Spore Ideas for Spore Expansion Packs

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by HCantu99, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. kingofthenet

    kingofthenet New Member

    I think it's more for discussion than questions, isn't it? Moved ;)

  2. suomalainen

    suomalainen New Member

    I have idea of making freaks in civilization, like twoheaded thing. Example, you have maded blue bird who has two beaks. And that freaked, Bird who has two heads and in other one two beaks, and in other one, one beak. And "normal" blue birds send it out of the city in poor hut. What about this?
  3. strillor

    strillor New Member

    I love the idea about expansion packs with more features... Like I think all of us, will reach the highest evolving status sooner or later, so Willy-Boy is going to think about finding something AFTER that.. what's bigger than emperior of the universe? what's higher than that? :confused: I'm gonna let Will Wright think about that :laughing2: it IS his game, and I guess he has tons of ideas for features that just couldn't fit into the first game :smile:
  4. OverlordBill

    OverlordBill New Member

    John Titorize me Captain!
  5. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    All this expansion talk seriously makes me sick. A game should ship at the peak of its quality, and only extremely important, massive changes should justify an expansion, since smaller ones could easilly work in patch form. Talking about expansions only implies that the game will ship as a steaming pile of crap.
  6. Jeskim

    Jeskim New Member

    EWWWWW. I DONT WANNA BUY A PILE OF STEAMING CRAP! DONT TALK LIKE THAT OR ITLL COME TRUE!!!!!! *talks to a ghost and puts aluminum foil on his head*
  7. strillor

    strillor New Member

    Do you then think The Sims is a pile of crap, too???

    expansion packs is made for us, to give us the opportunity to decide/suggest some ideas to what could come into the game... ...!
  8. OverlordBill

    OverlordBill New Member

    Yes. Yes I do.

    And no. No they're not. Expansion packs come out for one reason and one reason only. To make money.
  9. strillor

    strillor New Member

    well.... yeah.. :laughing2:

    but they like the sound of what I said before :laughing2:
  10. chocolatemax

    chocolatemax New Member

    i do not think there will be an expansion pack, its just not that sort of game, more of a one off great in-depth game.
    I don't understand how you can be discussing ideas for new expansion packs, the actual game isn't out yet! and talking about sequals! lol
  11. Jeskim

    Jeskim New Member

    you kno, somebody already yelled at us for ideas for expansions. little.....
  12. kingofthenet

    kingofthenet New Member

    Let the people imagine, let the people dream, what's wrong with discussing EPs, even after the game isn't out?

    That's the fun, making speculations and anticipating ;)

  13. OverlordBill

    OverlordBill New Member

    Not when what you're anticipating is useless, much like the Segway. Do you want another Segway Heat? Do you really?
  14. kingofthenet

    kingofthenet New Member

    One thing is sure, you can't tell people not to talk, not to dream...let them do it, and if you don't like it, don't read this thread, it won't harm you...

  15. suomalainen

    suomalainen New Member

    OMG! That mutating-thing is in! But They can't put any out of the city.
  16. Kazatan

    Kazatan New Member

    i wonder why you are mentioning Expansion Packs, when you could still be wondering about stuff that will be in the game upon release!

    i wonder if mutations is one of WW's ideas, he said he hasn't decided on all the things he's going to put in / take out.

    I just hope that once we get to the final space stages i can still zoom into a completely new planet and start building some new creature there, then when they are big enough fight them against my original species!

    As for a map, i'd hope they would include something like that in the game upon release. I'd guess at a minimum they'd include shortcut keys like f1-f10 being 10 planets you'd assigned them to, so you could quickly look at them without getting completely lost in the universe ;P

    Although i really hope they give us the option to name the individual planets like you can cities in civilisation, then have a screen with all know planets names and you can click to navigate to the one you want.

    It would be much easier to remember planets by user assigned names than by remembering coordinates :shocked:. Worlds could be "dinosaur world", "four legged spider world" whatever you put on there, it would be a lot easier to remember!

    EDIT: Id guess that if the game sells well, then the first expansion pack would include some sort of multiplayer...
  17. suomalainen

    suomalainen New Member

    I heard somewhere that you can use all editors when you are in space-level. And multiplayer is impossible, beckause if some-one gets superfast in ufo-stage, he/she would be able to defeat all other players in evolution-stage. People would get angry and game/x-pack wouldn't sell well. `^^ยด
  18. Kazatan

    Kazatan New Member

    someone else mentioned having multiplayer areas... i think this model would work well.

    ie you have certain space systems that are multiplayer enabled, so if you want to fly into them you can

    and certain planets that many people start building creatures on that say cant be destroyed like the other planets.

    but keeping areas that are non-combat areas, so you could go there to see other peoples creatures but you could only interact socially and not aggressively.

    if you had areas to suit each persons taastes i think it would work well, and people could host their own areas on their computers to their own specs and other could bring their single player creatures along to these areas...
  19. strillor

    strillor New Member

    my multiplayer idea would be kinda like Sims Online, (without the monthly payment of course) :angry:

    It'll work with a kinda "chat", and then it's just up to you if you want to FIGHT the other ones or make alliances and trade-connections :spin: depends on how your creatures have evolved!! :smile:
  20. K.Kraden

    K.Kraden New Member

    You mean to tell me, that those two anime's are from separate sources? Wow. That is just plain sad. The universe they use... I mean, they are practically carbon copies of each other! What kind of a world do we live in where creativity is so stifled that companies will not only steal general ideas, but the whole product? I am glad Wright and Molyneux are finally starting to break this trend with Spore and The Room (Sadly though, Molyneux said The Room probably won't be sold. Ever.).

    Oh, and I dont really care for Yu-gi-oh OR Duel Masters. Or any of those Pokemon clones, excepting digimon. Hey, I'm 18, but that doesn't mean I cant enjoy an entertaining show, :D.

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