Spore Herbavor or Carnavor?

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by MrErops, May 21, 2005.


What will you make you creature be?

  1. Herbavor

  2. Carnavor

    0 vote(s)
  3. Both (If possible)

    0 vote(s)
  1. MrErops

    MrErops New Member

    Haha, sounds like fun. :laughing2:
  2. strillor

    strillor New Member

    yah.. it was....

    But I don't know how, but my parents found out,, and I had trouble :laughing2:
  3. an_Evil_Penguin

    an_Evil_Penguin New Member

    I would like to know if it is possible to have a creature eat like plants (I think its called photosynthasis or something like that :confused: )
  4. MrErops

    MrErops New Member

    A creature eating plants would be a herbavor. :D
  5. MrErops

    MrErops New Member

    Ohh, I see what you mean. :D I really don't the answer to that, and I don't think anyone eles will for awhile. :spin: But it would be cool, if our creatures could do that. :rolleyes:
  6. strillor

    strillor New Member

    oh yah.. Plants are living, too!! hehe,,, Making an evil carrot gets MORE and MORE possible... ...
  7. Aphid

    Aphid New Member

    I don't plan to have my carebears eating meat!
  8. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    Yeah, plants make their food with photosynthesis... but plants can't move, you know? I don't think that process generates energy fast enough to work well for active creatures =/
  9. planet names

    i think it would be cool if you could name your planet along with your races name. Like if your friend wanted to visit your planet on his or her game they could go to a star map and type in the name of the planet and jump into hyperspace and visit the planet or destroy if they pissed you off. :laughing2:
  10. eating

    i would like to eat three ways at a time i would be an omnivore(eats meat and plants) and i would like my creatures to absorb things from the air in a medatative state when food was scarce. :shocked:
  11. leech10

    leech10 New Member

    I would like my creature to eat meat, but if there wasn't any meat around at the time, it would also be able to eat plants.
  12. eat or be eaten,its a dog eat.....or three legged spider eat three legged spider world(s)
  13. Heh heh. Dogs are my favorite animals,so I was thinking of making dogs with anklyosaurus armor. They would be omnivores, just like dogs.
  14. El Cid

    El Cid New Member

    If you orientate on current leading specieis I would go for omnivore. Surely you can also switch from carnivore in one part of evolving to herbivore and then later in a civilized state you are omnivores. That would be interesting if they implement it.
  15. maxis

    maxis New Member

    same here
  16. gg2112

    gg2112 New Member

    Same... gonna make some creatures omnivores, some carnivores, a few herbivores.
  17. SilentM

    SilentM New Member

    Yeah, your spelling's off. ( Herbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore )

    Anyway, I think my first creature will be a carnivore. He'll be huge, vicious, and a carnivore :laughing2:
  18. FireMaker

    FireMaker New Member

    Hehe.. watch out making a big bad species.. because Will Wright said that you will never the top of the food chain.. You might get some seriously ugly competition :laughing2:

    I plan on doing a carnivore to start out and then starting some other species as omnivores and herbivores, and watch them grow.
  19. Bonkywop

    Bonkywop New Member

    I'm veggie, so all my species must follow suit. Herbivores all the way! Woo! GRASS FOR ALL! *watches as species is eaten alive whilst refusing to defend itself* Aw crap.

    Well, I'd like a peaceful plant-eating nation, though I'll eventually give in and turn the race into an army of T-Rexs with advanced military powers. That's life, I guess.
  20. SilentM

    SilentM New Member

    That's when I pull out the UFO and destroy the solar system.

    I do think that herbivores would support themselves though and might be the easy route, seeing as all you have to do is build your speed. Guess we'll just have to wait until it's released to find out.

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