She's adorable Kristal. It is amazing how fast children grow up. Thanks for the birthday wishes as well. My birthday was thursday the 19th and I turned 25, so one year younger than your little sister. SBW?
Nope, me. That is such an adorable photo Kristal. I'm a while off having kids yet, but I love kids. Everyone around me is pregnant at the moment. Oh erll, I have a puppy instead, he'll be just as much work. I'll continue with the trend, SBW?
Nope just me. Kristal your daughter is angelic. I bet she just loved wearing that hat with the flower SBW?
Nope, me again. Thanks y'all. I had to strong arm her into bed tonight, she was so wound up. Birthdays are her favorite days of the year, next to Christmas. SBW, your turn. Ya here?
All you do is guess who is going to post after you. We also tend to go a little off topic in the main part of our threads and just discuss random topics or what is going on in our lives. Such as talking about the birthdays and Kristal's daughter. Since this is being directed to you Bloodfury_Rayne89 (now dubbed as Rayne), I'm going to guess you!
It's me! Sorry I've been incommunicado. Lots going on in my little world, sims and otherwise ... Man, I'm hungry. Time for lunch. Camdi, here I come ... Speaking of Minnesota, I'm going to guess ... Sacha, aka Sacharissa.
Well, I missed my call. I seem to only reply after someone guesses me. Weird. I guess I just want to give the person guessed a chance, but then I end up not posting in like a week, which happened here. Shana?
No. Sorry, I checked in. It's close to midnight and my eyes are half shut. Beautiful eyes on that little girl, Kristal. She's a charmer. I'll guess...hmmm...Rayne?
Nope...15 minutes left of work...thank goodness! Miss Emma Williams? Are you here, or is your dad making your tummy all squiggly because you're on the internet to much!!! (edit: I know I'm on the internet WAY to much!)
Hehehe. My tummy is all squiggily now. I think it's because people KNOW MY NAME!!! Hey - who could ever forget the most delightful, stunning, intelligent Miss Emma Williams (who just couldn't even spell Williams) anyway? Point being - you're right!!! A gold star for Shana (Blue Peter moment) And here's one I made earlier! Erm... Mirelly?
Hi guys!!! It's FRIDAY!!! You have no idea how excited I am about that. A weekend of Sims is in my future... Mirelly?
Lol, It is sad that when we're exciting about Fridays because we have a weekend of simming ahead of us vs. going out with friends... Meg, I think you need to join Sims Anon with us. Just repeat after me using your own name... "Hello, my name is Shana, and I'm a Sims addict." Welcome to the club! Person, did you want to step forward as well?
Yes, yes I did! "Hello, my name is Sarah, and I'm a Sims Addict." Sadly, I don't have a weekend of simming ahead of me. My brother reformatted the computer, and I was able to copy the Sims 2 files onto our other computer, but now I have to wait until my brother buys more RAM or memory or whatever it's called, and then I want to order Uni and install them in order this time around. So...another week or two for me. Wait a second. Did I already tell you guys this in another thread? I really don't remember. SBW?
I have to join!!! "Hello, my name is Allie, and I'm a sims addict!!!" Wow that's so good to get it off my chest. I should do more. "Hello, my name is Allie and I'm a Tupperware addict" "Hello, my name is Allie and I'm a cleaning-up-a-phobe" "Hello, my name is Allie and I'm a worldsims forums addict" I think that will do for now. Babe?
Yep! I don't have to fess up to anything. I'm perfect. But if I wasn't it would have to be; "Hi, I'm Emma and I'm a WorldSims Forums addict, a chocolate addict, a Simpsons addict, an MSN addict and a Sims addict." I can't fess up though, sorry for being fab. Mirelly?