guess whos next

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by ss8goku, Feb 16, 2003.

  1. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!


    ...nothing really to say. I spent the whole weekend drawing and coloring illustrations for a crappy children's book we have to do for ILA, and I am exhausted. My arm is like rubber from going back and forth. :( Ergh.

  2. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    sorry to disappoint..hehe!...i guess the next one is...anyone?!!
  3. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I checked the membership list just to be sure, but "Anyone" is not a registared member. Nor is "Everyone".

    I'll guess snake???
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Sssssss ... no, just me. I was born in the year of the snake, though, if that helps.

    You're illustrating children's books, 123? Fairly advanced for what, the 7th grade?

    I'll guess ... Kristal.
  5. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Nope, tis me! Nothing too exciting going on in my world... I did go and see Saw II last night about freaky!

  6. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    Nope. I really want to see Saw II, but my cousin says I can't see that one unless I see the first one, which I haven't. Maybe I'll rent it... Oh, and I can't wait for the new Harry Potter movie coming out in a couple of weeks! I'm so excited!

    Let's see...Mirelly?
  7. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Well, we're illustrating our own children's books, and only 6 page long ones at that.

    Saw is the SCARIEST MOVIE EVER! I didn't even see it and I got so freaked out when my cousin told me about it. I've had nightmares all the time, since I was like 3 or something, and when I found out no one else did I was like, "What's wrong with me?" :confused: :eek: Seriously, though, I don't think it's good for me.

  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL ya got me. Did you see saw? Nah I was on the swings ... :p

  9. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    ROTFL whew...needed that one today. Oh, and 123, it was very freaky, i don't recommend it if you scare easily...I do, I had nightmares...I'm almost 25. I was actually more horrified of what I saw in the theatre though than the actual movie. About 4 rows in front of us a family came to see the movie...with their 3 year old son and 5 year old daughter. I was ready to scream at those parents. It is rated R for a reason. Why on earth would you bring such young children to those kinds of movies!!! Seriously, get a babysitter or go see a more family orientated movie. When I was 5 I had nightmares from watching movies like Ghostbusters and Gremlins!

    Kristal? I know you have to agree with me.
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I agree with you, Shana. Some parents should have their heads examined. You have to know those kids will have nightmares for years, or become so desensitized they'll be a burden on society ... sigh.

    I'm not even taking my child to see HP IV. She's 8 and I think the book is too scary for her. Maybe when she's a little older she'll be able to see it, but she's missing the curve on Harry Potter. She's been too young for every movie that's come out so far. They keep getting darker. She's seen the first three but I know what happens in the fourth, and she's not ready.

    You couldn't pay me to see Saw. (Or swing, LOL, just kidding.) I saw Scream, thinking it would be fun, and was afraid to go into my garage for months. :eek:

    OK, enough digression ... I predict that now it will be Krystal.
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Scary movies are OK. It's the gory ones I don't want to see. Chop chop ... slice slice ... ick ick :(

  12. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Yeah, it's me!

    Since I have a whole bunch of older cousins and second cousins and third cousins (lot's of relatives, you know how Asians are) I've watched a lot of scary movies way too early for my time. You know when you're like 5 and you want to be cool and mature like all your siblings and cousins, so you do everything they do? Well, my cousins are 3 years older than me and they're like obsessed with scary movies. So, whenever we went to their house I'd excitedly go up to their room and sit huddled up in the dark and watch a tiny flashing screen showing freaky kids that crawl out of the TV....yeah. And look at how I turned out! Perfectly fine! Even my own imagination is fabricating things to be afraid of--about a year ago I had a nightmare that an evil red-headed man came out after 8 pm to kill little kids that were out....

    Anyway, on a cheerier note, I guess SBW!
  13. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I often fabricated things in my mind when I was younger as well to be afraid of. My cousin and I were famous for this. Let me spin you a story...

    When my cousin and I were around ages 12/11, we were up at my grandparents cabin swimming. Our aunt had been fishing off the swimming platform earlier that evening and dropped the basket of fish off the plateform on accident. My cousin and I were attempting to dive down to see if we could grab the rope and try to save the dinner. My cousin ended up brushing up against a rope while she was diving but was unable to grab it. After another 10 minutes or so we gave up and were sitting on the swimming platform. Somehow between the two of us we managed to convince ourselves that the rope she had felt was not from the fishing basket but from a body that had been dumped in the lake...(I have no clue how we came to that conclusion). We both freaked out and didn't want to get back into the water, however our parents wouldn't take the boat out the 20 ft to come get us, so we swam as fast as we could to get back to shore. We of course laugh about it today, but I think it was at least a week before we would go back swimming.

    Lynet, got any of those funny stories from your childhood?
  14. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Well, mine's not really a childhood story as I'm still in the midst of mine, but over the summer my cousin and I freaked out over a very real threat. We were wading around in the small creek behind the small summer community place we stay at in PA, you know, just stepping on the large rocks sitting in the middle, and Chrissy (my cousin) started screaming. I was like -_- "What now?" She scares easily. Anyway, she said that she'd seen something long and silvery slither through the water near me, and, though I was a little scared now, I figured she was just seeing things. Then, like five minutes later, we both saw a snake swimming towards us at lightning speeds! About a millisecond after we both started screaming our heads off, she noticed that it was only the shedded skin of a snake. That obviously meant that a snake was living near there, so we both went back to the house as fast as we could. I swear I lost 10 years of my life at that moment.

    Okay, who's next? Lynet?
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm trying, I'm trying...but can't think of anything right now. It'll come to me in the middle of the night, I bet. Then I'll post it in the morning :eek: .

  16. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    I actually convinced myself that my house was haunted when I was about 12 years old. I was laying on the floor watching tv and out of the corner of my eye, I saw our rocking chair rocking by itself. No one else was in the room, so of course I thought "GHOST." Now that I'm older, I realize it may have been one of the cats brushing up against the chair. Oh well. I've always had an overactive imagination.

  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yes, it's me.

    I lived in a haunted apartment once, at least I'm pretty sure it was haunted, and I'm fairly skeptical about such things. I was sleeping one night and felt a presence in my room and when I looked up there was a man sitting on the side of my bed, smiling at me, but I could see right through him. He was definitely a specter of some kind, but I didn't feel threatened at all.

    So I told myself, I'll get up and put a glass on the table (I was living alone so my place was spotless ... those days are long gone!). If I'm dreaming, when I wake up the glass won't be there. If I'm not ...

    In the morning the glass was there.

    Not sure if it was still a dream or what, but it felt mighty real to me.

    I'll guess ... Kupo.
  18. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    oohhh...that's pretty freaky. When I was living in one of the dorms at UW-River Falls, we were pretty sure it was haunted as well. One day I was in my room (I had my own dorm room) and two of my friends were in theirs...two doors down. I was on the computer when I heard the musical jack-in-a-box noise, and it sounded like the old toy, not anything new. What was weird about it is that it came from all around me, not just one certain corner of the room or even the hallway. I ran out into the hallway and so did Jessica and Lara at the same time. They had heard it in their room as well, same experience. We continued to hear it as the year went on...but what was weird is that no one else in the dorm ever heard that noise, just the three of us.

  19. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    All these stories remind me of a scene in The Sweetest Thing. When the girls crash the wedding and they're making up a story to tell the guy (why can't I remember any names except Courtney?) they come up with "Can you believe it? We went to college with the bride. Oh my god! Oooh, Freaky!" BTW, if you've seen the movie, the way they say "freaky" is what's sticking in my head. And maybe I'm not making any sense right now. I just realized I'm kind of rambling. I think it's because my head feels all fuzzy because I'm getting sick. I feel awful and shouldn't even be at work right now. I feel like passing out.

  20. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Oooh, freaky! :)

    Seriously, though, that is so freaky. Our house is really old, like a century, and I'm convinced that it's haunted. Maybe not a malevolent ghost, but still, I'm pretty sure there are some things living here. Not for any reason in particular, but sometimes I just get the feeling. *shivers* All these ghost stories are freaking me out, especially at night. At least my mom is sitting near me. :D

    Babe, where've you been?

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