Sorry! Charlie? Oh wait! we don't have a charlie that I know of. (if we do, I apologize profusely) Any how... Kat?
Nope its the "old geezer" making a final appearance before setting out for Warren, Ohio -- the one in the USA ) -- to have me a cook-out with Vchat as the only guest Gary?
Lynet, aren't you late for work? Oh, well, you can come in with me, and we'll pretent that everyone else is obnoxiously early. Mirelly?
Vchat, you survived Mirelly's BBQ? Good for you. Well, it might take her some time to get from England to OH, you know, air travel not being as fast as it used to be with security and all. So, maybe you should get the BBQ pit going for her. Okay, who's next? I predict, umm, Witches.
nope moi still stuck at Heathrow but I am sat here with my ticket to fly and a big pair of barbie tongs ... Lynet sounds good to me though and I haven't been right since this thread started :(
Yeah! Wow! I'm home from work, now. Wasn't as late as I'd thought I'd be...only a couple of minutes. SuiteMichelle?