Curtains Up

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by babewithbrains_14, Dec 18, 2005.

  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Awwww ... how very sweet.
  2. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 13

    I lay my head on his chest, smiling. We were watching a film in his room. Suddenly the DVD stopped after a second I looked up at Stuart in bewilderment. He was pointing the remote at the TV set.


    How long have we been dating, Soph? he asked me.

    Three months, two weeks and four days, I replied instantly. Why?

    Ive been thinking.

    I waited.


    Ive been thinking, Sophia, Ive been just wondering, really

    Yes My heart was thumping. Was this it? Was I dumped?

    Whether we should move in together.

    I pounced on him, kissed him, pushed him down, pulled off his shirt.

    Thats a yes, then? he gasped, ran his fingers through my hair, kissed me back.
  3. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Quite a low and long post, but I loved writing it. I just went on and on!​

    Installment: 14

    I was always top of the class. People told me that if I studied hard at school Id get good grades and get a good job when I was older. But Daddy hadnt gone to college, and scoffed whenever somebody said it.

    I never went to college, hed say, in that big booming voice that you couldnt tune out no matter what. and look at me. A beautiful daughter, a gorgeous wife, an enormous house no, college is just an excuse to get into debt partying.

    By then the person who told me to study hard would get embarrassed, make excuses and leave. Daddy was right though. Thats why I never went to college. As soon as I became a legal adult I took out my savings and bought a house, and a small place in the local business district I say small, but it still cost almost 100,000. My savings were gone in a poof of smoke I even had to borrow money from my parents. Daddy was wary at first the first 3 times I went round he slammed the door in my face but I got round him in the end. It took a lot of cab journeys though.

    He was very set in his ways. Thats why it was such a shock when he told us he was leaving. At first I thought he was joking, even though my Daddy never did that he never played tricks, hated it when Mum or I tried to play one on him. No, he sat Mum and I both down at the big table in the dining room and told us both together. Thats another thing about him. He hated keeping secrets from the rest of the family. Looking back on that now, its a little ironic - maybe even a reason - why he told us everything.

    He looked into Mums eyes and simply said, Mary-Jo, Im leaving you. Mum went pale, stayed silent and nodded. I felt like slapping her. He was always treating her badly, like a trophy wife. For once, wasnt she going to stand up for herself? And what about me? Didnt she care her only daughter was going to grow up without a Daddy? No. Didnt seem that way. She just shook her head, tossing her caramel curls when he tried to peck her on the cheek to say goodbye. I thought Daddy would come back he was my big, strong Daddy, with a booming voice and an expensive smell. I waited months for him and in the end, I got a phone call.

    Michelle, I want you to come and meet your step-mum. And your 2 sisters. I almost dropped the phone. Daddy hadnt even been gone 4 months yet. How could he have this new family? Did he just forget about me?

    So I went round. Met Suzy, my step-mum. She was blonde, and curvy, and wore tight clothes and a lot of lipstick. She called my Daddy Lou like a toilet. Every time she called him that, I felt like screaming. Hes Louis, not Lou!!! And she used to just perch on his knee when he was sat in an armchair and drape herself all over him. My sisters werent up to much either Carol and Lynnette. They were like twins both blonde with big blue eyes, always singing or dancing. They tried to teach me a dance with them, to show Daddy and Suzy, but I didnt do it right. Carol and Lynnette always referred to Daddy as theirs or 'our' He was mine first.

    Daddy was disappointed. Hed wanted to see if I could stay with him, I could tell. But I didnt want to leave Mum. And I wasnt stupid. Daddy had obviously been with Suzy for years and years Lynnette was 13, Carol 8.

    After that first visit I didnt go back. And I only heard from Daddy once or twice afterwards but the real shocker was when the postman came. The last contact with Daddy had been 3 years ago, so when this invite came to his wedding, I tore it apart. It didnt even say he was marrying Suzy this was someone called Ricki. On the back of the invite was a picture of them both together. My Daddy - slightly wrinklier and a bit fatter around the waistline with his arm around Ricki. She had bright red hair.

    With my Mum things had gotten rough. She had sunk into a deep depression after Daddy left, and eventually she killed herself. She was only 36. I dont like talking about her that much.

    And so I buried myself in my studies, concentrating on saving up so I could get a life and move out of this huge, empty, house.
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Now I want to reach into the computer and give Michelle a hug. I didn't think the post was too long. I was interested all the way through. :)
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I agree. She feels like a real person already.
  6. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 15

    This house was amazing. It wasnt that big, or fancy, but I loved it. It was just so amazing to be sharing everything with Stuart.

    Work was piling up though I was neglecting assignments. There just didnt seem to be enough time in the day! Most of it was taken up spending time with Stuart. We were now at the up close and personal stage, and I felt like a part of this couple. For the first time in my life, I was a half of someone.

    I stomped home one day, stressed as hell. I felt like killing my teacher she was constantly critical of me! It just felt like she was never off my back!

    I flew through the front door, slamming it behind me. Stuart!!! I yelled, I threw my bag on the floor, collapsed onto the sofa holding my head in my hands, and kicked off my shoes. There was no reply, but hed have told me if he was going out. Stuart? I began to tiptoe through the house, calling him. I looked through the kitchen window into the back garden, and stopped dead.
  7. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 16

    Where is she? I whispered to myself. My watch read 19:55. Sophia didnt finish class until 20:00. I grabbed the bottle, and poured out two glasses.

    Was I actually going to do this? Was I prepared? What would she say?

    The front door slammed, and I gulped my drink.

    Too late now.
  8. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 17

    Stuart, whats going on? I asked as I walked down the steps into the back garden. It looked amazing. There was a top-of-the-range hot-tub installed, surrounded by candles on tables. Stuart was stood holding two glasses of champagne, dressed in his most expensive suit.

    Sophia, he said, handing me a glass. I wanted to surprise you. I smiled.

    Well, you did. I took a sip of champagne and looked around. But why? Stuart looked at the ground, and placed his glass on one of the tables. And then he kneeled down, pulling a small box out of his pocket.

    Sophia. I gasped, and my eyes began to well up. From the moment I set eyes on you, I knew you were the one I would be with. Please, please, make me sure that it will be for the rest of my life because I dont know what I would do without you. Will you be my wife?

    Ye- I paused for a split second. Was I sure I was ready for this? And for that split second, I could see he knew I was hesitating, and his face was just pure depression. I couldnt do it.-s. Yes! Of course! He jumped up, and I flung my arms around him. His arms felt so strong around me, he was keeping me safe any doubts I had instantly vanished. Obviously this was right! This couldnt be wrong we were a perfect couple. We were going to last for ever.
  9. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!


    1) Champagne!
    2) A kiss.

    I have more, but they aren't very good. I didn't get any of the actual proposal :(.

    Attached Files:

  10. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 18

    Everything was so hectic! This new house was tiny compared to my old one. I had a bedroom, a bathroom, kitchen with small dining area, and a living room. I wasnt really bothered about the size though. I was going to spend more time at the salon I had bought. I hadnt been able to think of a good name, and so I juts kept it the way it was. I had redecorated though! There was pink, black and white everywhere now. It looked fantastic. I also had a couple of employees. They werent up to much, but they would do for

    Business was a little slow, to be honest. I hadnt even unpacked properly when I had a bad review, which didnt help. But Ill work on it, and show that reporter.

    So far, Id had two customers for a makeover. One was a local guy who came in with red hair down to his shoulders.

    I want it all off. He said, looking in the mirror opposite. I looked at him appraisingly.

    You want a skinhead?

    Well, no. I dont mean that I mean he clicked his fingers as he struggled for the word.

    Something different? I suggested.

    Yes! Thats it exactly! I want something different.

    Hmmm. I circled him and studied his features carefully. He had the most amazing blue eyes, hidden by this greasy hair. How about a colour?
    He left a happy man. Blue hair went fantastically with his eyes, and the short cut gave his face a most amazing well. He looked all rough and manly.

    Then there was a young dark skinned girl, a petite little thing with a waist smaller than stepmother number twos.

    Hi, Im Jamie. Im going to a party tonight, she said confidently. And my ex boyfriend is going to be there, so I-

    Want to show him what hes missing. I finished for her with a smile.

    Yaha. I want shorter hair, but Id hate to cut it.

    Dont worry Ill sort you out. I gave the most fantastic swizzled hair design ever.

    So when did you break up? I asked as I finished trimming.

    About a year ago now. Its just, hes with a new girl, and I thought it might have turned into something special he didnt even give us a chance.

    Did it not last long then?

    Two weeks. I winced.

    I really, really, liked him. But he was doing her behind my back all along.

    So are you seeing anyone now? I scooped the hair up and twizzled.

    No. All men are ****s. I laughed and she smiled. How about you? Currently involved?

    No, not me - I havent really got time for a relationship right now. What with the business to run, and all. I clipped the last section of hair into place and squirted some spray on. Youre done!

    Wow! Its fantastic! You are so creative! I laughed as Jamie admired herself in the mirror. Thank you so much!

    She was standing by the register sighing later on.

    Luc, what are you doing? I said sharply, nudging him out of the way and taking control of the register. Youre trying to bill her 3,500 for a lolly?

    I know, I know, he mumbled moving quickly away red faced. Im erm just gonna be

    Sorry, I smiled sympathetically. New guy, you know

    I know. She grinned back. Thanks again for the hair.

    Oh, its no problem. Okay, thats 35p please.

    Great, she said, handing the money over. See you around. As she turned to go, she paused and turned back. Listen, if your staff arent up to much, I could come in and show them the ropes if you wanted. I used to work in my uncles toy shop. She paused. You wouldnt have to pay me.

    Jamie, that's a very generous offer, but I'd feel bad about not paying you. How about if I hire you instead? She grinned.

    Ill see you Monday.

    Attached Files:

  11. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    He looks great with blue hair!!

    I've used the barber's chair a whole two times. Once was a freebie that I could change the looks, the other was a paying customer. I had no control, and by the time my sim was done, the customer looked like a clown. I thought it was pretty funny, though the customer did not.
  12. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    I think both times were freebies, actually. All sims in my game are cheap.
  13. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 19

    Jamie was natural. She had such a sunny personality, and new how to nudge customers towards making that purchase. And Luc was embarrassed when there were so many customers to serve but had no clue how to work the till until Jamie stepped in. She taught him which buttons to press and his confidence bloomed there was nobody yelling or giggling at him now, and he started to get a great rapport with customers. In fact, I think I saw a little spark between them, and that was another problem. I didnt want to go all scary boss but I knew from high-school experience that relationships with someone from work wasnt always the best of ideas. In fact, it had gotten me fired from the McDonalds around the corner. Oops.

    I was going over stock on Thursday evening, as I do every weeknight. There were no customers or employees in, and I was all alone. Or so I thought.

    Bang. It sounded like wood hitting something, and I tensed. Was this a break-in? I listened carefully. There were footsteps coming from out front, and I was in the back office. I took off my shoe stiletto heels. Not always the most practical, but used in a situation like this and they could work in my favour.

    I tiptoed well, limped - along the hallway and put my ear against the door. I could hear humming. Oooh. This was no ordinary burglar.

    I took a deep breath, and opened the door.
  14. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 20

    Ohmygod. I just cant stop laughing!!!

    Michelle didnt know I was staying late after work mainly because I forgot to tell her and heard me drop the brush on the floor. She thought I was a burglar, and came in limping wielding a stiletto shoe as a weapon!

    EEYAH!!! she screamed as she came in I was so shocked, I dropped the brush again, and screamed one of the most girlish screams of my life, and then Michelles war cry joined my shriek. Then we both stopped and laughed.

    Phew, Michelle gasped, putting her shoe back on. We were both breathing pretty heavily. Hi, Jamie.

    Hey, Michelle. I replied, grinning weakly. I had the most painful stitch in my side, but somehow the shock of seeing Michelle burst in wasn't the thing making my heart race.
  15. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 21

    Sophia had been away for the weekend on a course trip, and I had a surprise for her. I had made our basement into our own little private love nest, with a love tub, a king-size bed, and flowers and candles galore. This was my fiance, and I wanted to reassure her that I was going to spoil her. She dumped her bag in the hallway when she got back.

    ‘Hey sexy, I’ve missed you.’ She breathed down my ear as she threw her arms around me. ‘Eurgh, you’re all dusty! You need a shower.’ She raised an eyebrow. ‘Or rather, we need a shower. Lets go.’ Sophia grabbed my hand and began to lead me up the stairs.

    ‘Not yet,’ I said, and pulled her back sharply so she spun round and into me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her deeply. ‘I have a surprise for you.’ It was my turn to lead now. She giggled.

    ‘Shouldn’t I be blindfolded for this?’

    ‘No sugar, that’s for later.’ I winked, and continued to pull her round. We got outside and I stopped at the top of the stairs that went down to the basement. ‘Right baby, you wait here. No peeking.’ I gave her a quick kiss.

    ‘Make sure you stay right here – I won’t be long.’

    I shut the basement doors behind me and gave a quick scan of the room. Wow. She was going to love it. Before it had just been an old storage room. Lighting the last candle, I smiled. I had finally found my soulmate.

    ‘Right Sophia, you can come now.’ I called, poking my head through, expecting an excited squeal or at least a reply, but there was nothing. I stepped outside. ‘Sophia?’

    She was gone.
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Oh, no. Not good. :( Sophia missing, I mean, not the story which is always fun.
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    OK, Missy no week-long cliffhangers here. Where is Sophia?

    Very fun story. I loved the "burglar" incident. I could picture it so clearly.

    Good stuff, Babe.
  18. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Installment: 22

    She couldn’t think for herself. She could barely feel. She was floating in nothingness, surrounded by beings that were not there. Whispers surrounded her, and there was a screaming in her head that she wanted to shut out but only a tiny part, deep inside her, was awake to try and fight it. She didn’t have the energy, and wanted let go of all consciousness. But that tiny part of her kept fighting and nagged her. She couldn’t sleep. She had to survive.

    ‘Let me sleep,’ she thought. ‘Let me let go. There’s no point in me fighting anymore.’

    ‘No.’ whispered a voice inside her defiantly, but she couldn’t fight it. She began to slip, drifting away…

    Behind her, there was movement. Barely conscious, she could still sense it. She didn’t know who it was, but she knew something was going to happen. Something big.

    Her surroundings flashed white, and Sophia jolted upright, eyes open wide. She had never experienced so much pain. Her body trembled but she was as stiff as a board.

    ‘Stop,’ she whispered. ‘Make it stop.’

    It lasted a split second but felt like a lifetime. The light vanished and she plunged back into nothingness, her body drooping and curling up, her eyes closing.

    That split second had just changed her life.
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    This actually gave me chills, Babe. I think she's been kidnapped by aliens but I'm not sure. Someone's kidnapped her, anyway. I'm waiting to find out. :eek:
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Me, too! I've read that a few times and I still can't figure out what happened. I hope she's going to be OK!

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