good day bar

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by hataz_gon_hate, Jan 14, 2003.

  1. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    right...i like dogs...chihuahuas!
  2. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    no, no, no, no, no! i forgot the color again! can someone remind me of the color?
  3. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    My daughter also has a small dog - a Yorkshire terrier. We have 'normal' sized dogs - not great big ones. We see a retriever most days and, occasionally, a couple of Rhodesian Ridgebacks. I think that man's wife kept them as guards because her husband used to work abroad. He has finished that now. We used to see a Rottweiler but I haven't seen that for several months now. That is a very nice dog, but very big.
    We also have a goat (Golden Gurnsey), a duck (ordinary - can't remember what kind). A hen (who, like a cat and a dog we have, should be dead by now); a Chinchilla (who also ought to be dead) a Zebra Finch (also very old); several cats, etc etc etc
  4. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    see, told ya! life story!

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