guess whos next

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by ss8goku, Feb 16, 2003.

  1. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    After 1...2, 3...4 guesses - I'm here!

    I was walking on air on Monday - 4 txt's from *Phil*! And I didn't txt him first. Apart from later on when I needed to know if we had Geog homework.

    I've had a few days neglecting WorldSims. Very sorry, but I decided to revamp my website, and Now it's starting to look fabby. Only half done, but eh. . Check it out.

    Anyway, my 'ow' on the counting thread. I had to have a needle today. :( Big thing for me (it was only for polio) but when I had my TB shot kids were taking bets on whether I'd collapse. Nice. And now my arm is aching.

    I'm going to bed. Don't guess me for 18 hours if you want to get it right!

    Allie? (Can I call you allie? Or would you prefer Kat?)
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Nope it's me, up too early of a Thursday and with a monster headache too ... bah! I've had it for two days now :( I don't get headaches often but when I do they make up for lost time :rolleyes:

    Been better if I'd slept last night but I was awake half the night trying to keep cool ... wossup with the weather? Apparently the overnight minimum was 12!!! :eek: (53 in old degrees :rolleyes:) which is far too warm for a night but especially so when the heating is on and there's a 13.5 TOG duvet on the bed ... if I'd taken a raw chicken to bed it would've been overcooked well before dawn :p

  3. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Either is fine. Everyone here so far has called me Allie so we'll keep that as a trend hey? ;)

    Ummmm... I guess, Shana?

    Edit: Hey Babe, I couldn't see any of the pic's on your site :( . Not sure if it's my puter or not, just wouldn't show.
  4. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    Sorry, it's me! At the moment, I'm at work, wishing I was home in bed. All this coughing I'm doing is no fun. :fever: Oh well. It's almost Friday.

    Josh, are you paying attention?
  5. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Nope, it's me again. I really should be going to bed though, it's rather late. What do you mean almost Friday, It is Friday ;) .

    Josh, say hi won't you?
  6. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Nope, just me.

    Entertainment for the evening: Download a bunch of dance/pop type tunes from Napster that little children recognize from their animated movies. (Example, Funkytown by Lipps Inc. was in Shrek 2, or Car Wash from Shark Tale, etc.) Turn the speakers on the computer up high. Watch toddler and kindergarten diva dance, sing, and perform said songs. :D

    Anyone else have any ideas for good tunes to download for the kiddies that I can actually tollerate? Allie?
  7. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Yay, I'm here!!!
    Sorry, no songs come to mind. I am a big kids movie fan, but I can't think off the top of my head. If I do think of one I'll let you know.

    Ummmm... SBW?
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Non, c'est moi. Insomnia rools ... er, I mean sucks :eek:

    Lyn? Where you at tonight?
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Yes, it's me, bleary eyed. It's after 11:30 pm and I logged in to upload two more posts on my story, then got caught up in all the other entertaining stuff here. (I've been playin' the game! New adventures for Harcourt and Errol! So much fun.)

    Great site, Babe. I saw the pictures. Who's that cute girl? ;)

    Too late for SBW tonight, but I'll guess she looks in on us in the morning.
  10. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Nope, me. And I'm blushing now. Cute? LMAO. You crack me up!

    Psst. My Mum and Lee are getting engaged on Val's Day! Don't tell anyone though! She told me before I went for my eyebrow wax. (lol) They're having a party to celebrate on the 17th. She mentioned a party and I thought - wait. A party 2 days after my birthday? Could it be for me? But alas and alack, she says 'So you can invite a mate.' I thought '1 mate? At my own birthday? That's it?' Luckily I wasn't having a blonde day and so I didn't say all this out loud. And then she elaborates. It's cool, I guess lol but nothing's really going to change. And if she decides she wants to get married I get to be bridesmaid! For the first time ever! They should get married now. No. OnThursday. I'm having my hair done Wednesday.

  11. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Yay, it's me! Wow, an eyebrow wax? Mine are all over my forehead (okay, exaggeration) so if I plucked them or anything, they like...wouldn't exist anymore. :D Great site, by the way!

  12. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Nope, me again. I swear I'm spending way too much time on here lately. Here I am wondering how I'm going to go through withdrawels from my sims when I go back to work, now I'm gonna have to wonder about here as well :eek: !

    Oh well, I suppose I have the net at work, just can't get caught. :shhh:

    Ummm... I'll go with, Kristal
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    HI, I'm not Kristal. I'd put a smiley here but my computer is not loading these reply posts very fast and often throws me right out of the forum window. :(

    I'll follow the trend, though, and say Kristal.

    Goodness, it understood my marks and put the smiley in! Will you look at that!
  14. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Me too. threw me right out when I tried to respond here the first time. we start getting ads here and all of a sudden the site becomes slow as molasses... what's up with that?

    just following everyone else... Kristal???
  15. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    It's me, it's me!

  16. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Hummm, y'all are having troubles? I've had trouble for a month with this site, but today it's loading quite fine for me. :D I have been so happy. I can actually post.

    Just checking in quickly while my NFC Championship Game is getting started. GO CAROLINA!!!!!!!! :) (That's American Football to all you not familiar with our very barbarious sport. No surprise, I guess, that I'm a football fan?)

    Okay, I'm gonna guess Allie.
  17. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    See, I never got American Football. I like watching it in the movies but never understood it. :confused:

    I'll guess SBW.
  18. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    It's me, I'm finally back on the board, I was busy over the weekend celebrating my birthday!

    oh...I should guess...umm...Allie?
  19. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    belated birthday good wishes... hope it was a great one!

  20. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Nope, it's me.

    Happy Birthday Shana!! What day was it? Saturday was my baby-sisters, and she turned 26. Today is my little girl's birthday. She's 6. (A moment of sadness for her mother, please, who can't believe that it's been six years!! It seems like last week!)

    Happy memory and then I'll stop hyjacking the thread. ;) Hubby and I were entertained by our new baby daughter for the evening by watching kick her booties off her feet. She did not, and still does not, like to wear shoes and socks. And that evening she would put her little feet together and work and work to pull them off!! We were so amazed at how smart she seemed, and how determined she was to go barefoot! LOL Six years hasn't changed any of that. When she gets something into her little blond head, then that's the end of that. And, it's usually something that we do not want her to do. I'll post a pic of her, from a couple of years ago, can't find the newer stuff.

    Okay, SBW, you around here?

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