Hi, ManagerJosh, I have finally posted :D

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SolidSnake_19, Jan 4, 2003.

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  1. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    And she was talking about "more than half way there"... tsk tsk. You need to let your daughter out more, Snake's mom.

    Book: There IS no way to escape you. I've come to realize that now, and I've made peace w/ that fact. I shall reminicse about the time in my life when you werent there. Oh what wonderful days they were.

    Josh sure "heckles" a lot... Now who was it that "heckled" me into joining? Was it Snake? Bah! She's evil. "Heckling" Book into joining sure didnt help either.

    *cough* n00b! *cough*
  2. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Excuse me, Oink. :p Had no idea that she would start harrassing you. ;)

    250 posts seems like so long ago. :cry:

    Ixnay on the Ookbay othermay. >:0
  3. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    LOL Josh...you're absolutely/positively correctomundo on the "watching the smurfs" idea...I had no idea that they were tiny little creatures...Hmmm, know that I think about the Gargamel situation I guess I should have realized that they were small yet powerful creatures!!

    As for Oinkie...before you get all nostalgic for the old times before we met...the feeling can be mutual you know!!! Has no one warned you that you should never hurt a Bookworm's feelings...they might destroy your books on you!!

    As for Snakie...Remember I AM the Anti-Snake and I can crush you!

    LOL...have a nice day folks!!
  4. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Soooo.... are we letting the truth come out or not, Snake? I think that ppl would have gotten wise to your othermay situation already.

    Anti-Snake? Couldnt you have worked a little bit harder on a nemesis name? Seriously now, is Anti-Snake supposed to instill fear in her? Try something like the Supercharged-Mongoose or whatever.
  5. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    lol a mongoose........... hahahaha

    very clever.
  6. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    That better not have been sarcasm. *puts hand on sword's hilt* :p
  7. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    *Pokes Oink in his eyes*
    Way too go. Thanks to your comment in some other thread listing those yard jobs... yesterday I spent most of my day cleaning up everything around my yard. :angry: :p

    Book is just full of witty names isn't she? ;)
  8. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Right, pick on the one who CANT ban you from the net. :p

    Oh yeah, like Bookworm and Anti-Snake. Very original.
  9. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I want all of you to stand in the corner for and hour and think about what you've done and what feelings have been been hurt. then apologize and play nicely, NOW!!!!

  10. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    I'm already in the corner... :confused:
  11. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    That sounded so much like my mother I think I had a flashback to my childhood. *screams bloody murder* ;)
    Only I got strapped instead of sitting in a corner. :) :bunny:
  12. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Oh you only wished that she's that lenient. She said STAND. Now stand in the corner, young lady, and think about what you've done.

    (Strapped eh? Depends on to what. It could get kinky ;) but you were way too young anyway.)
  13. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Kinky? I think not!! Man, are you ever weird...

    As for my non-imaginative names...I don't pretend to be good as a name creator...my true genius is in my diabolically clever posts that lure people into thinking I am merely a fun-loving, easy going kind of person, while I secretly work on my plans for world domination...oops, did I just think that or did I actually type it...NO!!! stop typing, stop typing!! Arrggg!! :O
  14. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    "Stop talking, stop talking, STOP TALKING!!!"

  15. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    as for sounding like a mom... almost 22 years of experience. And then you discover that your kids will always be kids to you...
  16. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    OMG! Poor Michelle! Do your kids have some kinda illness that causes stunted growth or something?? Awwww! :cry:

    And on a more serious note, I think that Snake definitely did NOT sound nor look like a n00b by starting a thread like this: "Hi, ManagerJosh, I have finally posted :D."

  17. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    You shush Oink. I can't help that I was once a n00bie [​IMG].
  18. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Awww, I think it was extremely cute, really! :eek:
  19. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    cute? Cute? is that really an adequate description? Anyhow, Mr. Piggy I don't expect you to understand about kids staying kids til you have your own....
  20. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Fine fine... adorable. It was extremely adorable (isnt even a lie either :eek: )

    . o O (Women... never satisfied... sometimes I just like to...) *mumbles something under his breath* :p

    I was JOKING Michelle. Ya know, a humor thing? You said that after 20 years of raising your kids, they still seem like kids to you. You meant you could still see them as kids 10+ years ago, and still wanna treat them as kids. I, however, meant it in the physical sense, where they never out grew their childhood bodies. Get it now? Sheesh, am i really THAT unfunny that i have to explain every joke i make? :cry:

    *hangs himself*
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