i need ideas! hi ! i'm getting bored with the sims and i can't aford an expansion pack,please give me some uniqu idease to do with my sims! :bunny:
Make your own objects, skins etc, start a website Download T-Mog and Simpose and get creating, its so much fun!
try visiting a site with hacked objects like www.simslice.com those objects do not all require expansions. also you could try doing a theme house...and album then put it on the exchange
The exchange has been known to be causing lots of problems. Maxis is still looking into it, but it has been very buggy recently.
If you don't want to MAKE stuff with the transmogrifier you can always go to all the sims fan sites where other people have made cool stuff, and go looking for the kinds of themed stuff you like. I like foresty faerie fantasy stuff, I found a lot of neat stuff I liked and it inspired me to make a waterfall shower. ^-^
not yet, I guess I should make some next time I play ^-^ I want to do a whole nature/faerie kind of set... if I can ever get the part of multi tile objects to align right, I've had trouble with slight gaps between each tile, like on couches and tables etc.
When I was bored..... Before unleashed........of course When I was bored I would do some of the following: 1. Go on a downloading spree. 2. Make a family with 8 people, all having different jobs. 3. Maka a family with 1 adult and 7 kids. 4. Try to build and decorate houses according to real housplans. http://www.coolhouseplans.com has some. 5. Make family albums, you could also read some of the ones at The Sims main site to get some game playing ideas.
I like the make houses based on real houses thing myself, my friend made some of her first sims herself and her boyfriend and his brother, all running around a sims version of his apartment! He saw it and freaked out over it!! heehee! My biggest problem making versions of real houses is the whole "how many tiles do I make THIS?" question of dimension, like when the room isn't THAT big, but you'd need more tiles to fit all the furniture etc. in....
Someday soon I'll upload my shower screenshots to boomspeed and share them here... maybe get some advice on making it less cartoony looking, as I drew the whole thing from scratch... maybe I should make one using a waterfall pic for reference.
That is funny!! I haven't made a house just like mine........that is a great idea. Funny how you never think of these things, even when it is obvious...LOL