Conference at Electronic Arts Redwood Shores Part 4

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ManagerJosh, Nov 19, 2003.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Conference at Electronic Arts Redwood Shores Part 4

    Asset Creation

    In this edition of our continuing coverage on The Sims 2 University at Electronic Arts, Redwood Shores, we are highlighting Asset Creations spoken by Charles London and Dave Patch

    This edition is relatively short unfortunately, and I apologize for this since I wrote very little and wrote with poor penmanship on these set of notes which is making it extremely difficult to reading them. As I cross my notes with other webmasters, Ill bring you extended issues on Asset Creation to help you get a better idea what it is all about.

    Creating new custom content will be completely simplified. Walls and floors have all pre-made templates that allow us to apply textures to them. So basically if we have a wall with one frame or template, and 10 different textures, we have 10 possible walls and/or floors. Multiply the number of possible templates, and we have additional walls/floors.

    Each templates base walls and floors can be combined with pre-made sets.

    Our Sims themselves can be customized to quite a degree. From Tops, Bottoms, Full Body, Hair Color. Basically you can customize everything possible, and you are just limited basically to your own imagination.

    Ill finish this edition off talking about a brand new game feature that I didnt cover yesterday, which is called Memory.

    Yes Memory. As in how you remember things.

    Our Sims now have memory on previous events. It affects their social behavior and how they interact with people. Bad memories would influence them by giving them a negative attitude towards that person or event, and good memories would bring positive attitude towards that person or event.

    Like any person, our Sims have a tendency of having a bad memory and its difficult to erase the bad memory and replace it with a good memory. Sound familiar? Yep it does. It is based on a thing called life.

    Stay tune for our upcoming edition of The Sims 2 Coverage where we highlight Object Engineering.

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