I, Sim

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Dec 18, 2005.

  1. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Wow! I actually shouted 'Oh my God!' at the screen, and Mum thought I'd hurt myself. :p
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I haven't found a merman yet, only the mermaids ... I'll have to look some more. My daughter gets a giggle out of having mermaids on land: they look hilarious using the treadmill.

    Back on track: wow. Can't wait to find out what happens next.

    And I know it's a bit late but everytime I read the part about Gramps holding the newspaper upside down I laugh. Such great little details in this story ...
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Start with MTS2, sci-fi sims. The merman is actually at another site but I found the link when I looked at the merbaby. I didn't download the baby 'cause then I'd feel an obligation to raise him. :rolleyes: Besides, all this weird stuff I'm putting in my game makes me wonder when it's going to burst into flames and crash. That reminds me. Time to back up again. :p
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Dead or alive? I asked him.

    Alive. They can live out of water for a day or two, as long as theyre not in the sun. Their skins not suited to the sun as they live deep in the sea.

    Howd you catch it? They look huge.

    Biggern you or me. The males, anyway. The females are smaller. Thats what I got down there. A female. She got caught in a net. Im taking her to the villagers on that island. Theyll sell the tail, dried to a powder, for mixing up in medicines. Ive seen too much of these fish people to believe the tail is a cure for anything, but the landfolk dont know that, he winked at me. Ill get real good money for that critter in the hold.

    I was appalled at the whole idea. Even if they were half fish, the other half looked like you and me.

    Id like to see it up close.

    He nodded and waved at the metal stairs, Not too close, I warn you. That tail might not look like much but its big enough to knock you out and sharp enough to slice you up. So stand way back.

    I moved toward the dark hole that Harcourt and I had climbed out of only a couple of hours earlier, the unlit pit where Id smelled a strong odor of fish.

    Take a lamp, Jurg yelled after me. And dont listen to the noise it makes. That noise can lure boats onto the rocks and men to their deaths.

    Harcourt handed me a lamp as I hesitated at the top of the steps. Coming with me? I asked him.

    He shook his head and glanced up toward the telescope. His obsession was somewhere else.

    Watch out for the tail. Watch out for the tail. Each word for each step as I went down. I held up the lamp and looked around. The boat was small and the hold was a lot smaller. I saw something bright and damp move under the steps and I raised the lamp higher.

    Skin as white as fresh snow. Hair like silver. She was the most beautiful thing Id ever seen. And she was headed for a cruel death. Do you know? I whispered, moving closer, what they will do?

    She made no sound, but smiled and rose up on the end of her tail, unsteady, swaying. Without thinking I set the lamp aside and reached for her to keep her from falling. A warm body in my arms, warm breath on my face. I guess I expected her to be as cold and unpleasant to touch as a fish. I was so wrong.

    Not you, I said softly. Not this time. We must hurry. I hear his boots on the steps to the cabin roof. Please, Harcourt, I thought, keep him busy.

    I carried her up to the deck. With only one glance around us I started to heave her over the rail to the water. She suddenly twisted in my arms, resisting me.

    No, no, I whispered. Go now. Quickly. But I misunderstood her intent and in the next instant found her lips pressed hot on mine. Then she was gone with hardly a noise made as she dove into the waves. I stared at the water sliding past the hull and touched my fingers to my lips. Wow, I thought. Should I tell Kate about that?

    In the next moment a powerful blow to my back knocked me to my knees. It was followed immediately by a kick to the head that knocked me out. But just before that foul smelling boot hit my skull I heard him say, So I sells you instead.
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Just a couple more pictures which weren't useful for the story. I'm sort of fascinated with the fish tails. Obviously, they're in a swimming pool. Well, except for the one flying through the air which is a funny story involving the somewhat dangerous move objects cheat wherein I had to exit the game without saving. :eek: I'll have to start another thread on that one. :p

    In three of these pictures they were swimming at night with no pool lights and I experimented with the color a little to darken the water even more.
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    So cool ... and he did the right thing. Can't wait to hear how he gets out of this one!
  7. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    I can't either. I keep wondering what the heck is Kate thinking. He's been gone now for four days or he's in his fourth day away?
  8. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    Well since he's time travelling I would think she would be unaware of how long he's been gone. It would seem to her as though he'd stepped out of the room and right back. But I guess that would depend on just where in time he returns.

  9. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Wow!!!!!! Lynet, very, very cool!!! The pictures and the story are absolutely gorgeous. I keep looking at the pictures and, knowing full well the limitations of the TS2 game, wondering, "How's she do that!!!!!!" Awsome, awsome, awsome!! :D
  10. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Amazing! Simply amazing! Can't wait to read more!!!:eyepopping:
  11. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    This story is keeping me on my toes! Great pictures, too. I love the exotic..ness of the mermaid with the white hair.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Oh, you sweethearts. It's been a lousy day at work and I checked in here and found all these nice comments. Thanks. I am much heartened. :)
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I dreamed of Kate. Kissing Kate. Kate, Darling, Ive got a headache. Hold itHold itI never get headaches! But I got one now. One humdinger of a headache. Kate faded away and my headache took over. Unh.unhOw ow ow ow ouch. OUCH!

    Whispering, Ssst. Sssh. Sir Errol, you may draw the attention of Jurg. And there is something I must explain to you first.

    Dont call me Sir. Errol. Or Waring. Either one, but not Sir.

    Errol Waring, please do not speak more.

    No problem. Im going back to sleep. Wheres the bed? Where are we? Ow, my head. Every time I move I opened one eye very cautiously but couldnt see anything. Stop leaning on me Harcourt. Move off. I pushed at him but he didnt budge.

    I regret that I am not able to move away. We are in a small box.

    It was then that I remembered everything Id done. I had thrown the strange woman into the sea and been hit from behind by Jurg.

    I managed to open my other eye. Neither eye seemed to work very well. Tell me the truth, Harcourt. Dont spare me. Is it dark in here or am I going blind?

    There is no light. We are in a box in the hold of Jurgs boat. I believe the sun has risen one hour or more since and that we are moving through waters more shallow than before. The boat rocks from the waves of shallow waters. I believe we are about to make contact with the island.

    What about the mirrors, Harcourt? How soon do they come back?

    It was late in the night when we arrived in this hold. It will be late tonight when they return.

    We have to get out of this box. We have to be ready.

    We are to be sold.

    Hunh? Thats nuts!

    This is a primitive and backward world. It is done here.

    For what purpose? Are we going to be mashed up into a powder for medicine?

    Harcourts shoulders shook for a moment. I heard something strange, Harcourt laughing. Very quietly, but laughing. I extremely regret feeling this humor from your comment, he whispered. It is the very perilousness of our situation, I believe, that causes these urges to laugh. However, we are not to be killed. We will be required to perform labors.

    And offering me a salary is not an option?

    Would you work for anyone here?

    Youre kidding, right?

    That is why we are to be sold and not offered a living wage.

    You realize, dont you, Harcourt, that the mirrors are on this boat and we cant be separated from it, under any circumstances.

    I am not able to forget about the mirrors. However, in talking to Jurg, while you were creating further trouble for us with his captive sea person, I learned that he had recently sold someone else to the people on this island.

    So what do you want to do? Punch a hole in his hull as we leave? While were at it we should punch a hole in this whole wretched world. Drain some of the water. Theres too much of it.

    He described to me this person he had sold. It was Alka.

    I groaned. Now I knew what was coming, and it did.

    So we must allow ourselves to be sold. We must find her.
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I've been home from work today and have spent the entire day (except for laundry and cooking supper) simming. I had so hoped to get two chapters up tonight but ran out of time. Pictures of the islanders and the island and another chapter should be up tomorrow.

    Poor Errol. So worried about Kate, but more adventures to come first. I should reassure you that Ruthie is right in that the mirrors allow time travel as well. Although Errol will continue to worry, we shouldn't. :) Kate will be fine. In fact, better than fine. ;)
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Ooh, Lynet, what beautiful pictures, especially the island ... and I'm really into this story.

    I want them to find Alka!
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    :D I spent all day working on the island. It's the hugest lot :p and slow to load and slow to play, but it's so cool. I can't wait to show you. Crossing my fingers that all goes OK tomorrow.
  17. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    I can't wait to see it in more pictures!
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Forced labor? Not a chance. Ive done my time already. If you want to find Alka, you go right ahead, but Im going home. I shifted my weight a bit, fully conscious now and mighty uncomfortable. We were packed in a crate not much larger than a coffin and the air was foul. Two men in a confined space after a sweaty twenty-four hours without a shower or a toothbrush. And if we werent released soon it was going to get a whole lot worse.

    Our argument ended abruptly because the boat hit land. The timbers all around us shook and creaked as the boat beached hard. Our box slid across the splintery deck, throwing our heads against the end of it, which only added to the pain in mine. I heard voices overhead and the sound of heavy boots everywhere. Eventually a number of them descended into the hold and surrounded our box. I thought for a while theyd leave us in it and carry the box, but they wised up. Its easier to deal with two unarmed men on foot than a big heavy box, so they pried off the top and hauled us out onto our feet.

    We were pushed and pulled up the stairs and into the sun. My eyes were slow to adjust but I noted that Jurgs boat was the only one in the small harbor. The harsh, rocky land curved around on both sides of it and rose steeply into mountains behind the village. And the village itself was just a handful of wooden and bamboo huts, some of them on stilts. Throw in some palm trees, a small fountain, and other odds and ends and you got the picture.

    Because my first encounter with the people of this world had been Jurg I had low expectations for the rest of them. But the young men who surrounded us looked healthy. And the two women we passed on the beach were real nice to look at. If not for KateOK, I wont go therebut one of the women, I swear it, winked at me. We also passed Jurg. He was talking to another guy, using his fingers to help himself count, striking his deals, I presume, for the cargo.

    Harcourt and I were hustled down the beach and locked up inside a small shed. Once we were alone I sternly informed him that I planned to make a break for it as soon as I could and stow away on Jurgs boat. How? he asked wearily and then stayed quiet as I started examining the walls, looking for a weak seam. The air in the shed was better than itd been in the box but not by much. This must be the lockup, I decided, for island troublemakers. Smelled like it.

    The shed was strongly built. The wood was old and rock hard. I made a fist and pounded once or twice on one of the planks without effect. Then I pounded on it again out of anger and frustration. I did not look at Harcourt because I had a tremendous need to punch someones face. He was at risk for many reasons.

    Somebody flung the door open and I turned, eager for the opportunity to fight whatever came through it, but two guys shoved me back as one grabbed Harcourt. Before I could regain my balance I was left alone in the shed. What could they possibly want with him that didnt include me? I leaned against the wall, listening to my stomach growling, trying not to think about pork chops and how much I wanted one.

    The door opened again and I crouched, fists up, but it was one of the women Id seen on the beach. I remembered her because of the jewel in her necklace. I notice stuff like that since stealing it was my trade once upon a time. I also remember women who wink at me. I lowered my fists and she smiled.

    I do not like, Jurg, she said.

    I do not like him, either, I put a finger to my aching cheekbone. I couldnt see it but I knew it must look sore.

    I do not want to marry him and live on his boat. I want to marry you instead and go with you to the traders land.

    This conversation was not moving in the right direction. I considered how best to respond to this proposal. What answer would benefit all concerned? Then I realized that there are other ways to escape Jurg besides marrying me. She might even enjoy city life back in Strangetown. I might be able to help you out, I said, if you can get both of us, meaning you and me, onto Jurgs boat for a few minutes after the sun sets.

    She nodded and slipped out the door. I heard the bar drop securely on the other side, locking me in. I rubbed my hands together. Maybe this plan would actually work.
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Three more pictures, taken of the village at night. I expect to get more daytime. :rolleyes:
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm in awe. This is so great. You've created a whole little believable little world and the story is so compelling. I'm so glad you posted today!

    And, not to sound like a sick monkey, but I like the "shiner" makeup for Errol. Where'd you get it? I considered creating some for my sims that brawl a lot. Just seems more realistic, somehow ... or is that just a shadow?

    Your sims are amazing. Did you download a special skintone, or eyes, or all of the above? That woman looks like a real person ... love the gypsy clothes, too.

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