How to get twin babies

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by sexierjess14, Sep 24, 2004.

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  1. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yeah I've had a sim kid hate his mom, too. LOL ... not a lot I could about it until I managed to at least get them interested in enough of the same things so that every conversation did not become a minefield of --'s :p

    Incidentally I also had a totally mismatched set of twins once. Baby A always wanted attention from Parent X and Baby B from Parent Y. The trouble was the parents always wanted to interact the opposite way around. (Y with A and X with B). Also if baby wanted a tickle, parent only wanted to snuggle or talk ... aaaarrrrggghhh!
  2. KevinLT

    KevinLT New Member


    That's funny Mirelly! But like to this thread a lot of peole are saying taking care of babies is hard... I honestly don't think it is! All you do is have the baby if the mother doesn't die in the process and then just watch it carefully and do all the things you need to raise it! I love when on of my "mom's" in the game gets pregnant, which has been every time we try for one LOL! If you look at the attached thumbnails, I've included some pictures of one of my familys..! This couple started off with no kids, but had Michael and Kelly as twins and now they have a new born Maria and the mother is pregant again now as we speak! I hope you guys enjoy! :)

    Attached Files:

  3. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    its horrible to know that both your sim kid wants different parents . I encountered that problem once too, but I had a double problem, which was the sim mom was the only available parent all the time when they needed a snuggle or something. Therefore the sim kid who wanted daddy, have to be snuggled by mom (the kid hates mom btw) and his wants will remain the same till daddy snuggles him. :rolleyes:

    and yes, taking care of babies can be quite difficult, however I prefer taking care of "babies" than "toddlers" . This is because, when the baby wakes up, he/she wouldn't start yelling and waking everyonelse too! :p however so far none of my sim moms ever died while being pregnant, so Im not worried about that part, unless a sim mom finally died while pregnant, then only Ill start to worry lolx
  4. SexyShelly

    SexyShelly New Member

    I find maintaining my sim family is just like maintaining my real life family. Sure it's hard, but let the little one cry for a min while your sim grabs a bite to eat, then feed the little one. I guess since I got kids and stuff in real life, I learned (the hard way i might add) how to maintain a family & myself. Another hint, wait till your first little one is almost a child before having another one. Or, it takes a male sim to have a baby, right? there's no "virgin mary" babying having in the sims is there? Well, tell dad to help out some too. Alternate who deals with the child. For example, when my sims had their first baby, i would first of all pay close attention the the sims & the childs asp wants, the child may want mom to potty train him/her and dad to teach him/her how to walk and/or talk. ok, first, have dad teach him/her how to walk, then have mom potty train him/her, then have dad teach him/her how to talk. I like to do it this way, if it's a male, dad potty trains, if it's a female, mom potty trains. My sim family has 3 children now. first was a daughter, 2nd was a son whom was born on daughter's birthday into childhood. Now both of my first two children are teenagers with jobs and well, we just had another one. Now dad wants to have 10 babies. Dad's lost his everloving mind, lmao. both are on the verge of um...becoming elderly. haven't tried yet, since the baby was just born last night right before i went to bed and haven't play this am yet, but maybe the teenagers can help out mom & dad with the new baby girl. mom & dad both have maxed out all of their skills. So that's more time for the baby. to keep your sims from starving or passing out, have them eat good hearty meals and have them nap while the baby/toddler is asleep.

    anyway, i'm gonna hush now, giving away all my secrets, lmao.
  5. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    10 kids? Ive heard of it being in the "wants" section, but I've never encountered it. How do you get it? :p I only have grandma and grandpa wanting a child in the family so bad that everyday you can see them hugging the pillow and sometimes they will nag the sim mom :eek:

    but Im serious.. how do you get the 10 kids wants thingy? Ive never even seen it in any of my sims's wants although all of them have the "family aspiration". :confused: so far the max of kids I have in each sim family is only 2 children. Does having 3 children or more trigger that wants? :confused:
  6. soulofsilence

    soulofsilence New Member

    yeah, I never usually get that in the 'wants' until about my 4 or 5th child. :)

    One of my family has i think 13 kids, and they want 20 grandkids :eek: I have 7 more to go before 20, lol.
  7. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    13 kids? in one family? I thought there was a limit of family members in one family? correct me if Im wrong :confused: but 13 kids sound crazy. Having 2 alone is quite difficult although one is a teen and the other a toddler. But yeah having a "20 grandchild" wants? that happens? Ive never seen any of these before :confused: can someone enlighten me? :confused:
  8. soulofsilence

    soulofsilence New Member

    yeah, you can only have 8 family memebers at a time :) I've had most of them turn into adults and move out by now.

    yeah, once you get a couple of grandkids that popped up for me :)
  9. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    for me i just had the parents get divorced and the mom was the one who moved out with no kids, leaving 6 at the other house. then she got married to her new hun and had 6 more lol
  10. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    :eek: meaning in total you have 12 children? *Just wondering* how does your sim woman's family tree look like? since she has 1 husband and 1 ex husband? and 6 children from each husband? I never tried having a sim marry 1 person, and divorce and marry another so I don't know hwo the family tree will look like :rolleyes:
  11. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    yeah it shows all her kids when u have her selected and depending on the kid a diff dad and then dependin on the dad diff kids
  12. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    erm, is it ok if any of you who has this kinda family scenes post a picture of your family tree? Im just curious to know what it looks like :p

    I tried having both my sims argue to see how the divorce thing works, but when the wife was "argue-ing" with him, I saw the " + " sign above his head. And after all the hard work to make the relationship go down, it went up again :eek: is it a bug? has any one experienced it before?
  13. soulofsilence

    soulofsilence New Member

    Sorry, can't help you there :( never had a divorced couple, or tried for that matter really.

    here are just some random pics.

    the first is of Aymee and her husbadn and their 4 youngest kids eating dinner in the new house.

    Second: Vanessa and Ryan with their 5th and 6th kids, twins, Hayleigh and Jacob.

    Third: Hayleigh and Jacob with younger sister Raegen

    Fourth: Hayleigh and Jake talking

    fifth: Vanessa, Ryan, Jericho, Aymee and Jessika moving into their first house

    :rolleyes: I have a lot of the twins, lol.

    Attached Files:

  14. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    wow how did you manage to keep up with all the kids? Im having trouble controlling 4 members in the family *mom,dad,1 teen and 1 child* and I was having trouble with a pair of twins in one family. Sometimes they are preety easy to be taken care of, but not when they both want to cuddle with both parents one after the other :eek:

    btw, thanks for the pictures. You have a cool family :D
  15. KoolAnime7

    KoolAnime7 New Member

    wow that's alot of kids ive never hade twins EVER
  16. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    ok, so looks like Im not the only one that has never gotten twins except with the help of the twins hack lol :D

    but how could any of you guys who have maybe 5 members in the house, control all of them? I already have trouble controlling 4 of my sims. :eek: The teen is always on the phone or playing games on the computer or cleaning toilet bowls :p , child is always jumping on bed *especially after he wakes up in the morning,first thing he does is jump on the bed*, and mom and dad loves to raid the fridge even when they are not hungry? :eek:

    I can imagine myself going crazy controlling more than 4 people at this point in time :confused:
  17. soulofsilence

    soulofsilence New Member

    Do you have free will on? cuz it makes it somewhat easier. :)

    having all 8 family members kinda slows the game down, at least on my puter, so it gives me more time to figure out what everyone is doing and where who is going when and that fun stuff :p plus, ,I use the trainer and other stuff which . . . . definatly makes it a lot easier. though I do have a lot of families that I don't use any cheats on, those are more challenging with all 6 kids.
  18. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Also there is always the trusty pause button ... ;)
  19. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    what does free will do to your sims? I've not explored that far into the game lol, and yes sometimes I do pause the game, but sometimes when you are busy attenting to the rest, the other sim might do something on their own. Example, I wanted the child to watch tv with mom, next thing I know, she ran out to hug the dad because he came back from work :eek: another time, I was attending to the parents while the children we're sleeping, the teen woke up and started to eat :cool:
  20. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Free will is under the game options. By default Free Will is set to 'on' which means that Sims can make their own decisions if no orders are pending. I haven't yet tried turning free will off but then I don't have any serious problems controlling my sims.
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