guess whos next

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by ss8goku, Feb 16, 2003.

  1. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Nope, it's me.

    Nothing much to say, other than Monday is approaching! Noooo!!! This weekend was the most I've been able to play TS2 since summer! :(

  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    OMG, Shana, that's horrible. :( I really hope you're feeling better. Stay in bed and take all your medicine without fail.

    Somehow or other I brought a cold back from NY and my throat hurts but I'll just drink tons of tea while at work today. And I'll keep my distance from everyone else.

    New York is a fascinating place. We went to a show (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels) and afterwards went to a diner, sat at the window watching people walking by, and had cheesecake and wine. The cheesecake in New York is to die for. It was all so romantic. :D

    Babe? Still in South Africa?
  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Shana, I just read your post! I was so busy writing my story thread this weekend in between all the festivities I didn't have much time for the other threads.

    Your situation really sucks. Sounds like pneumonia or a really wicked virus. I hope you're feeling better today. Take it very easy and don't stress about the holiday pay. When you're completely better you can fight that battle.

    Yes, my Thanksgiving was much nicer than yours, I'm happy to say. I got two dinners for the price of one and didn't even have to cook. Unless you count the side-dish I brought to my brother's house.

    He's a great cook. But I don't want to rub it in. I'd say, once you're better you and your boyfriend should go to a really nice restaurant for dinner, to make up for your lost holiday. La Belle Vie is supposed to rock. It's across the street from the Guthrie now. (OK, across the highway ... six lanes is not precisely a street, now, is it.)

    Let's see ... Kupo?
  4. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Thanks everyone for all the well wishes! I feel a lot better now...and yes, I'm at work today. Good news is that they are going to pay me for my holiday! Yay! They kind of make exceptions if you can prove that you really were sick. I am still coughing, and tired, but much much other words I can breathe again.

    That does sound like a nice idea SBW...I do have an awesome boyfriend though. He felt so bad over the situation (he's the one who got me sick in the first place!) he went out and bought me an early Christmas present...I got my own digital camera now! Very nice, he can be a big sweetheart. I'm excited about it and so far there are about 50 pictures on it...of our cats! lol...anyway, feeling better, thanks again everyone for all your support!

    Kupo...what's happened to you?
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    No. It's me. We haven't heard from Kupo since the beginning of November. I hope it's school work that's keeping all these kids busy and that they'll come back and see us. Simsyth always made me laugh out loud.

    So who else? SBW, maybe? With another chapter of the Saga?
  6. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I'm a kid, and I don't let any schoolwork keep me away from here! :p Maybe that's why I'm starting to get C's on math quizzes...:rolleyes:

    Though, now that I think about it, it's true--all the younger members aren't around as much, besides me of course. :(

  7. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Nope, it's me. I've had my coffee, I've had my turkey, and I've had my woo hoo too, thank you Josh. :D ;)

    Shana: So sorry you were sick, honey. But glad you're better today.

    Had a very eventful trip to Ohio, WV, and KY to visit all the family. Yesterday's trip back was horrible. There was a terrible wreck on the WV Turnpike that had us sitting in traffic for quite awhile. With the rain and all the traffic, the 8 hour trip turned out to be over 10. :( The last 3 hours of the trip, my baby kept himself entertained by yelling, "Mama! Mama!" over and over. :rolleyes:

    Okay, I'll pick Josh to be next. ;)
  8. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    Nope. It's the person who hasn't made it to this thread in over a week (I had a couple pages to read through). :D

    Um, Josh?
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Nope, me.

    To quote a former president, Kristal, I feel your pain. 3 hours of Mama, Mama would make me jump out of the car.

    Lynet, I wrote some more. Got inspired after all ...

    Let's see ... I'm going to guess Shana.
  10. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Yes'em I'm here. Just told my boyfriend about La Belle Vie, neither of us have heard of it before...what kind of food is it anyway?

  11. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Ahem?!? Hello? *Waves at screen frantically.* Younger member waving at the screen frantically here!

    Even though I'm in SA, I still find the time to visit all my pals on WorldSims! Nothing gets in the way of you guys!!!

    Hehe. :p :D ;)

    Erm... erm... erm... SBW?
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Not yet. *grabs tissue and makes disgusting noises blowing nose* Man, I hate this. The throat isn't sore anymore but now I'm thoroughly yucky. *bleh*


    (Glad to see you, Babe. *Waves back excitedly.*)
  13. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    yeah, I'm here... again.

  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Nope. Me.

    Shana, La Belle Vie is French food, gets written up in Gourmet as one of the top ten restaurants in America on a regular basis. It used to be in Stillwater, but now they're where the 510 Club used to be, near Loring Park, across from the Guthrie.

    I'm dying to go. It's not cheap, though. Even a price fixed meal is $$$$.

    Um, let's see ... where IS that Kuponutty these days?

    You there, sweetie?
  15. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    Not yet.

  16. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

  17. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    It's me...and HOLY COW!!! Way out of my pocketbook! Maybe we'll keep it in mind for our two year anniversary in March though? Brandon has actually been laid of for the past 3 weeks, but he starts a new job on Monday, so no eating out for us at all lately. I think we'd definetly have to order a la carte, and no wine! (Which is good since neither of us drink anyway) Wow...I'm still stunned at the prices.

  18. resmc157

    resmc157 Quantum Physicist

    Nope. It's me.

    Wow, that place is expensive! I don't live anywhere near Minneapolis, and frog leg doesn't sound particularly appealing to me...

  19. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL I remember once dragging my bad tempered ex (who badly needed a whizz) into restaurant in Boulogne during a short trip to France; we were killing time waiting for the ferry home and eating is the best way to kill time en France.

    He doesn't read French so he had little idea of what we were in for. We left the place filled an happy three hours later and he still puzzling over a credit card slip that recorded he had been charged 1,200 francs (120). This was 94' so it came as something of a shock to a man who thought four pound all you can eat plate at the local carvery was a little steep. I can't imagine why he dumped me ... :eek:

    ooh yeah! I'll stick the last guess: BabeWithBrains ...?
  20. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    Nope. It's me!

    Um, Babe? :D

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