcatcher necklace,lol, how d ya make em?
  11. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    It's not that hard to do. You start with a ring the size that you want, it can be wood, metal, plastic. Then you wrap the ring (if it is something other than natural wood) with leather and tie that off. Then you use some sort of rope or thick thread and weave the web part starting on the ring and work toward the middle adding any beads or things as you go. Finish that off and then add your feathers and any other decorations to that. :p
  12. kellie

    kellie New Member

    We had to make dreamcatchers in grade four. Mine looked hilarious!
  13. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    lol, Kellie...when I studied Mexico in Grade 4 we were told to make these "ojo di dios" or something or other that supposedly meant "eye of God" and they were made by winding yarn around the center of two crossed Q-tips working outwards to the THAT was a homely project!! Of course, it might have looked better but we were obviously provided with scraps of yarn than no self-respecting person would have used! lol I was confused for years afterward and thought the Spanish had invented Q-tips! LOL :LOL:
    *orders another mocha latte*
  14. kellie

    kellie New Member

    LOL book! Funny, all my projects I did seemed to look homely.
  15. Jake

    Jake New Member

    *grabs a coke rather than coffee as he dont like coffee and stits in a dark corner*

    i've started a quilt.. have yet to even finish the blocks tho :p I also have done a bit of cross stitching (speleen?) i personally prefer computer stuff... works the mind a lot more.
  16. Emidio

    Emidio New Member

    Hey people! Just writing to tell I'm still alive :) and that i went to a so great disco on saturday! PPl, check the site

    The thing is AMAZING! The disco is the bigger of America, and it was built in an old Sugar factory, so it's so psycodelic! Because you can see some old machines decorated with neon lights and the OMG, the light effects are out of these world! There's an big wheel, in wich the lights are placed (they turn arround, 360 and in any color, intensity, type) and the big wheel that has about 10 lights of these, come down, and turns a lot! And the lights keep turning, and OMG. Each of the 360 lights costed about 500.000 reais. Something 300.000 dolars. The entire building and installations cost (shocking price) 3.500.000.000 reais... Or dollars!!!!! The thing is just perfect, perfect people, music, illumination, all! OMG, I wanna live there, ya know? The entire ground shines (on the dancefloor) on a huge variety of colors. And OMG, it's perfect! Check the site, people. You probably won't understand the language, but check some pictures arround the website.:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    How are you people??? I keep studying a lot, but i still have some free time to post! :) I guess i got tooo much you know, woo-hoo about the disco and i got enthusiasmed... Well, you'll see me arround here...

    *Sits, grab a donut and shut up*:eek:
  17. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    *eyes Emidio's doughnut with longing...decides time again!*

    Well, I've never been to a disco but I did see Saturday Night Fever when it came out and was TOTALLY embarrassed by my friend who sat next to me and sang under her breath all the songs in the movie...the worst part is she is totally tone-deaf!!! It was horrible and people kept looking back and making shush noises ME! And I WASN'T the one singing!!!! :eek:

    *am so depressed at memory, that I end up grabbing a doughnut and shovelling it into my face! lol*
  18. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    If I remember, the colour of the message is a bit better.
    Your story reminds of my only wacking at school (not allowed now!!!). A neighbour threw ink onto my writing pad - not seen by the teacher. I tried to throw ink back but couldn't. That was noticed and I got wacked. That was my first taste of 'justice'.
    I am thinking that I disagree with the slogan on your notes. Surely the good do nothing most of the time, don't they? Whoever they are?
  19. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    Sounds like you had a really good time Emidio!! I have never been to a disco either.
  20. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    discos are old...u should say nightclub

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