
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    We went out for dinner tonight. So when we got back I just posted this stuff in a hurry--wrote it quick, on line, in the post reply box. :eek: Sorry. I was just too anxious to get these pictures up. There are so many of them it was really hard to choose, too.
  2. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    The only thing I can say is... WOW!
  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Just when I think you couldn't possibly top what you've done already, you do. Those pictures are unbelievable. That castle is so realistic, and the action scenes ... wow.

    Amazing story too. I knew Etienne was on the right side. He and Joe are up to something.

    And go, Ironsides!

    What a snotty looking prince Dominic is. Hope he gets some bruises of his own soon. How dare he hurt Joe. :mad:
  4. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I got a little misty when Ironsides gave Joe a hug! You're AMAZING Lynet!
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I have to confess-- I've discovered the insiminator (or however that thing is spelled) and it saves me a whopping amount of time. Mainly, it's the Summoner, that I love. Forget boolprop. Forget holding parties that no one attends because you haven't spent days and days smoozing people. Jus' get out the box and summon those unfriendly neighbors. It's an offer, apparently, that they can't refuse. ;)

    Of course, if you go hog wild inviting people your computer might object. :rolleyes:

    Me, too. That's why the picture is there, because I get all sniffy.

    And one more little p.s. I'm patting myself on the back because I have a picture of Ironsides climbing a wall. Cool, no?
  6. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    Every inch of it is cool, Lynet, not just him climbing the wall. The building, clothing, "casting" . . . it's awesome!
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    We moved away from the roads and across the fields to escape the knights on horseback. Low bushes and trees were sparse and hardly cover enough but the gullies would discourage a horse and the sun would not be up for hours.

    Wheres Etienne going to meet us? I said.

    Near Royden.

    Thats a days ride on a horse!

    This side of Royden. We couldnt risk anything closer. One horse cart out here in these open fields would be visible from every rise in the ground.

    If were going that far we might as well cut across directly toward the swamp.

    Im not going to the swamp. Im going to Royden.

    Why, Joe? Dominics men are headed there for sure. And what of the Duke? Hes probably looking for you, too.

    The Duke is at the other end of the valley preparing for a siege of Vassily. Dont stop, Hector. We have no time. As you said, we have a long way to go.

    Youre not talking sense, Joe. I dont know what was done or said between you and Dominic but I can see by looking at you that it was all bad. I am thinking that I should knock you down and carry you to the swamp and I am thinking you would not be able to stop me.

    Joe stopped walking and glared at me, You are never to question me, Sir Hector. Not now, not ever, so long as I am alive.

    And you would not now be alive if I had not fought for you back there at Vassily!

    Which is your duty to me! And you have fulfilled it honorably and will be rewarded for it.

    Duty? Reward? I was furious. None of that entered my head, Joe. Were out here alone under the moon in the middle of muddy fields, just you and me, two friends. I can see that every step you take is more difficult than the last and that you are too tired to think clearly. So strip me of all honors and this knighthood but I will still carry you to Etiennes hideout.

    Joe sighed and shook his head, If I cannot lead you, Sir Hector, who are so loyal to me, than how can I lead anyone. I need to call to arms any man who has not yet been pulled into Dominics forces or the Dukes army. Dominic is weak and has turned over too much of his thinking to his Knight Commander, Aubert. Aubert is a dangerous man who imagines himself on the throne. I believe Aubert will win against the Duke but he will be weakened by the siege. I must be ready to move on him then, at his weakest, when the Duke is out of the way.

    I smiled although I knew that Joe couldnt see it. All right, Joe. I will help you get to Royden, but only if you sit down here for a short while and rest.
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Men are so stubborn sometimes. This story is just great, Lynet, even without the pictures, which are fantastic. I agree with Duzzy. It's not any one thing, it's everything.
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm working on more but had to stop in and say thank you so much. Your encouragement makes me bolder with the writing and pictures. *Yikes, RL thunder and lightening at my windows* It might amuse you that I have only the barest of outlines in my head for where it's all going. What comes next often surprises me as much as anyone. Sounds funny, but as I'm writing is when the ideas come to me. So it's never boring amd I'm having a great time. I'd better get back to it. Also, I'm afraid this thunderstorm surrounding the house is pretty serious. And just for fun I'm attaching an "oops" :D

    He's OK. I exited the game in a hurry and didn't save it. :p
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Poor Joe! He's going to need a lot of TLC once Ania arrives.
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    He at first he waved off my suggestion and turned to keep walking but then stopped, head down. As you wish, Hector. I need a few minutes off my feet. He sank down to the ground on the spot and I joined him.

    I didnt ask him questions because I believed that rest without talking was more important but he began slowly to tell me of what had happened at Vassily before I arrived. His words were few and chosen carefully and he did not tell me about everything that had occurred, only what he considered important for me to know.

    Joe had tried once more to persuade his brother that they were not enemies, that Joe wanted only to see Dominic safely on the throne. And once more Dominic rejected his offer and accused him of betrayal. If I am wrong, said Dominic, then tell me where to find Mother and Yvette.

    I dont know where they are.

    You are lying. You know where they are and you know they should be here with me, united with me in support of my throne.

    Im sure that Mothers worry right now is to protect Yvette and that she will want to be united with you when it is safe for them. Ive heard that the Duke is planning a major campaign against Vassily. I can help you. I will stand with you. But it is too dangerous for the Queen and Yvette to be here.

    Dominic was furious. I dont need your help. Aubert is in command and we are ready. The Duke will be defeated, easily. Are you going to tell me where they are?

    Joe said once more that he didnt know where they were and Dominic had him removed to the tower where I found him. At first they left him alone there, except for a brief visit from Dominics wife, the woman that Joe himself might have married if he had not run away. She said foolish things to him but her motive became clear when she suggested that he tell Dominic what he wanted to know.

    The next day Aubert came to the tower with two of his men. They questioned him about the Queen and Yvette. This is when Joe began to realize that Dominics situation had grown more complicated than simply needing the Queens public support. Auberts questions were all about Yvette, not the Queen.

    Joe said to me, I saw in Auberts manner and expression when talking of my brother that he holds Dominic in little regard. I now believe that if Yvette comes to Vassily then she will be forced into marriage with Aubert. I even suspect that Dominic may have promised her to him. But if this marriage occurs it is as certain as tomorrows sunrise that Dominic will be murdered.

    Joes conclusion took me by surprise. Would anyone dare to murder the king? Even Aubert?

    Joe smiled, I think history was not your favorite subject in school. Kings were frequently murdered, often by members of their own family. As for Aubert, Joe touched his torn lip, he wouldnt hesitate.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Uh oh, now they're going to have to rescue Dominic's worthless hide ... wonder if he knows just how great of a brother he has.

    Probably not.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    And now I've got yet another villain. Gotta go take some pictures of the evil Aubert who is not the same as the evil Duke. Looks like this story isn't going to end any time soon. And my poor dear Errol hasn't even arrived yet. But he will, he will. He'll be cool. :cool: That's a promise.
  14. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    Thank goodness!! :D

    Woowhoo! I can't wait!
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Joe didn’t rest for long. He worried that we’d be found or that Etienne would be noticed with his cart. We walked all night, rested again, drank water from the well of an abandoned farm, and walked more. Somehow I had managed to sleep during our last stop and felt stronger but Joe was staggering with exhaustion. I was relieved when we spotted the outer buildings of Royden. Then I thought I might also be seeing the cart. Whatever it was, it moved in our direction.

    Before I could pull Joe out of site into the scrub I saw that yes, it was Etienne, and he was cracking the whip over the horses’ heads, racing down the road. He hauled up so close I thought he would run us down.

    “Move fast,” he said. “Get in the back and get down. We’re going to the farm of a friend and I want to be out of sight in his barn before the Duke’s patrol discovers us out here on the road. I’ve been warned that his scouts are moving in this direction. I think they’re probably just looking for trouble with the king’s men but we’d be a more interesting game for them.”

    I helped Joe into the back where he lay down with an arm over his face. I stretched out beside him and stared up at the infinite blue, holding tight to the cart’s frame as it bounced and careened over the dirt roads.

    It wasn’t long, however, before the cart slowed and the blue sky slid away, covered by wooden beams. I sat up and rubbed at my shoulders while Etienne jumped to the ground and pulled the barn door closed. “We’re here, Joe,” I said. “I’ll go persuade the farmer to give you a real bed for the night.”

    He didn’t answer. Alarmed, I looked more closely at him, then ceased worrying. The man was sound asleep and snoring.
  16. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Well, I should think so. What a hard night he's had! Poor guy. Hope he gets some rest.

    And now, it's time for me to follow suit. Just had to see if you'd posted, and you did!

  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    We found Joe a bed in the back of the farmhouse and left him there. He slept through the night and all the next day and night. When I wanted to go wake him for breakfast on the first morning, Etienne stopped me. Leave him be. Hell get up when hes hungry enough. I agreed he was probably right and sat myself down to enjoy the farmers biscuits and cheese.

    The farmer is a lonely old guy with no family and he was glad for our company. He talked without pausing to breathe, as if the words had been piling up in his chest, unspoken, for a lifetime. His rambling chatter annoyed me in the beginning but I could see that Etienne was coaxing pieces of useful information out of it all, and so I listened without objection.

    The farmers name is Ambrus and he swore that every able man in the country had been pulled into either the Dukes army or the Kings. There was no one left, just himself and the tavern keeper, and the tavern keeper only because of an unfortunate accident that cost him a foot. We listened to a long tale about the loss of the tavern keepers foot.

    The evening of our second night looked like it would be more of the same but then Ambrus brought out a jug of his home brew. We passed it around and after awhile the farmers story changed a little. He started to hint about men who had found reason to be in the mountains on long hunts. He would not swear to its truth, but someone might know. Indeed, this might be a man called Lochlann who sometimes comes to the Barleynob, which is the only decent tavern in Royden, we should know. If he comes, and he doesnt come every night, it is always very late, and he comes in to quench a mighty thirst from all that hunting hes doing up the mountain. Funny, but we could notice that he never brings any animal skins to sell and we could also think it may be that the hunt is going badly. This is to be expected considering that people are stealing the trees right off the Kings own mountain. When the trees disappear, so do the animals worth the hunt. Of course, Lochlann always leaves the tavern before it gets light.

    Etienne did not smile with his mouth at what the old man said. But it was in his eyes when he looked at me. Pass our friend his jug, Hector. His mouth is dry again and hes thirsty. I think well also need a jug of the Barleynobs fine stuff to top the evening off. I think Ill go to Royden and get it.

    I nodded and handed Ambrus his jug and watched him tip it high for a good long swallow of the foulest stuff I have ever allowed past my lips. I hoped that Etienne really intended to bring us a jug from the tavern. And I hoped it was good.
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Etienne was gone until nearly dawn. Ambrus had fallen asleep with his face on the table and I spent the hours wandering the small farm looking at the animals. I found a cow, a couple of pigs and some horses, all healthy. Although the house and barn are older than the farmer himself by several family generations they are in good repair and I think it unfortunate that he has no heirs. Perhaps there are relatives.

    I looked in on Joe who was still sleeping deeply. He had no fever and the shadows were gone from his face. Whatever Etienne might say in the morning I would wake Joe for breakfast if he didnt wake himself.

    Etienne was excited when he finally returned. Theyll be here in a few hours. I thought the name Lochlann was known to me and it is. Knew him as a boy, the two of us making trouble, stealing fruit from the market stalls and picking pockets. He gave it all up for a pretty girl. Told me tonight they have a houseful of children, all too young for the army, fortunately. But not himself, so they packed up and went into the mountains. Etienne rubbed his hands together. How about getting out the cheese and throwing some biscuits in the oven, Hector. Doesnt look like Ambrus is going to feel much like cooking this fine morning. We looked over at the old man who still slept with his head on the table.

    I agreed to take care of the food while Etienne took care of his horse. Ambrus must have heard us talking because he suddenly roused himself, swayed on his feet and went to the barrel of water next to the barn. He put his entire head down into it, for so long that I went over to pull him out, thinking hed gone back to sleep, but he stood up before I got there and smiled at me, broken teeth shining in the morning light
    The biscuits were still baking in the oven when Joe came out of the house. He said, I smell something cooking. Then he said, Wheres Ania?

    All of us stared at him. I said, You were dreaming, Joe. Shes not here.

    Ambrus scratched his armpit and said, Whos Ania?

    Joe rubbed at his face. Hed been asleep for so long he was still trying to wake up. He squinted at the sun and looked around at the farm, Where are we?

    This is Ambrus, Etienne patted the old man on the shoulder. Friend of mine. This is his farm. Another old friend of mine, Lochlann, and his men, are going to be here in a couple of hours. So youd better get washed up. I brought some clothes for you, same as before. If you want them to join you against the Duke and Aubert then youd better be ready to inspire confidence.

    Joe was clearly pleased with this news and he nodded, Ill be ready. As soon as I eat. He sat down and I put a plate in front of him. He ate all of that and then had some more. There was no more talk of Ania.
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Lochlann and his small group of hunters were not easily persuaded. They were safe in the mountains. Joe pointed out that they would not be safe for very long, that they would become the hunted, they and their children. Joe expected Aubert to defeat the Duke, and Aubert would not be content to leave the mountain men in peace. He would not stop until every man who had not fought on the Kings behalf was either in prison or dead.

    Lochlann agreed with what Joe said of Aubert. And he also knew Duke Hagen to be rash and arrogant. Even now, he told us, half the Dukes army was said to be marching on Vassily and only half of them marched because the Duke believed Vassily would fall quickly. The Duke himself was still in his castle at Aghamore, too confident in the abilities of his commander, Kynwal. Kynwal is a good man but not the equal of Aubert.

    Joes eyes narrowed and I knew he was surprised by the news that the Dukes army was on the move. Then we must prepare to meet the retreating army of Duke Hagen when it comes through the gorge below Vassily. That road is the only way back to Aghamore. We will allow them through. Aubert will be right behind them, intent on preventing their return to reinforce. And he will not expect our attack.

    Lochlann spread his arms wide, waving at the small group of hunters. Your Highness, this handful of men is not enough to fight a battle with Aubert and his knights. And we have no armor, no weapons

    Then go and find more men. There are more up there, Joe glanced up toward the mountains. And I will supply the weapons. We dont need as many of either as you might believe. We will be waiting in the gorge, high in the rocks. Auberts knights will be tired from fighting at Vassily, weighed down with their armor in the heat. We will win.

    Lochlann considered this plan and said, Perhaps. Against Aubert. What then? The Duke will have no more obstacles to the throne he wants. What of the King?

    Joe raised his chin and glared at all of us, and his voice when he spoke next was made deeper by his passion, I am Konstantin, first son of Iven. And I am the king that Duke Hagen will have to fight.
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I was stunned at his pronouncement. Before now he had repeated to me and others many times that he wanted only to see an end to the war and Dominic secure on the throne. Is he sleepwalking? I thought. What has changed?

    Lochlann stood quiet for a few minutes, thinking, then held out his hand and said, “I am with you, Your Highness.” Joe shook Lochlann’s hand. Prince Konstantin‘s rebellion was born.

    “Gather your men, Lochlann, and carefully, so as not to draw attention. Send them here.” The mountain men bowed and left. Joe turned to Etienne, “Are you with me, Etienne?”

    “To the end,” said the bandit with a wide smile. “In return for a pardon and a farm of my own.”

    I thought the man was bold in wanting to bargain now but Joe gave no indication that Etienne’s demand was anything except reasonable. He nodded, “Agreed. Now I want you to head to Vassily and keep watch for the Duke‘s army. When it arrives, make note of the siege. When it appears that one side or the other is losing and about to retreat, and I fully expect it will be the Duke‘s army that retreats, I want you to go down to the gorge where they will pass. We will be waiting there.”

    “Yes, Sir,” Etienne bowed deeply, still smiling. But he moved quickly to saddle his horse, and fill a pouch with fruit, bread and water before heading at a gallop down the road.

    The farmer Ambrus had gone off to tend to his animals. Joe and I were alone.

    “Sir Hector,” Joe said. “I believe you are surprised at my decision to take the throne away from Dominic.”

    “Yes, Your Highness,” I said slowly. “I am surprised.”

    “Dominic has done badly. He puts his trust in men like Aubert. He has promised the Princess Yvette to Aubert without understanding the consequences. I can‘t allow this.” He started to pace back and forth. “And there is one more thing I must do before we go to fight Aubert’s knights.”

    “What is that, Joe?”

    He stopped pacing, “I want to talk to Ania.”

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