I, Sim

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Dec 18, 2005.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Harcourt had a large bundle under his arm when we found me later that afternoon. Id moved up Main Street to a different bar, a sidewalk place near the restaurant and closer to where the mirrors would show up. Where else was I going to go? But Id stop drinking and made friends with the bartender. It was a slow day for him, the middle of the week. We passed the time sharing bad jokes and stale chips.

    Fresh clothes, said Harcourt. These are a gift of Sir Hector Waring who has insisted on further hospitality in these clothes he is no longer able to wear on himself. The bundle was two suits, two shirts and two ties.

    No underwear?

    Harcourt looked puzzled then nodded, Ah! The undergarments. Sir Waring made with regrets that all were in great need of sewing. He offered funds so that we could purchase what we needed but I refused because his hospitality has already been generous.

    I couldnt complain. We made space on the bar and divided up the stuff so that each of us had pants and jacket that matched. We changed in the rest room. The clothes were clearly left over from Granddads younger, slimmer days. I helped Harcourt with his tie and ran a comb through my hair. Not bad, I thought, studying myself in the mirror.

    The mirrors! It must be time.

    Lets go, I pushed Harcourt out of the restroom. The mirrors are due soon. I ran down the steps, through the shop and around to the back of the building where wed first arrived. I saw the mirrors, and Kate was big time on my mind. I called out her name as I ran. Should be no problem, right?

    Wrong. I crashed into the mirror and fell backwards. As I lay there on the sidewalk the sun set and the moon rose. I looked up at the stars thinking sad thoughts. Kate, I hope you know Im trying to get back.

    Harcourt had not run into the mirrors. He leaned close and touched one. His finger went through it. He looked down at me.

    I am able to go, he said. You are not. But I still stay until you are ready.

    Im ready now, I mumbled, getting up off the pavement.

    No. Your mothers story is still a weight on you. We must understand why.
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    The mirrors evaporated like smoke in a strong wind. I looked at Harcourt.

    “Twenty-four hours?”


    “Real glad you stayed, Harcourt. I’ll return the favor when I can.”

    We walked back around to the front of the building and found Granddad leaning on the bar talking to the bartender. The old man was at home in any bar. This one at the end of Main Street was not his preferred haunt but you’d not guess that from watching him.

    “Found you!” he shouted as we settled on two stools next to him.

    “Thanks for the suits, Hector,” I said and motioned for a drink. My jaw ached from my leap against the mirror.

    “Better you than the trash can, since they’re still in good shape. Just not my shape.” He laughed loud at his own joke. “You look good, you two, like you’ve got class. I’d never know you’d just come out of Athelston.” We all got looks from a couple of Pleasantview citizens strolling past. I discovered that smiling hurt my face. The glass in my hand was cold with ice so I held it up against my jaw. Bad idea to leap headfirst anywhere.

    Granddad moved to stand between my stool and Harcourt’s and draped his heavy arms around our shoulders. I’d like your help with something, boys. It’ll get the blood pumping through your ticker. And that’s good exercise.”

    “Thanks, Hector, but I’ve been out of the business for too long.”

    “What business? What business do you think I’m talking about? Look at Amar here, behind the bar, scrubbing glasses, wondering what business you are talking about. Right, Amar? It’s a mystery, isn’t it, what business my friend, Emil, is talking about. Sure as heck can’t be the business I’m talking about.”

    Amar’s eyes were fixed on us. So were Harcourt’s, who had forgotten about the drink in front of him. I decided it was meant for me anyhow, and poured it into mine.

    “Amar,” Granddad shouted at the bartender. “Take care of your other customers. I’m treating these boys to supper.”

    I managed to gulp the last of my drink and toss a couple of tens at the bartender as Granddad took a hard grip on our elbows and pulled us along to the restaurant upstairs.

    I ordered pork chops and was allowed to eat them in peace.

    It was over dessert that Granddad told us he wanted to break into Don Lothario’s house and steal everything the man owned.
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Whatever for? Why put your home and life at risk? What about Viola and your grandson?

    I went over to Lotharios house this morning, just to speak my mind on a few things. He was fooling around with the housekeeper and didnt care that I saw it all. We had words. I could see the blood rising to the old mans face. Hes engaged to Goths daughter, Cassandra. Ive heard hes been all night at the house down the road where those two girls live. Viola adores the man. Doesnt matter what I say about him. I am her Dad and my opinion makes no difference to her. She thinks hes going to break off his engagement with the Goth girl to marry her. No chance of that. Hes after their money.

    How will robbing him solve any of this?

    He has no insurance and no burglar alarm.

    That doesnt answer my question.

    When his stuff is gone what will he do? Where will he go? To Cassandra, of course. Then Viola will see him for what he is.

    Thats pretty flimsy. He might just camp out at home, or at the neighbors house, or even show up at your front door. And whats Viola going to feel. Ill tell you what she's going to feel. Shes going to feel a whole lot of sympathy for her lover. Bad idea, start to finish.

    Up to now Harcourt had been silent. I believe, he said out of the blue, it may be an adventure we should try.

    NO! I put my coffee mug down hard on the table which caught the attention of some other diners, and the waiter. Granddad shooed him away. No, I said through my teeth. But in the end I said yes. Granddad was so determined I knew hed go without me, and take Harcourt with him. Granddads welfare mattered to little Errol. Harcourts welfare mattered to big Errol. There was a time when Errol needed only Errol, and a simpler life it was, too.
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    This story just keeps getting better and better.

    I laughed out loud at "steal everything the man owned."

    You have such a great way of putting things. The last line is just perfect.

    I thought I was too tired to read this. I should be in bed, it's 12:30 and my eyes are heavy but it sucked me in and I read it all twice.

    Great pictures, too.

    And now, to bed.
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Around midnight, deep in the park away from the road, we met Granddad and changed into the clothes hed brought for us. Youre kidding! I said at sight of the striped pullovers. Anyone who sees us in these shirts will know exactly what were up to and call the police.

    Stop your belly-aching and get dressed. Nobodys going to see us.

    I considered just wearing my suit but wanted to keep it clean for happier times, like escaping Pleasantview. I pulled on the knit cap and looked over at Harcourt. His striped shirt was half covered by a black cape hed found somewhere. I didnt say anything. There are places in Harcourts head where I do not care to go.

    We climbed into a pickup truck Granddad had borrowed from a friend and chugged quietly over to the edge of town. Lotharios house was a paste-colored box in a crowd of them on the edge of town. All the lights were on, inside and out. The place was lit up like opening night at the theater, but ringing the doorbell three or four times did not rouse anyone. A sound sleeper, maybe. Granddad shrugged off the suggestion, Violas out. Theyre together somewhere and wont be back until the sun comes up. Thats been the routine for a while now.

    He broke the bulbs in the spotlights in the yard while I picked the door lock. We started moving stuff quickly around to the side road where it was a little darker and less visible to the neighbors. Couch, chairs, table, stereo, computer, TV, microwave, exercise equipment. Anything we could carry and fit on the truck. Granddad wanted to take the big double bed, too, but I convinced him there was no room for it and we had no time for a return trip.

    A couple of hours later we were all filthy with sweat, smelling like pigs, and driving down the road with a precarious heap of cheap furniture piled high in the truck bed. Its possible the TV and stereo might have been worth something but not enough to risk fencing any of it. We dumped the goods in the river.

    Only then, as the last chair sank beneath the muddy current, did my heart slow down to its usual pace. Granddad was grousing that we hadnt gotten everything, but the caper had laid to rest any and all doubts Id had about a quiet, crime-free life with Kate.
  6. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    I love this story! These last pictures of them stealing from Don Lothario are great! Keep writing!
  7. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I was right about Granddads scheme. In the end it went very bad indeed. Youre thinking we got caught? Got arrested, maybe? No, nothing so simple and straightforward as that.

    The following morning started out real quiet, except for Harcourts snoring. That was loud. I crawled out of my own bed, got dressed, closed the motel door gently behind me, and walked through the park to Main Street. I figured on getting some breakfast at the sidewalk bar.

    Morning, Amar. You ever sleep?

    What for? I live to serve, he grinned.

    Are you serving pancakes this fine morning?

    You bet. Loaded with butter. Have a seat.

    I took the stool next to a woman with black hair and heavy makeup. She looked up from a big glass of something strong. I could smell it on her. I regretted taking that stool. I was considering a change when Amar set a plate piled high with pancakes down in front of me. They were hot, dripping butter, and real good.

    The woman beside me started talking, loudly. A whole lot of foul language. It was unnecessarily graphic and took something away from the enjoyment of my pancakes. She finished her tirade with a name I knewand if I ever see that low down piece of slime Lothario again Ill beat the


    Sleazy Don the lecherous Lothario.

    Oh, yeah, Ive heard hes a bum.

    Wish Id heard before I got involved with him. It all came out this morning, though, when I heard hed been robbed. See, Im police. she smiled, I joined the force after quitting my maid job. Names Kaylynn.

    Mines Emil. So he was robbed? Did they catch the thief, yet?

    No, and I doubt they ever will. It was a professional job.

    I chewed thoughtfully on my lip to prevent the grin of pride. It almost overwhelmed me. Me and Granddad. Professional burglars. Like old times. Then I remembered Kate and stopped feeling proud.

    I cleared my throat. So, it happens now and then, robbery. What happened this morning?

    I was working out at the pool. Gotta work on the body skills when youre in the force, when I heard the sirens and saw the patrol cars racing down Main Street. You didnt hear them? Never mind. Anyway, I had my radio with me, called in to see if I was needed and found out about the robbery. Lothario, my friend and lover, had been burglarized. Maybe he was hurt. I needed to know and raced over there without even changing my clothes.

    Was he hurt?

    No. And not only that, his OTHER girlfriends had raced over to see if he was OK, including that witch, Cassandra. Boy, did her rich girl airs come crashing down when she saw her boyfriend in the arms of this chick I didnt even know about, Viola something or other.

    My heart sank. Granddad, it was not a good scheme.

    Lothario is engaged to Cassandra.

    Not any more. Sure, I knew about his engagement, but hed always promised to break it off, now that hed met me, the love of his life. And I fell for that line, can you believe it? She lifted her glass. A toast, she said, to the thieves who showed me the real Lothario.

    And Viola? What happened to her?

    Last I heard, she and Lothario left town together.
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Uh oh, Errol. Rewriting your past, never a good idea ... :eek:
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I paid Amar for the pancakes and headed for the payphone.

    Hector, I just heard something about Viola leaving with Lothario. What does she know about last night?

    Where are you?

    The sidewalk bar. You remember Amar?

    Ill be there in a few minutes.

    A tired old man showed up a few minutes later and sat down next to me. To Amars surprise we got nothing stronger than two mugs of coffee. She is not my daughter anymore. I disown her.

    Thats a little drastic. Especially with the kid and all.

    Ill tell him she died.

    Now wait just a minute. You cant tell a kid his moms died when shes still alive. Besides, hell hear about her and Lothario from other people.

    Ill tell everybody shes died. I want nothing to do with her. I told her never to come back. I never want to see here again.

    Is this an over reaction to an elopement? I think so. I told him so.

    Elopement? I dont care about that! I dont care who she marries. But steal from me! Steal from her father, the man who gave her life, who raised her from a baby when her mother diedthats betrayal. She betrayed us and abandoned us. I disown her. I have no daughter. She is dead to me.

    What did she steal? What could she steal? You told me you didnt have anything.

    Did I? I dont think I did. I think I said Lothario was after the Goth money, which is more than I havehad. No, she cleaned me out, all 250,000.

    I closed my eyes for a moment. One question, Hector. I opened my eyes and looked around for Amar. He was at the other end of the bar, talking to Kaylynn. I lowered my voice, What does she know about last night?

    The old man grimaced and rubbed a hand through his hair until it stuck out in all directions. I might have let it slip. Most of it. I didnt want her following the police sirens over there. She went anyway, real mad.

    Thats why she took your money.

    Why she took it from her old man doesnt matter, only that she did, and then she had the nerve to call me this morning and tell me what shed done and that she was coming back to take the boy.

    I held my breath, waiting for the rest of it.

    Granddad stuck out his jaw, Over my dead body, I told her. What kind of life is she thinking of for the kid? A life with Lothario as a father? In some other city? No, the boys life is here in this town, with his friends, his school, his home and his Granddad. I hung up on her. She knows me. She knows I mean everything I say. He pushed the coffee cup away and slid off the stool. I dont want Errol to know, he sniffed, that she robbed us and ran away. He headed for the road, talking to himself.

    I played with my coffee, thinking about an urn full of ashes, wondering about the ashes, then I went to rouse Harcourt.
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    We paid the motel bill, and while Harcourt headed for the restaurant for some lunch, I decided to stop by Granddads house.

    It was later than I thought. School was out, and it was the boy who was me a long time ago who ran out to greet me. I was hardly ready to even shake hands with this creature when he suddenly flung his arms around my neck. I patted his back and fought the urge to shove him away. Obviously, he couldnt know how thoroughly weird this was.

    Granddad was reading the paper, or so it seemed at first. Then I noticed it was upside down. He maintained the pose, however, through my entire visit.

    I sat down on the couch. Small Errol sat next to me and we talked for a little while.

    I am very sorry, I said, to hear about your mother.

    She is happy now. Mom was always not happy. Now she is. Granddad says so.

    Uhyes. Thats good news. I just stopped by to see if you were OK, if you needed anything.

    A ray gun. I saw one on TV and I want one. Can you get one of those?

    Dont think so.

    Well, OK. Thanks, anyway. He stood up. Im going to call Marsha now. I want to be her friend and I think she wants to be my friend, too.

    I watched him pull a stool over to the phone. Id forgotten about that girl, Marsha, my first friend. I wondered briefly what she looked like all grown up.

    I got up, waved goodbye to the kid who was too young to understand death and to the stubborn old man who would raise me. I would like to have seen my mother once more but I had no idea where she was, and no time to look.

    It was almost time for the mirrors again. I went looking for Harcourt. I found him at the bar, talking to Lotharios ex-girlfriend, Kaylynn. She was happily telling him all the details of the burglary he had helped plan, and he was clearly fascinated by this third-person account of his adventures.

    Time to go, Harcourt.

    No, I want to hear more about the robbery. Kaylynn believes there was more than one burglar, a whole gang. They might return to break and enter other citizen homes. Kaylynn believes strongly about this.

    We need to go. Thanks, Amar, and maybe well see you later, Kaylynn. I sincerely hoped not.

    Harcourt and I headed for the street and around the building to where the mirrors should appear. I grinned when I saw them and started running, thinking of Kate. This time, Kate. This time, for sure, Im coming back. I reached for my image and met it and was through it!

    I stumbled in the dark and hit a wall. I slid to the floor. "Harcourt?

    I am here.

    Where exactly is here? Where are we?

    I am not knowing where we are. There is no light.

    Do I smell fish? I dont like fish. HEY! The floor moved! The wall moved! The whole blasted room moved!

    There are stairs here. Move toward my voice.

    When I stood up the floor moved and I fell over. OUCH! Where are you? I hear water. Why do I hear water? OK. Ive got your hand. And the stairs. Lets get out of here.

    I followed him up the short flight of metal stairs, through a door and into open air. It was night. There were stars and a moon overhead and water everywhere else.

    Where are we? I clutched at the door jam as the wood beneath my feet tilted sideways.

    On a boat, he said. A very small boat.

    There are no boats in my basement, Harcourt. You screwed up again.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    A boat! How cool.

    And he didn't rewrite his history after all ... because it had already happened that way. Time travel is fascinating, isn't it?

    What a stubborn old man, and poor little Errol. Don Lothario might not have been that bad of a dad ...
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I decided that since Errol had lost his mother and been raised by his grandfather there were two possibilites -- his mother really did die -- or she left and he was led to believe that she died. Somehow, for me, the second option had more appeal. It just seemed more likely, considering her affair with Lothario, and Granddad's irascible personality. Besides, killing off a kid's mother, even a sim kid's mom, was just more than I could bring myself to do. And, perhaps, Errol may one day stumble across his elderly mother back in Strangetown.

    I know, from your experience with romance sims, that Lothario probably would have made a good dad. Maybe, now that I've left Pleasantview behind, I should just move Granddad and little Errol into the city with Viola and Lothario. It's a parallel world, after all. I'm allowed to rewrite history in it. :p
  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I like that. It has a certain cosmic justice to it.

    Apparently someone on another site who's into hacks where you can get mega numbers of babies made Don Lothario the father of something like ten toddlers at once, and he didn't do too badly, at least not from what the pictures show. So, one kid shouldn't be too much for him to handle. :D
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    You've convinced me, then. Little Errol will get his Mom back and a new dad, too. :D In the parallel universe of Pleasantview, Errol Waring does not grow up as a burglar. It won't change Strangetown Errol's history, though. Because that history led him to Kate.

    (For those of you reading this who are not too familiar with sci-fi literature, parallel universes are common. ;))
  16. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    But what about the ashes of his dead mom? Or does his mom really die in the parallel universe of Strangetown? Or...gosh, this is confusing. :rolleyes:
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    You're right, Person, it is confusing. :eek:

    I got to joking around with SBW about parallel universes. My intent was that this particular "Parallel" universe was actually his past, which he was able to visit by way of the magic mirrors and see the truth about his mother, that she didn't die after all.

    As for the ashes in the urn? Yes indeed, Errol, too, is wondering who or what the ashes belong too. He'll find out, eventually.
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Harcourt ignored my scowling and climbed another set of metal stairs to the top of the miniscule cabin.

    I followed him up, more and more horrified by the flimsy structure that carried us. This is NOT a BOAT! I yelled at him. Its a CRATE! It fell OFF a boat. Were adrift. And we still have to wait twenty-four hours before the mirrors come back. Wed better pray the weather stays good out here because if it doesnt then you, me, this crate and those mirrors are going down to the mucky bottom.

    He had no interest in my nervous harangue. He peered into the eyepiece of a telescope up there, looking either at the horizon or the stars, or both. He swung the thing around a good bit. I dodged out of the way, gave up on the useless complaining, and stood staring out over the water. I have never felt so insignificant as I did watching that water heave and roll under our little dinghy. The sky above was just another ocean, equally vast. Me, Harcourt and the boat wannabe added up to nothing.

    After a few minutes I left Harcourt alone up there with the useless telescope--after all, whats there to look at? Water? Sky? I could see all that just fine without a telescope. I wandered down to the lower deck, snickering at myself for even thinking words like cabin and deck. They hardly applied.

    I found someone else was sharing the crate with us. He was almost as ugly as that guy Drake back at the besieged castle. Same kind of skin. And he moaned to himself a lot.

    Ehhello, I said. This your cruhboat? We stared at each other. Then he grunted something I did not understand and continued eating his bowl of gruel. Just great, I thought. Does every other world except mine live on that watery cereal?

    Harcourt came up behind me, There is warm clothing in the chests up there and I have brought some down for you. The wind is chill and the boat is not heated He caught sight of the other guy, shoved a bundle at me, and went forward to introduce himself. I left him to it as I looked at the clothes. Mighty colorful stuff, but the material was definitely a lot heavier than what I had in the suit. I went back up to the roof of the cabin, changed, left my suit in one of the boxes up there and came back down to see if Harcourt had managed to communicate.

    The conversation was lively and incomprehensible. At first. Once again I found that the occasional word made sense, then more and more, until I understood it all. Someday I was going to have to ask Harcourt how that worked.

    We were not on an ocean. It was just an inland sea. A very big and often stormy sea, although things were quiet at the moment. Jurg, the boatman, was bringing supplies to a fishing village on the island. What island? Oh, that blotch on the horizon. Well, OK, I thought. How? I saw no sails. Mostly the current? But theres a small engine somewhere which hes not bothering with now because the weathers good and the current is doing the work.

    I rubbed my hand over my face and looked out over the water. What was that in the waves? I stood up and tried to get a better look.

    Harcourt! Jurg! Theres someone in the water! Harcourt jumped up but Jurg shrugged.

    Just the sea people. Pests.

    Sea people? Id never seen anything like it. I watched them, fascinated. Two male and one female, although I was assuming thats what they were because of the form taken by their upper bodies. Below the waistwell it was hard to imagine what they did behind closed doors, if you know what I mean.

    They jumped around a bit, apparently ignoring us completely, then disappeared beneath the waves.

    Pests, he repeated. Theyll be back.


    I got one in the hold, he smiled an ugly smile.
  19. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Ooh, downloaded a mesh for a muscular merman? He reminds me of the King in The Little Mermaid. :rolleyes:
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Muscular was the only way I could find one. Could be others out there. He's so muscular it's embarrassing. :eek: I'm not a fan of the Schwarzenegger look. I believe in moderation in all things, even muscles.

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