he won't die

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Jiko, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    They're basically in case you get bored and need some challenges with the game. A lot of people have done the Legacy challenge. I may try one myself if my game collapses, which it's looking like it might.

    But I hate rules, so I'd probably lose right away.:eek:

    I am going to try the teen raising toddler one, and the vampires challenge, both of which I thought up. Just have to figure out which victims ... I mean sims ... to use.
  2. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    teen raising toddler?

    could you give me the rules for that? I'd like to try it with one of my Angel valley outcasts...
  3. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    All I'm doing for teen-raising-baby is this: I made a family, father and teenage daughter and toddler. I immediately set about killing the father without letting him get a job first (not that he wanted one! He was lazy and sloppy and liked to stare out windows). I locked him in a room and he starved for three days before dying. Meanwhile, I made the teenager be a good student and hired a nanny for while she was at school.

    After Pa died, I had a nanny during school hours, but quickly found that the teenager couldn't take care of the baby, do homework and still get enough sleep to survive. So I had to have a nanny for a few hours in the evening as well, until the toddler became a child (what a brat). Now they don't need the nanny, but have only a few hundred dollars left. I make them eat EVERY BITE of food they make and NO shopping. Teenager has very little time for socializing and unfortunately has fallen in love with an adult so NO KISSES. She's got a C-/D+ average, just barely hanging on.

    Someone keeps stealing the gnomes, which is their main source of fun.

    The kid is moody but at least does her homework.
  4. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    And the challenge, as I understand it, is simply to keep the social worker at bay until they both finish high school. Right?
  5. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    The only challenge I've heard of that involves teens is the Teen Hardship challenge, and that's really just a small one that people over at the Shoo Flee forums do. However, I think the main point of these challenges is to watch your sims suffer. As long as they're all struggling to stay alive and out of the red aspiration zone, you're doing fine. :bigthumbsup:
  6. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    stay alive, I can handle that. out of the red? not a chance. this poor girl gets no dates, no kisses, no new clothes, no entertainment except for a gnome to kick and a remote control car. I won't even let her smash the playhouse. she's RED.
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL, Jiko. Challenges are normally something I avoid like a plague but I decided to have a go at this one. Now, it is importantant to note that I am not boasting because I used the Pescado phone hack, bathroom uses you hack and the macrotastics hack. That said, I used no cheats ... even though I was sorely tempted at several points. The mother was my sim me, the father was a random blonde fella from my custom sims bin. I made two children, one a teen the other a toddler. I considered making the youngest a baby but after doing some mental calculations I figured the baby would be too easy ... the teen would be able to stretch the baby out before it aged to toddler giving her a chance to get organised. I wanted her raw and traumatised with a toddler to potty train etc. so I used the only cheat I was allowed ... debug and shift click mom and kill >> death by flies ... so tragic and so yet apt as, IRL, I am being eaten alive by mozzies every night lately ... I really must get a mozzy net ....

    Anyway. I finished. The toddler is a teen with maxed out cooking, logic, creativity plus 8 points in all other skills and raft of friends so he'll do OK on his own cos big sis is of to college with a very respectable score ... :rolleyes:

    I am exhausted now cos that was hard work. She's a popularity sim with 6 best friends so she should take college by storm :D

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  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Here's the one I made up. There are no real "rules" but you can make up your own. It was just an idea I had.

  9. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    HOW do you get a gnome back, anyways?
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    If free will is on a sim will spontaneously decide to go and steal it back. Alternatively if you have Pescado's macrotastics hack you can choose the steal back gnome from the macro menu ... these things only happen during the night, naturally ;)
  11. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    Mirelly, love you dear, but how are several hacks and a shortcut to murder not cheating? No cheating means you're stuck with the game-as-it-is. Tough!
  12. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL Jiko but I am not removing my hacks on any old whim. Actually, I could do the challenge without the hacks because the hacks are not cheats, they only control a sims behaviour without the player having to stand over them. Without the hacks I could probably still achieve the same result ... it would just take a heck of a lot longer because I hate to see a sim waste a single minute. For example I try not to let them even get a chance to do the silly mmm yummy action at the steaming leftovers of a meal ... it goes straight into the server's inventory. Without the macrotastics hack my play style would mean that a sim day lasted as long as a real life one. Yeah ... I'm a control freak :eek:

    As for the method of killing ... :rolleyes: ... if you think it is ok to starve them to death who am I to judge. At least my sim went so quick she hardly knew what happened :p
  13. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    My usual slow reply... I was meant for a medieval world. As long as it had novocaine...

    I still say hacks are cheats because they allow you to play the game in a way it wasn't intended to be played. The frustration and annoyance of waiting around for them to do things, wasting time ("Hmm, which book should I read?") and so on is part of the game. It's a kind of meta-experience, what can I say?

    I played a couple of sim-days' worth last night and was surprised to get a warning about not leaving the child at home without adult supervision, just because she got on the school bus after her sister! A warning to others.
  14. Twins_all the time

    Twins_all the time New Member

    Maybe u can have him move out
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I know. The game is weird that way. I had a nanny show up after one of my twins called her (I forgot Mom was getting home late that day ... oops) and the game warned me that his twin shouldn't be left home alone. :confused:

    Fortunately no ill befell them.

    I've been trying to decide if bathroom uses you is cheating with the asylum challenge. I decided that it probably is ... but I won't remove my hacks. I just don't use 'em for that lot.

    I played the "old fashioned" way for a long time, but now that I have my hacks you'll pry them from my cold dead fingers. :p

    "Call friends," for example, makes the game soooooo much more enjoyable. I used to waste so much time trying to figure out which friendships were in need of the most attention and calling each sim individually.
  16. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    See, it's often really hard for me to figure out which of my REAL friends I should call and so I sometimes get messages like the Sims' friends send, about not calling and not being a good friend, so it just makes sense to me that I have to figure it out for them, too. At least they have a handy list! I could use that, with those daily and life scores and all. Helps you keep track.
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Most of my lots have at least six sims on them now because I have up to four gens living together. So while I understand what you're saying I prefer the more sanity-inducing approach. :D

    I used to lose family ties after a while because I forgot to call them, now it's much easier to do so.

    But playing your way is cool too. I used to do it that way and I had no complaints, I'd just call the sim I lost track of. But now that I've been seduced by the dark side there's no going back. :p

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