I, Sim

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Dec 18, 2005.

  1. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    Oh i love your story, it is so... real. The house is fantastic ill have to look out for that one.. i think some of my uni students might move into it once the graduate. I have a few questions

    * How did you get the chest hair on your guy
    * In one of the thumbnails he is looking into the mirror and you actually see the reflection. When my sims look into mirriors all they see is blue?
    * In the last thumbnail you posted (the one of the bedroom) The wallpaper where did you get it, i love it.

    Keep writing i cant wait to see what happens with Kate.

  2. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Your style is so different. It's so real that it's unnerving - sends shivers up my spine. It's just something that makes you want to read on. I need more!
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Errol's skin comes from a Sims2 fansite called Helaene. She has lots of very realistic skin colors and makeup.

    The house is from the NL EP. Note driveway. I bricked up the garage for the story.

    I think this is a graphics option in your game--mirror reflections. It will be more demanding on your computer to have it set that way.

    The wallpaper came with one of the EPs. Uni, I think. I didn't download it from anywhere.

    Thanks for the compliments. I have two more chapters but no time this morning to load them. :( Tonight for sure.
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    To turn on reflections, click the three little cogs icon on the "save" menu. You should see an option to turn reflections on/off.

    Took me a while to find that one. :)
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    As soon as I got home from work and got my rusty old heap safely parked in the drive, I phoned Kate at work. I hadnt done that before because I hadnt known where she worked until this morning. A Lieutenant! Of all the jobs possible in this universe! I finished punching the numbers on the phone pad and looked out the window at the bright blue sky while I waited for the police station to answer. Someone up there, I thought, is playing with me.

    Downtown District. Cox speaking.

    Kate, its Errol, I cleared my throat. Can I take you to dinner tonight?

    Not tonight, Sugar. Too much paperwork here. Ill be working late.

    I wanted to celebrate my promotion to Lab Assistant. They gave me a bonus, too, so Im going to do some more painting around here this weekend. Whats youre favorite color?

    I heard her laugh at the other end of the line. Green, Baby, green, she said. The color of grass and trees which are too rare in this city.

    How about Friday?

    Sure. Ill help you paint. And well spend the weekend celebrating your promotion. She hung up.

    I smiled. Then I went upstairs to the shower. The wind tunnel job was dusty work. But as Lab Assistant Id be cleaning rat cages. I could handle that.

    Before climbing into the shower I took a second to study my face in the mirror. Hmmm. Should have shaved this morning but what for? A wind tunnel? And my eyes were puffy from the dust. What can I say? Nothing here to brag about, but if Kate liked to kiss this face, then thats all that mattered to me.
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Ive been in a lot of dangerous situations. Ive escaped death because of quick wits and more experience than Ive admitted even to my lawyer. I want everyone to be clear on this. I was good as a cat burglar. I got caught because of a dog but thats another story I dont want to go into today. Right now, I just want to say that the reason I sat on my keister and did nothing when the tin man walked out of the closet is becausewellhe was shiny.

    He walked to the other side of the table and squinted at me.

    Then he opened his mouth and spoke gibberish, Est-ce que vous parlez francais?



    Who the h I stood up and moved around the table toward him.


    A word of advice. Dont punch someone wearing metal. OW! Blast you, who are you? I opened and closed my fingers, testing for breaks, then grabbed him by his shiny metal sleeve and pulled him toward the door. He slipped free of my grasp and we got to sparring for a few minutes. I was cautious, aiming for his chin, which was the only part completely free of metal. After a few minutes of dodging his chain link knuckles I was winded. So was he. We sat down at the table, panting.

    Where did you come from, I said, not expecting an answer.

    What language is this you speak? he said suddenly. I have never heard the like before tonight. Is this Toulouse?

    Is what too loose?

    This town! Is this Toulouse?

    Not for me, certainly.

    I offer regrets, he said, standing up. I am for somewhere else. He walked into the closet and dropped through its floor as if it were water and he was a stone. I got up, went out to my car and drove to the nearest bar for a shot of the hard stuff. It was the first drink of the day. I swear on my mothers urn.
  7. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    is the tin man guy a dream, or is it like some stalker that comes into his bedroom, im confused. Lol great story, keep writing cant wait for the next chapter. I want to wrtie a story but i have no ideas

  8. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    that's quite a basement the house has;) ;)
  9. PlayLives

    PlayLives Member

    oh, the Tin Man, the "one in the basement" is a ghost. Right?
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    OMG I'm laughing so hard I can't stop. This is priceless.

    Well, he was shiny.

    Don't punch someone wearing metal.

    I think I hurt myself.
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Who sold you that green paint?

    I was showing Kate the corner wall on the first floor where I had started painting. I got it at the DIY Store down the road. Its grass.

    Ill say!

    I took some of the grass from behind the house to the store. They mixed up the paint to match.

    Where the sewer line is buried?

    Yup. Are you hungry yet? Let me get cleaned up and Ill take you out. I had a new suit for the night. It had stripes, and I agree with the guy who sold it to me. I looked good in it. The smile on her face when she saw me was worth every one of the 200 I had paid for it.

    I took her to Speedys and ordered pork chops for us. We flirted, we teased, we had a good time over dinner. Then I pulled her to her feet for a little slow dancing to the oldie tune on the juke box. Her eyes were bright. Her arms were warm and her lips were hot. No time like the present, I thought to myself when the song ended. I dropped to one knee like Id seen in the movies.

    After that, it didnt go like the movies.

    She put her hand to her chest then shook her head and looked around the room. Its a bowling alley, Lover! You could have taken me to Rodneys place, at least.

    I stood up and shoved the ring into my pocket. Speedys pork chops are an inch and a half thick. Rodneys are half-inch shoe leather. You like green. I waved at the bright green and pink colors of Speedys place. Pink I dont need but was willing to overlook that color because I liked the food and the atmosphere. From the tables you can see the action on the lanes. Its a great place. Youve always liked coming here.

    I like to bowl. Lets bowl a game.

    She walked over and grabbed a lane that had just opened up. After a few deep breaths, I shrugged off the disappointment and joined her. I didnt do as well as I usually do. Her score left mine in the dust and to celebrate she smooched me on the spot. This is nice, I thought, feeling better. Then she straightened my collar and tie and said, Ask me again, you poor sap.

    I blinked. Well, OK, more dust on my knees. I went through the whole routine again and this time she said yes and threw herself into my arms.

    So thats the problem with doing things you see in the movies. They skip important details. She has to beat you at bowling first, although chess might have worked that way, too. She always beats me at chess. And yeah, I really do want to spend the rest of my life with this woman.
  12. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Back at the house the action heated up. Later, in the quiet with the lights off, she said, You never call me anything except Kate. How about Honey, or Darling, or Snookums, or some other term of endearment?

    I dont want to jinx us. Happens every time I start calling a woman something like that.

    So pick a name and Ill let you know if its a jinx.


    She sniffed, Havent heard that one before.

    Hot lips.

    Stick to Petunia.

    Come here, my little Petunia.

    The next day my hot little flower--I dont call her this out loud--moved her stuff into the house. She insisted on using her savings account to buy some more furniture, get some repairs done on the house, and get us a new truck in exchange for the rusty bomb Id been driving.

    My life would have been perfect if it were not for the nut who lived in the basement. And yes, he was still there.
  14. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    another winner!! By Lynet:)
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Hed gotten rid of the armor. Now he was all in red. With white sox and white hair.

    I was shoving oatmeal into my face when I felt the draft and looked up to see him standing there, a big stupid smile on his face. Slowly I rose to my fee and rubbed my knuckles, thinking I might have the upper hand now. Kate muttered, Camera.

    Good morning, Sir, The man in red said.

    I leaned forward, I want you out of my house. Permanently.

    There is a problem with my equipment. I am repairing it, Sir.

    You have a name?

    Iven Harcourt, Sir, is my name.

    Harcourt, I want you out of my house. I dont know where you came from. I dont like having you wandering around here day and night. Get your metal together and get out.

    I regret, Sir, that I cannot leave. My equipment is here and I cannot move it.

    The names Waring, not Sir. And Waring is the name on the deed to this house. One way or another you will leave. Maybe I looked like what I was thinking. He moved to the closet. Not this time, buster, I said and grabbed for him.

    I got thin air, lost my balance, stumbled forward, and found myself falling. The floor was gone. Then it came back and hit me in the face.

    You will need practice with my large body pneumatique. The force fields require a light touch, Sir.

    I wasnt listening because when I climbed to my feet I realized that I was in the basement at last. Whoa, will you look at all this junk! Harcourt was nearby, shaking some small gadget. I saw two of him! And someone else at the far end! No, wait, thats me. I realized I was looking at a giant mirror stretching from one side to the other across the far wall of the basement.

    I moved closer to have a look at it. Harcourt came forward and said, Do not touch this.

    What would you do? I reached out to touch it. My hand disappeared through the mirror as if it were water. I yanked it back. HEY! What kind of mirror is this?

    It is not a mirror. It is passage to other places parallel in time to this place. It is not working correctly now and is dangerous to use or to touch. I advise you. Do not touch.

    I stared at his smiling face and decided not to lay him out on the floor. Questions first. Whats the smell coming from?

    He waved at the mirror. On the other side of this. I do not know what. Sometimes there are wars and the fields of battle smell very bad. I believe it is something like that.

    I didnt like the answer to this question. I decided not to ask any more yet. Time to talk it over with Kate and clear my head.
  16. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    How did you get those pictures?
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Oooh, interestinger and interestinger ... :D
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Are you asking about the mirrors? I think they come with the NL EP. It may be Uni. I'm not sure. But each mirror will cover one wall unit (except for a little bit at the top) and you can actually make a mirrored wall. No special effects otherwise. When Errol put his arm through one of them, that was an unexpected glitch :p which I photographed. He even made a face as if it hurt. Great fun. Perfect for the story.

    Obviously, setting your graphics to show reflections is demanding of the computer. I think that may be why his arm went through one of them. My computer was sneezing at the workload from an entire wall of mirrors.

    Also, I'll mention here that because the house had no room for a staircase to the basement I used the "elevator" I downloaded and mentioned in an "Elevator" thread some time ago. It behaves exactly as I described it in this story. Sims drop through the floor and appear on the floor below. It's more like a Star Trek high speed matter transmitter than an elevator.

    I attach a picture of Errol going to the basement by way of the "elevator" and I had to be quick on the trigger to catch that shot because the descent is very fast.
  19. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Way cool Lynet. love the story line. I've started talking to myself because of this story with a certain family I've started playing using a 60's dectective tone storyline, but not for public consumption. anyhow waiting to find out more about the man in red.
  20. gyro_kisschasy

    gyro_kisschasy New Member

    Yeah the mirrors are great, ive got some on my wall
    im not sure i get the story line about the guy in the red... but oh well

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