House brag thread

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by surprised_by_witches, May 2, 2006.

  1. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I'm going to bed now to try to think of a definition of ambiphibery.

    Able to lie out of both sides of your mouth at the same time???
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yah, that goes well with being a Gemini, I guess :rolleyes:
  3. caduto

    caduto New Member

    i have a house that i would really like to add to this thread.

    i have taken a few pictures but everytime i go to take another one it over-writes the previous pics. i am using the in-game camera.

    surely this shouldnt be happening? does anyone know how to stop it?


  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Taking Photos (Pictures) In The Sims 2

    Press C on the keyboard at any time to take a picture. The picture will be of the whole screen so use the pause key to freeze the action and then zoom/pan around to get an artistic shot. Remember that sims like having walls -- for privacy -- so don't just snap photo's with all the wall down :rolleyes:

    Remember, too that the photo's are much smaller than on your screen. If you're after a facial expression zoom in closer ... then get closer still. I get so cheesed off when someone insists on showing me the snapsots they took at their friend's wedding. I have to bite my lip sometimes to avoid asking why the people are only like one inch tall on the big 6x4 glossy prints ... and I swear the next person who gets out a cellphone to show me their dog/grandson/rose bush is gonna be a needing a longer cord for recharging the wretched thing :( Anyway ....

    Finding your pics ... this can be complicated or easy depending on how you approach it. This is the easy way ...
    1. Where are the pics?
      • Some pics are stored in the folder called Storytelling in
      • \My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\
      • The first two images you'll see there will be the last snapshot you took in the game. One is called "Snapshot: and the other is called "Screenshot". Both are bitmap images which means they are too large to use for posting on the internet.
      • All the other images in that folder are either Maxis ones placed there when the neighborhood was created (even if it's one you you made yourself) plus any phote's you've taken in the neighborhood screen or at community lots or else shots you might take while building when there is no family.
      • So is there anywhere else to find pics then?
    2. Yes
      • The bulk of pictures are also stored in folders called Storytelling
      • There is a Storytelling folder in each and every Neighborhood folder. For example:
      • \My Documents\
        • EA Games\
          • The Sims 2\
            • Neighborhoods\
              • N001\Storytelling
              • N002\Storytelling
              • N003\Storytelling
      • N001 is Pleasantview, 2 Strangetown, 3 Veronaville (unless you have deleted any of those and then made custom hoods ...)
    3. YIKES! HELP! There's zillions how do I find the one I want?
      • You need to use Windows sorting tools
      • Click View then Select Details
      • Look for the column headed "Date Modified"
      • Click the Date Modified header until the most recent date is shown at the top
      • You have now sorted all your pics into date order
      • Make sure the details tab in the left hand column is open and when you highlight a file you will see a preview
      • Keep the window sized so you can see a bit of your desktop and drag any that you want to upload to the desktop.
      • Don't use any file starting with 'thumbnail' they are tiny like the preview image. Use the ones starting with 'snapshot'
    This concludes this Finding Sims 2 Pics 101 ;)
  5. caduto

    caduto New Member

    wow, bulletpoints.. im impressed :)

    i know where to find my pictures, i have no problem with that, my problem is, that when i am in game i take loads of pics (i took about 10 pics, 1 of each floor and some close ups of the best rooms) and when i go into the folder there is only one pic, always the last one i took. the only thing i can think of is that when i take a pic it overwrites the last pic i took each time, so i only end up with one picture.
    if this is correct then there must be a way to stop that happening right?

    if this is not correct, then please accept my humble appologies :)

  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Sigh ...

    Para number 1 describes where you are looking. The last pic you take is always stored in that folder as a bitmap (which is much to large a file to upload anyway!) and as it has the same name everytime it is bound to be overwritten

    Paragraph number 2 describes where you should be looking. Those pics are jpg's with unique names and are never overwritten.

    Please stop being impressed with the bullet points and start reading the words they accompany :p
  7. caduto

    caduto New Member

    right.... sorry :)

    the problem i had was after reading your bullet points was i went into the folder and saw N001/N002/N003 and you said they are the maxis made neighbourhoods, i was expecting it to create a folder for my own neighbourhood but it hadnt.
    having now looked again i have found all the pictures in N002, probably because i deleted that neighbourhood so it just used that folder.. right?

    anyway, i found the pics, so here ya go.. my most recent house..

    thanks for the help :)

  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL ... it does help to look first then ask questions :rolleyes:

    Nice house ... do you find that garage gives you problems seeing all the action on the ground floor of the main house?

    And I bet that bath and shower in can't be used at the same time cos a bathing sims would wanna use the righthand side to get in and out ... hmm must try that myself and see what happens ;)

    By the way you can upload pics to World Sims. There's a limit of 5 pics per post but you can always make another post. Just use the Go Advanced or Post Reply buttons and scroll down to the manage attachments section.

    PS I hated Strangetown too ;)

    /Edit #2/
    PPS Altered the instructions to clarify them cos they are now part of the FAQs --- wot? You thought I did all that just for you! :rolleyes:
    \Edit #2\
  9. caduto

    caduto New Member

    ive never tried to use them at the same time, only 2 people living in the house at the moment so havnt had the problem yet, and there are 3 other bathrooms in the house...

    also, the garage never gets in the way, of course, while on the 1st floor of the main house you are actually on the 2nd floor of the garage, but thankfully the game is 3d so you can just rotate the view and see it from the other angle :p

    i have tried the 'insert picture' icon but it just does exactly that, and you end up with a massive pic in the middle of the post, was wondering how you all had tiny thumbnails going to a nice big picture, i will have to try that for my next house :)


  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Very nice house. I can see you're into symmetry! Love the swimming pool. Very attractive.

    You've given me some ideas for my own houses. I like the piano next to the dining area. I'll have to try to find a grand piano. They just look nicer, don't they.

    If you have the room, that is.

    Oops. Looked at it again and it's a deck, and that's the bedroom!

    Still looks nice, though.
  11. caduto

    caduto New Member

    oh yes, VERY into symetry :)

    i dont think ive ever built a house that wasnt symetrical, it just doesnt look right to me!
    im trying to build a nice castle at the moment, will post pics later :)

  12. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Very nice hosue Caduto. :) Very pretty.
  13. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    very nice caduto, It's alot bigger than I play well but beautiful to look at.
  14. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Finally created a house tonight I'm very proud of. It's quite large, which it wasn't meant to start out that way, I got away from myself. I'm disapointed in myself that I didn't put it on a larger lot though now...any way to change the lot size a house is on? Anyone? I'm guessing not, but that would be nice.

    Anyway, Frontview, only room for one car since I choose too small a lot, telescope in backyard on side.

    back/side view, notice the nice decks.

    Basement with a walkout; pool table, poker table, bowling lane, musical equipment, treadmills, indoor pool, darts and a bathroom.

    Middle floor, huge kitchen and dining room, two half baths, two fireplaces on middle floor, hot tub off the dining room on the balcony..

    Upper floor, 4 bedrooms, each with their own bath, an office, sitting room off the master suite, fireplace in the master suite, and room to read in the hallway, which is really just another big room.

    Attached Files:

  15. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I like that, a lot. It can be very difficult to make an interesting looking house out of basically square foundation but you have succeeded in spades! The basement fun zone is a great idea! The two main floors are well laid out ... though I am not too sure about that 12 place dining table plus 3 counter stools. Mostly I love the wrap around porches, balconies, the roof and the chimneys ... :D Heck I'm gonna hafta make my own, now :rolleyes:
  16. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    can't you upload the house to ea and import it back for .... nah. what was I thinking comes with the lot doesn't it.
  17. caduto

    caduto New Member

    oh oh oh i made a house yesterday and am very very proud of the basement..
    i love the steps leading up to your house, i always forget about the outside, too busy decorating :( and i love the roof, really sits nicely on the house, i havnt experimented much with the roof tool but it looks like you've got it sussed!

    house exterior, like i said, nothing special :(

    ground floor with 4 full bathrooms, 1 open plan kitchen, a sort of home cinema, an office and library, also note the top of the garage :)

    first floor with 4 bedrooms all with en-suite, master bedroom has a walk-in closet and a door leading to the nursery

    top floor with 2 bowling alleys, and full band

    basement with swimming pool, two bathrooms, hot tub room with 2 bars and a buffet

    top view of basement

    gotta go, baby has a cold and will not sleep!!
  18. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Plus 3 stools...look again, plus 4! LOL, I'm planning on turning this into one of those home businesses where people come and play in the basement, the rather large table will be nice to have, and for parties of course as well.

    I moved a family in last night and it plays rather well, no bumping into each other in the hallways. I'm proud to say this is the first house I've ever built that has a basement! I couldn't figure it out before, but now I've got it down.

    Thanks for the compliment Mirelly from the woman who amazes me with her houses! I have a few of yours downloaded into my game.

    Thanks for the compliments! Took me forever to get that darn roof right, they aren't fun to mess with. I enjoy checking out your houses as well.
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Ooooh, pretty! I love the second floor, with the nice big rooms for the kitchen, LR and dining. My daughter loves those patterned floors but she tends to put them all in the same house, which hurts my head. You've managed to make them look classy.

    Love the landscape. I don't think the lot needs to be bigger. Reminds me of those gorgeous houses in Kenwood that are all right next door to each other. Sometimes that's what happens in RL, too ...

    Very nice, Shana! Love it.
  20. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Oh, wow. All of these houses are so complex...I don't even make the ground level higher for all those purdy stairs. I just slap down a foundation and some walls and call it a day.

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