guess whos next

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by ss8goku, Feb 16, 2003.

  1. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I'm coming! And I'm doing really well actually. I got to say my goodbyes at the funeral today, and I did my crying. We shared stories, and it is a little easier since it was obviously her time to go. I'm doing pretty good with it all.

    Babe, guessing you again!
  2. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Nope its me taking a page out of Lynet's book, late for work. ah well

  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Nope, me. Here a bit late today.

    Sorry about your aunt, Shana. She sounds a lot like my mom's cousin, who was also more like a grandmother to me. She was a lot older than my mom. She died a few years ago at age 93 after a long happy life, never married (proposed to twice but too independent). She was strong in her faith too, traveled until her mid-seventies, very active in women's rights causes in Minnesota. She even has a scholarship named after her.

    Sounds like they were two birds of a feather. I miss her terribly but she told me herself, she was ready to go. When your body starts to fail you and you've lived that long sometimes death is welcome. I can't imagine it, but I'm not 93.

    I miss her every day but I have my memories. She's one of my heroes.

    Let's see ... I'm guessing Lynet.
  4. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Wow. I feel really bad about your Aunt. It's tough when a loved one leaves us. I suppose it's even stranger when she has such a strong personality. Thinking of you!
  5. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Thanks for all the support everyone. It's life back to normal today, back at work, blah...hard to come back after being gone for a week. SBW - sure does sound like they would have gotten along fabulously!

  6. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    Losing people you love sucks. My dad passed away last year, and it REALLY sucked, but his cancer was making him senile, so I guess it was better than him suffering.

    I guess I'll stick with the trend: Lynet?
  7. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Sorry to hear that MegRen, must be really hard losing a parent. I'm sure you are right though, he's in a better place now than having to suffer.

    why ruin a good thing...Lynet, you ever going to join us?
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm here, folks. Been playing the game, and searching the sites for a veil for my sim.

    Sorry to hear about everyone's losses. I've lost parents and grandparents but all of them lived long, good lives.

    Time to guess someone else now :)o since I'm late for the forum now, too)

  9. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Glad to see you did join us though!

    Mirelly? Haven't heard from you in a while!
  10. kuponutty

    kuponutty Confused little moogle

    I'm back from my flashback to The Sims.

    So, who's been playing TS lately? You, SBW?
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Na na! :p Shana should've guessed me as the person after the next :rolleyes:

    OK then ... <scratches head> ... Megren ... you still hanging out here?
  12. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Hey, I was close! Any points scored for being close?

    What do you think Babe?
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    NOW it's me. Yes, Kupo, been playin' up a storm. Check out my story for more info if you haven't already ...

    I'm having a blast. It's really fun to have two completely different households (OK, three if you count the parents). I've got Mr. and Mrs. Conventional and then my rowdy fighting jobless vamps. And believe it or not, I enjoy playing both equally. Zaire and Castor are even more in love now that I've steered him away from "muscular vampires" as a turn-on. He kept wanting to spend waaaaaaaay too much time with Spike, even though they both like girls. :rolleyes:

    Now he likes brown-haired girls with makeup, and they've got three bolts for each other. All together now ... awwwww. I don't think it's cheating. I think a person's tastes can change, and he and Zaire are perfectly matched.

    Oops. Off topic!!! Sorry. Um, Lynet?
  14. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!


    At first I was a little unsure about the whole vamp thing, but I guess it can be fun. Btw, I forgot to ask in your other thread, SBW--why is all the area around London and Spike's home grey? Is it some kind of new terrain?

  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    It's cement, 123. It is a new terrain, along with dirt. I made Porta de Luca dirt, and while it's more realistic it's a bit ugly. Dirt ugly in fact. :p But it's kind of fun to have to lay sod ... just wish adjacent panels would show effects better. I put sand all around the beach I made, for example, but it doesn't show up.

    Could be my inferior video card again.

    Um, let's see ... Kupo?
  16. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Nope, it's me. I also used dirt for my new neighborhood with the DeFoy twins. And now that I can see what the concrete one looks like I'm kind of glad I didn't choose that...too sterile for my liking. I've only been able to play the sims for about 2 hours since I've been back from vacation, tonight I have nothing going on. Ian and Melanie are finally going to get a downtown's still empty!

    Umm...lets see...Kupo?
  17. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    na na! ;)

    Oh ... er ... Shana? You still about, gal?
  18. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I am still here, someone has had me on hold for the past 10 minutes...looking for a fricken check number...If you call me and ask if we received a specific check, why can't you have it all ready for me...seriously...I don't ask for much. Plus she keeps calling me Sheena...I'm not the queen of the jungle! It's pronounced Shay-nah! Arg! Gah..,okay, venting done, thanks for listening!

    Anyone else have some of those frusterating problems at work? SBW?
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Ooooh, yeah. Still here. Waiting on a client, but this is a nice one, rare in my biz. I don't mind making changes for her, I appreciate the fact that she's always polite and nice. So I don't really mind.

    Still, I've been there, definitely.

    My parents are in town and I'd like to see them tonight. We'll see if I get out of here at a reasonable time.

    Um, Babe?
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    No, it's me. Home from work and waiting for my man. We're going out to dinner.:D

    So I'll try, Babe?

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