I, Sim

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Dec 18, 2005.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Wish I could take credit for the artwork. But, not so. I got the sore lips and red noses here: http://www.sussissogoodsims2.com/Fxmakeup.html.

    The flying rug (or floors) was an idea I played around with in TS1. I didn't even try using one of the NL EP 'decoration' rugs. They looked too small for 5 sims to sit on. I'm tempted to go test it out, though, to see if you can delete a floor out from under one of those rugs. :rolleyes:
  2. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    I downloaded those "bruised/blistered" lips previously as well. I have a use for them somewhere along the line. They did such a good job with them.

    You are so very creative and have such a way with words. I'm thoroughly enjoying this! :)
  3. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    *Sigh.* I wish I had the patience to do something like this. Oh well. It's bloody fantastic, Lynet!
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It was still dark when we got there. Mungan put the rug down outside the village. We rolled it up, left it behind some rocks and walked the rest of the way in. He told us that the villagers didnt know about the rug and he preferred to keep it that way. Id have done the same thing. It was quite a prize.

    At first I thought everyone was asleep. But it was too quiet.

    Mungan whispered, No guards.

    His wife mumbled about evil.

    Alka said, The lanterns have gone out.

    Something was wrong.

    Worse than wrong. The boat was gone. I ran out to the end of the pier and almost jumped straight into the water. Maybe if I swam fast enough Id catch up to it. It was a slow moving boat. Harcourt followed me out.

    This place is on his supply route, he said. He will be returning with supplies again.

    When? I shouted at him. In a week? Six months? I turned my back on him and stared out at the water.

    I heard him say that the rest of them were going to rouse some villagers and get something to eat. He said I should come along. I ignored him.

    Their footsteps faded. All I heard after that was water sloshing under the pier and on the shore.

    Something white slid through the water. Then a familiar shape rose high on the waves just off the end of the pier, balancing on the quick flutter of fins.

    Come, she sang to me. The meaning was clear, though she sang the word. It wasnt like the way ordinary people sing. It was more like the sound of the crystal bell Id stolen once. Id played with the bell for a few minutes before exchanging it for a big pile of cash, but Id never forgotten that sound.

    Come with me, she sang. To the boatthe boat is here. She smiled at me and pointed at the water beneath her.

    The boat was not there because the water was too shallow. I knew that. Her huge eyes and the memory of her warm body in my arms was compelling but I had no intention of leaping into the waves.

    A sound in the shrubbery on the shore nearby caught my attention. Something was there. I looked around and saw nothing. Whatever it was had frightened the creature from the sea. She disappeared with a splash.

    I went looking for Mungan, the man with the flying rug. I had two questions for him. Does it fly over water? And how fast can he make it go?
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I hope the pictures aren't too dark. I lightened them a little. The next chapter has more light, as soon as I finish it. :rolleyes:
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I have a couple of homes that are lighted mostly with natural light. It does get hard to take good pictures at night, I know ... guess you could experiment with hidden lights, like on a movie set.

    Watch out, Errol! Looks like trouble's afoot. A bony foot. :rolleyes:
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I think I should experiment with those little ground-level spotlights. Hadn't thought of doing that before. :eek: Thanks for the idea.
  8. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Oooh! The anticipation! Will the carpet move over water? Only one way to find out... actually, 2. 1 - he could try it. 2 - he could just ask Mungan.

    SBW, too corny but stil hilarious for words!
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yeah, that's me in a nutshell.

    What does that mean, anyway? Trouble's a foot? In my case, trouble's usually a heck of a lot more than a foot. I'd give it a whole leg at least. :p
  10. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Trouble's afoot I think means trouble is on the way!!!

    The phrase was invented on the 15th of Feb, 1991. Such a coincidence - that's when I was born!
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    You're making me laugh. I gotta get serious and post here. :p

    No, and Not very, were his answers.

    How can that be? I demanded. Water. Land. Whats the difference when youre in the air three stories up?

    I had found the four of them in the lodge, eating something theyd scrounged up. There was not a single villager in sight anywhere, which I should have realized was as wrong as Jurgs missing boat, but I didnt. I sat down across from Mungan and argued with him.

    The villagers, mumbled Seana. The villagers are lost, swallowed by the sea.

    Mungan touched her shoulder, Now is not the time, my beloved.

    Like the foam on the wave, sliding back into the deep.

    Seana, my adored

    Shes right, said Harcourt. The people that were here have left. Not for the desert. They must have gone to the sea, perhaps on the boat.

    Wheres Alka, I looked around.

    Resting, said Harcourt. She is not feeling well. I fear the journey has been difficult for her.

    There is another boat, said Mungan. It is small and moves under sail, but if you leave with the tide, the current will carry you on the same path as followed by Jurg. It is dawn now. The tide is going out.

    Harcourt got up because Alka had come into the room and wanted to talk to him. Take me home soon, Iven. Very soon, she said.

    Good girl, I thought. Light a fire under that man. He lacks a sense of urgency about our situation.

    Of course, Alka. That is what we are trying to do. You are crying! You should not be frightened. We are safe now.

    Soon, Iven! Please! I dont want our baby born here.

    The room went very quiet. Everybody was waiting to see how friend Harcourt reacted to this news. Even Seana the Mumbler was quiet. What I wondered was how theyd managed it. I mean, when had they found the time and the privacy? Then I caught Mungans eye and he winked. Ah yes, Mungans Well. Id slept like a rock that night but obviously Harcourt and Alka had not.

    And for once, just this once, he was speechless. Then he slowly raised a hand and touched her face. She smiled. All was well in the Harcourt tribe.

    So back to old business. I turned to Mungan, Show me the boat.

    Ill show you, said Harcourt. We will leave now. Take the water skins and fill them at the fountain. The tide is going out and we must hurry.

    Thats right, Harcourt. Get us all home as fast as you can.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    We had loaded some supplies on the boat and were saying our goodbyes to Mungan and Seana when the creatures appeared out of nowhere and chased after us. Winged and ugly, there were maybe a half dozen. I dont know exactly. I didnt bother hanging around to count. We frantically shoved the boat into deeper water and climbed in.

    Mungan and Seana wouldnt come. Were going back to the well. We have the rug.

    No! I shouted after him but he didnt hear me. Crazy man, I thought. Those creatures fly, too. We should stay together, fight them together.

    Harcourt and I raised the flimsy sail. It was stronger than it first looked, caught the wind and pulled us away from the shore. I expected the creatures to fly out after us. I was prepared to take them apart bone by brittle bone but they stopped at the edge of the water. A couple of them danced up and down wildly.

    On the water was safety. I turned to Harcourt, We have to go back. Theyre outnumbered. We cant leave Mungan and Seana alone. They have to come with us.

    He pointed up, We cant help them.

    The rug was in the air. Mungan and Seana were fighting two creatures that had followed them even as the rug carried them deeper into the mountains, toward the desert. I convinced myself, as they disappeared from view, that Mungan had the upper hand. I will always believe it was so, that they made it back safely to their well.

    A loud splash. A long shape rose into the air and fell back to the water. Alka screeched in surprise but not fear. It was my friend from the sea, following us.

    She sang to us, too. Nonsense stuff, just humming and noise that made no sense but sounded pretty, like the crystal bell. At Harcourts puzzled look I just shrugged, So she likes me. It happens.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    OK, a couple of more pictures. I can't help myself. :rolleyes:
  14. MangoOrange

    MangoOrange New Member

    Awwww! A baby! I'm so glad Harcourt found his lady. Alka's tears look so real!

    And those skeleton dudes are freaky. Great pictures!
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I love playing with the skeletons. They're so funny looking.

    But one non-skeleton picture of Mungan And Seana. Mungan decided to take a bath in the sink (not my doing.) I found him there with Seana watching. For some reason, Mungan didn't finish his sink bath after all. ;)

    I really, really got to go to bed. :nosleep:
  16. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Wow. Those pictures are stunning. Simply amazing, Lynet.
  17. hatchi12

    hatchi12 New Member

    I wanna be just like you when I grow up Lynet!!! :D LOL... you are an amazing storyteller!!! i wish i could make something like that too... can you give me any advice on how you got everything to look like that?? its so amazing!!

    p.s. i love the mermaid, where did you get that again?
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Source of the mermaid skintone and tail: http://www.xmsims.com/sims2/ehtm/fantasy/fantasy03.htm

    Of course you can give her any features and hair that you choose. Although I downloaded the blue hair from that page, too, I preferred the silver colored hair which, I think, is also from XMsims (not positive)

    Thank you, SBW, although I'm not really happy with this last group of pictures. I was in a hurry and didn't take as much care as I usually do. One or two are OK. I liked the big angry skeleton with the fists. :rolleyes: Serendipity again. There he was and I got'im. The two flying skeletons, too, turned out OK. The skeletons are so photogenic. :p Hate to say goodbye to these guys but Errol, Harcourt and Alka are now headed out to sea on a very small boat. :eek:
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    The island was out of sight. The sun was hot on my head. Dark water rolled away ominously in every direction. I saw plants floating in it. And sometimes the water had strange lights in it. I said, I dont like this boat.

    Harcourt rubbed at his chin, The seams are securely caulked. There is very little water getting in. The weather appears to be holding calm. The wind in our sail may carry us faster than Jurgs boat runs on its engine, because this boat is lighter and rides higher on the wave. We are very well to be in this boat for now.

    Those waves are huge!

    And we ride them like a cork, he smiled at us and reached for Alkas hands.

    The boat moved with the wind. We had no rudder, no oars to control it. Yes, the boat rode the waves like a cork, but it rode them sideways, backwards, sometimes spinning completely around. The wind would fall out of the sails, theyd hang useless, then it would find them again and wed lurch ahead. Stupid sail. There was no rigging to control it that I could figure out. It was just hung there and tied down. I stared up at it, wondering about the hands that had built it. It occurred to me, too late, that the builder hadn't finished the job. We'd run off in a boat still under construction.

    Most of the afternoon we sat on damp planks and just held on. The sky got darker. The sea grew calmer but it was the kind of calm that set my teeth on edge. I heard something far away.

    Alka looked up from where shed been resting against Harcourts shoulder. Whats that?

    Thunder, said Harcourt.

    And rain, I added. We heard it rushing toward us, across the water. We stood up and watched the storm come. And we saw something else behind us.

    Jurgs boat! I shouted. Wheres Jurg? Where are the villagers? Stop this thing. Take down the sails before were too far away.

    Jurgs boat looked abandoned. And it was deep in the water, sinking.
  20. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Oh Em Gee! This is so suspenseful...I love it!

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