
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Ooh...he looks sneaky. Watch out Joe!
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    He does look sneaky. But I don't know yet whether he's a good guy or a bad guy. Probably a little of both. Thought I'd share another picture with my readers. Since this neighborhood is a costume wearing neighborhood I had to figure out what to do with those pesky townies who are always wandering into the middle of things.

    The mind control mirror or whatever it's called seemed a simple solution. I decided that every townie who wandered into the scene would have to study mechanics. :D So here they are, parked out of sight while Joe and Ironsides take care of business outside.

    p.s. It is an entirely different neighborhood which has taken a lot of time to construct. I also had to restablish relationships that were developed in Strangetown. And oh, what fun looking for various downloads of clothes and objects for Ivensland (not the official name, just how I think of it.) I've been happily simming for hours and HOURS.
  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    LOL, Lynet, they certainly do look studious.

    Your stories make me smile! What a lot of work you put into them.

    I'm wondering who the cute townie with the custom curly hair is ... :)
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I created and moved a dozen or so guys into town to populate it. He's one of them, created rather in a hurry using the random generator in the create a family screen. But he's playable and if we like his looks maybe he'll join Joe later on.

    Annoying fact: In one visit to the market almost all the townsmen showed up, a real crowd. Joe and Ironsides went back later--when I took the pictures--and hardly anyone was there. :rolleyes: I didn't take pictures the first time because the Maxis townies were there, too, all in the way. Hence the purchase and installation of a mind control mirror.

    I'm smiling, too. This is the only place, this forum, where I can tell a story about a haunted robot whose companion makes him a Knight to prevent him from taking off his own head. There's something faintly quixotic about the robot, Ironsides, which appeals to my weird sense of humor.
  5. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    As much as I like Joe, I forgot it's really Ironside's story. Intriguing as always...
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    The horses stopped and refused to go further. The road had come to an end and ahead of us lay pools of stagnant and foul smelling water and tall weeds. The horses were wise to stop.

    "Wrong road, Sir," I said.

    "Call me Joe, Hector. Do not call me Sir. And it's not the wrong road. His directions were very specific."

    "It's a dead end. I don't see a farm or any buildings at all. We're in the middle of a swamp."

    "Let's take a look around."

    We climbed down from the cart and walked a short way back along the road. It was hardly more than a dirt path.

    "It's not a well traveled road," I said and pointed to the mud at our feet. There were ruts from our cart wheels and hoof prints from our horses. Anything else was washed away by recent rains. And it hadn't rained since we'd come through the mirrors.

    "And yet here's Etienne, on foot, to meet us."

    I looked up and saw Etienne and four other men. They had not come to us down the road, but from the weeds to either side. "He is not alone, Joe. I am prepared to fight if it is necessary."

    "Just keep an eye on them. Protect my back."

    They moved around us casually. I moved just as casually to stand close behind Joe, my back to his, so that I could watch the two who'd walked past him. One of them was sickly pale with broken teeth and stringy black hair. The other looked healthier, browned by the sun. They stared at me as if they'd never seen armor before. Perhaps they'd never seen any as good as mine. I stood straighter and stared back at them.

    I heard Etienne greet Joe, "You shake my hand again, as if we share a business agreement." One of the men snickered. I didn't see which one.

    "If you've decided against hiring me, then we'll leave. Stand aside."

    I heard a laugh. It sounded like Etienne. The two men in front of me were within the reach of my arms. That is clumsy of them, I thought. My arms hung at my sides but they were not limp. My muscles were tense. My fingers opened and closed into fists. Inside my helmet where they could not see, I grinned at them.

    "Your brother wants to see you," said Etienne.

    "You're mistaken. I have no brother."

    "Then, perhaps, we should talk about your Uncle."

    "I don't want trouble, Etienne, and I don't know what you're talking about. There's your cart. You have no more use for us so stand aside."

    "But I do have use for you, my Prince. One side or the other will pay a great deal for your head."

    Joe said, "Now, Hector."

    I laughed out loud and swung both my fists at the same time.
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    a lunchtime post -- pictures later.:rolleyes:
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Aaaugh! What a place to stop! :p
  9. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Go Ironsides! Woo Woo! My money's on Hector...
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    A couple of pictures for the last post--
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Ive been through enough brawls to know how bad they can be. I have seen friends suffer painful injuries to their hands and faces. Ive had my share. I can show you scars. Fighting is ugly and if there is a way to avoid it Im willing to talk. Sometimes, though, its not possible to avoid it. There are people who need to see your fist in their face before they will listen to you. These are the people Joe and I faced that day in the swamp. These were thieves and bandits.

    And I will confess to you that for a rough and unsophisticated guy like me it can feel real good to throw my fist at another mans jaw. There is energy in battle. There is a word I am looking forthere is exhilarationto a good fight.

    It was such a fight that day. We did it right, Joe and I. With my two fists I knocked both men backwards. One stumbled away into the weeds and collapsed. The other regained his balance and attacked me. It was the pale man with the sickly face whose jaw was stronger than his friends. I threw him down again and turned in time to catch a shaggy-haired man in red who had leaped toward Joe. I picked him up bodily and threw him to the ground. He did not get up. The pale man, however, attacked me again.
    Joe, in the meantime, had kicked one man so hard in the stomach that he did not care to fight anymore. Then he battled Etienne.

    In the end, the two of us beat the five of them and that is a wonder to me even today. I believe it is because they did not expect a fight and we took them by surprise. Joe agreed that this is partly true but then said that I am a strong fighter and that is the real reason that we won.

    The thieves were beaten but they did not run away. I thought we might have to fight again but Etienne told Joe that he had something else to offer. With me at his back, standing guard, Joe listened to Etienne.

    I have a place nearby, very close, here in the swamp. Neither your uncles men nor your brothers men know where it is. You would be safe there.

    I started to object but Joe glanced at me with a small shake of his head. He scratched at his chin, studying Etiennes bruised face. Why should I trust you?

    Because I know of a third party who is interested in seeing you. Someone who will also pay for you, but who wants you alive and healthy.

    Who is it? Joe said slowly.

    Your mother, my Prince. Etienne smiled then winced because smiling hurt his face. I know where she is hiding.

    Joe was quiet for a moment, then nodded. Show us your place. Well follow.

    I wondered the same that you are wondering. Why was Joes mother hiding, and if she was, and Etienne knew where, then why hadnt he betrayed her hiding place to Joes brother or uncle? This was all very puzzling to me, until I met Joes sister.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Don't mess with Hector, LOL.

    I think I'm a little in love with Joe ...
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    me, too. and Errol as well. :eek:
  14. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    good fight! nice bruises. Heleane's?
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    No. The site is which I probably found from the Worldsims thread about download sites. Joe has a dirty face which I got from MTS2 although I don't recall which thread. I just did a search for dirty skin. :rolleyes: I also found facial scars on MTS2. The kids over there like doing gore. It's rather gruesome searching through it all for something simple. I suppose I could do it myself but if the wheel's already been invented...

    I've got two more chapters to upload but I'm too tired to review them for errors. Tomorrow...:yawn: *yawns*

    p.s. It WAS a good fight. They both had built up body skills. Of course everybody is now furious wih everybody and we have to make amends and work together. :fight: :)
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I did not like that we were going to their den. I hung back so that I could watch them all. They moved sluggishly and sometimes pressed a hand to a sore jaw or ribcage but I knew they were still dangerous.

    We marched through a muddy land which was thick with the scrawny weed that looks like bamboo. There were a few trees and these were big and ugly. We had not gone far, however, when suddenly there it was, a stone building buried almost to its roofline in the ground. It was the lowest level and all that remained of a much bigger building that had long ago fallen away. The outer walls were stained with mud and there were no windows, just a heavy door with iron hinges and old carvings across its black wood. The fresh tracks of a cart ran nearby. Joe and I had passed this place without seeing it.

    A trap? I thought. Is there any other way out? But Joe had already gone down the steps and through the black doors. I went after him. Inside It smelled a little like the rotting vegetation that covered the ground outside but it was not so bad and I soon forgot about it. There were books and a chess table. The plank floor was dry and covered with a few old rugs. Candles hung on the walls and were all burning with light. I smelled meat roasting and saw an old stove in an alcove. These thieves lived well.

    Etienne waved at the table and we sat down to a meal of the roasted meat, bread and beer. After Joe had eaten hungrily he started to question Etienne about how a peaceful country had sunk into civil war.
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Etienne liked the sound of his own voice and took the entire evening to tell us what I can repeat with fewer words in only minutes.

    When King Iven ruled there was peace. He hated war and was not interested in expanding the countrys borders. He traveled a great deal, sometimes to settle disagreements over trade and other times for reasons no one knew. He would disappear for months and yet always knew of events that occurred in his absence. By magic, many believe, although he always insisted it was by means anyone could learn to do, something he referred to as Science.

    Whatever it was, magic or science, King Iven must have done something wrong because he blew himself up in his castle. People talk of the fire which was visible for more than a night and a day all around the valley, but first there was the explosion.

    Emil, Emil listen to me. I have seen many men die and it is often in great pain even when home in bed surrounded by family. Do not be too upset about your friend. For Iven Harcourt death was too quick for suffering.
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Joe, too, was very upset by all of this. He must have known his father was dead and yet still he hoped, somehow, that it couldnt be true, that it was only a matter of learning all the facts. He stopped Etiennes chronicle here and said firmly that Iven Harcourt was too careful and too experienced to make such a terrible mistake. Something else was the cause of the explosion, but Etienne pointed out that there was no way to know because nothing of the accident remained except the fallen stones of the castle.

    Joes mother, the Queen Alka, his brother Prince Dominic and sister Princess Yvette were visiting the home of friends on the other side of the mountain that day and so they survived unharmed. Joes uncle, Duke Hagen de Gleis, younger brother to the Queen, was not so fortunate. He survived but was badly burned. The Queen nursed her brother through months of pain. In his delirium he claims to have had a vision that named him king. Dominic objected, of course, and sent soldiers to arrest his uncle. Dominics soldiers were met by Hagens soldiers and there was a small skirmish. There have been several battles since then and Dominic has declared himself king but his throne is not secure.

    Joe and I learned that each side was gathering its forces in anticipation of a single campaign that would decide once and for all who sat on the throne. Etiennes men had learned all of this on the streets of Royden and other towns and also they learned that Joe had been recognized. Both sides knew he had returned.

    It was a hard night for Joe, hearing all of this. Later on I left him in a tub of hot water and soap. Etienne had shown us the way to the small shed up the hill and away from the building. I stood guard outside and learned that a swamp is a noisy place at night, full of strange animal life that croaks and chirrups without rest. Id rather stand guard in the middle of traffic on a busy city street. That noise I understand.

    He finished washing up and we walked back down the hill to the bandits den. He said, I wish Ania were here with me tonight.

    She would not be safe here.

    No. Not yet.

    You could forget all this and go back.

    I should never have left. But I do not want to be king. I must convince Dominic of that and help him end the war. I will need you for that, Sir Hector. For now, a change of clothes. Then I want Etienne to take me to my mother.
  19. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    :bigthumbsup: Fantastic, Lynet, as always!
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm glued to my seat! Keep checking back to see if you've added more.

    Really good stuff, Lynet!

    And romantic. Sigh. I'm sure Ania misses you too, Joe.

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