
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    In the meantime, what Etienne sees when the siege begins at Vassily --
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    And he also sees Dominic trapped on the walls --
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    *and an oh-by-the-way, a couple pictures of Aubert back before Joe escaped from Vassily*
  4. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Oh wow. Those pictures actually look like they're fighting with swords! This is so great...and what a plot twist! I can't wait to hear about Ania and Joe's relationship now.

    Edit: Okay, I was just looking back at past posts, and I was reminded of the crazy man who trapped Errol in the big mansion! What of him? Was he on Dominic's side?
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yes, I thought at first he was Dominic, now I think he might be Aubert? Or someone who works for him ...

    Great story, Lynet! You make me want to get back to writing mine.

    Can't wait to find out what happens next? Will Ania agree to be a queen?

    All so exciting ...
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I haven't forgotten about the crazy man. He's still around and will turn up again. I also haven't forgotten about the urn...

    Could be there are things I HAVE forgotten about, though, so I like it when people ask questions -- I hate it when I forget to tie up loose ends. :eek:

    Just a note: The siege of the castle was very difficult because the computer got as slow as molasses. There were too many graphics to handle with fire and smoke and more than a dozen sims fighting each other. And the castle, which is generally playable with the regular household, is still rather big with lots of junk in it. The pause button, which I have always relied on heavily to get just the right moment, was also slow to pause things. As a result, many good photo possibilities escaped me. :( Too bad, because it was all actually quite spectacular. I enjoyed the siege. :rolleyes:

    Still, there's at least one more good fight coming, swords and all. Maybe two fights. In an open field without a big castle to bog things down. :D

    I am more than aware of the irony that the Sims is not a war game. But sims do get furious with each other and fight. I couldn't make war in Joe's country if fighting wasn't already in the game.

    One more edit: In the end, though, it really is a love story.
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Took some time to get a better look at those pictures (it was late at night last time ... ) and wow, Lynet. Amazing, even with all the "missed" shots.

    And too bad Aubert's a bad guy 'cuz he's hot. :D There I go, thinking with my hormones again. But, maybe he should have a son, or something ... :rolleyes:

    (Cue announcer voice)

    Dominic's trapped! Will Joe be able to save him? Will he ever learn his lesson? Will Joe be king? Will Ania freak out? Will Etienne get his farm, and his princess? Will Ironsides ever figure out he's not human anymore?

    Tune in to see!
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    LMAO, SBW! :rotfl:
  9. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    This is fantastic. I don't think I can say that enough, Lynet. Those pictures are great as well. With the darkness, smoke, and fire some of them brought Helms Deep to mind from LOTR: TTT.
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thank you, DuzzyGirl.

    This is also a note to myself--I was looking up something else back in this thread and discovered that Joe told Errol and Kate that he had TWO sisters (when they were all driving over to the cemetery.) Golly, talk about loose ends. Now I have to go find his other sister. :eek: Hmmm, did she marry the Duke, perhaps? Or maybe she died of a terrible disease a long time ago. Don't know--more research required. *scratches head with both hands*
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    "Joe, I don't think..."

    "I must see her, Hector. The last time we spoke was by telephone and we had an argument. She was angry about something I'd done and she was right to be angry. I can't leave it that way. Suppose we lose this battle. Her last memory of me would be of a thoroughly petty argument."

    "You will not lose this battle. More than that she has many memories of you, good memories, and she will have all of those to keep with her even when the two of you are bent with age."

    Joe gave me half a smile. "Nevertheless, Hector, I cannot concentrate on all that's required here until I've talked to her."

    "And kissed her, perhaps? And loved her? When a man faces something unknown and this includes his own mortality he may be thinking of these things. But, Joe, there isn't time. Your men will be arriving soon. Etienne will be headed for the gorge with news of the siege, maybe in a day, maybe two. We also need to get weapons for the men."

    "Time is not an issue, not with those mirrors. I control the time."

    "I understand differently from what Emil has said of his travels with Iven. He was not able to return to Kate when that is all he desired to do."

    Joe looked puzzled, "Emil? Oh, yes. Emil." He waved impatiently, "I have resolved those problems. I just need to get back to Harcourt Castle where the mirrors will phase."

    "Harcourt Castle is rubble."

    "I saw the edge of the vault. It looked to me as if it were still secure. So I will need your help in getting it open. We will go now."

    I thought it a very bad idea, the return to Strangetown to see Ania. But he would not be stopped. We took two of the farmer's horses and told the old man we'd be back by evening. Then we rode fast for Royden.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Ah, a man in love can convince himself of anything. :rolleyes:
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It was the middle of the day when we neared Royden and so we left the roads and approached the ruins from the fields. The weeds were high and it was easy enough to lead our horses through and tie them to the dead trees in a gully. From there Joe walked quickly, keeping to the lower ground around the black stone of the castle foundations, out of sight of the windows of Royden, even though at this end of the village the buildings were mostly empty.

    Deep in the pit between the broken walls we found a rusted iron door and between the two of us and with a metal bar that Joe pulled from the weeds nearby we managed to pry the door open.

    Inside was a small room that appeared untouched by the fire and the explosion and the passing of years. There was a small amount of dust on the floor. The air was dry. Round lights in the ceiling ignited and grew brighter as we stepped through the door. It was easy to believe that Iven had used magic more than science in this room. Joe was breathing hard but I knew it was not just from the hard ride to Royden or because of the effort of opening the vault door. He was worried, worried about Aubert, about Dominic, about the Duke, about Ania.

    He may have been worried, too, about the mirrors. But they were there, covering the wall at the end of the vault.

    You were right, Joe. Theyre here, and not for long, I guess. How did you know about the timing?

    Because I lived in this castle for years, Hector. But I have to go immediately. Stay and guard the vault. Wait for me.

    Then he was gone.

    I waited. The sun set and still I waited. I began to believe that the mountain men who had agreed to join him would go back to their mountains because Joe was not there to lead them. I became convinced that he must be in trouble and so I came through to find him, but he is not here, and now Im afraid that everything has been lost.

    I am an old man again here in Strangetown. This is the mystery to the armor I wear, that I am made strong and think clearly as a young man again on the other side of the mirrors. I want to go back, Emil, now that youve heard Joes story.
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member


    I stood up from the table. Im going to shower and change my clothes. How about packing a bag of food, Honey. Didnt I see some oranges in the refrigerator? And those apples over there on the counter would be good, too. Hector and I need to hurry or well miss the mirrors.

    Kate was standing too, eyes wide. She nodded. Viola sat still, studying the robot, her face pale. Shed been completely quiet during his talk. We all had.

    I had long ago gotten rid of the costume I wore on my return from traveling with Iven. After a quick shower I just pulled on a loose shirt and pants.

    Kate came upstairs. Violas packing the food. Hold still, your collars crooked. And whats this? Youre using my scarf as a belt?

    It smells like you, your perfume. And I thought that wearing it this way would help me blend in. Dont want to attract attention.

    Kate laughed a little. Not possible, Lover. Its your face, Im afraid. Its too handsome. Nobodys going to notice your clothes.

    I grinned at her teasing and she threw her arms around me and we kissed. I memorized every part of it, her warm body, her breathing, her eyes, her lips. I knew she was doing the same. Slowly we pulled apart and saw the robot standing there. Hector had come upstairs looking for me.

    Emil, he buzzed. The hour is late.

    Hector and I ran downstairs. I grabbed the bag of food from Viola who said nothing, her eyes still on the robot, looking puzzled and sad. Kate touched my face, Bring her back, Errol. Bring them both back.

    I left the house thinking that Kates confidence in me was powerful evidence of her love for me. But bring Joe back from his kingdom? And take Ania away from the man she loves?

    I knew already that Kate was expecting me to do the impossible.
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Errol to the rescue! I can't wait to find out what happens next ...
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Hector and I didn't just walk through the front door of that old house. We parked the truck in a public garage a block away and walked down a side street and an alley to the rear of the property. There was a hole in the fence, not very big, but Hector pulled at the iron rods until they broke off in his hands. We squeezed through.

    Those mirrors are strange devices. They get time all mixed up. I thought it possible that the crazy man could be around somewhere and I told Hector not to speak, not to stumble, not to make any sound at all. When his heavy metal boot crunched the broken glass on the back porch I stopped moving and held my breath. Nothing happened. No one came charging out to attack.

    Did I make a nervous burglar once upon a time? You bet. And I ain't dead yet, either. If you don't see the connection then forget about a life of crime.

    This time I did not knock on the front door. If anyone were here I didn't want to warn them because there was no turning around. We had to get to those mirrors.

    Hector and I climbed through a large back window. The wood of its frame was so rotten it crumbled in our hands. There was just enough of it and of the old glazing to hold the glass in place. When Hector went to close the window I grabbed his arm and shook my head. It had barely tolerated being opened. Forget closing it.

    We went upstairs. The floorboards creaked loudly but there was nothing I could do about that. When we got to the room where I expected to find the mirrors they weren't there. I almost put a fist through the empty wall. Good thing I'm learning to keep my temper under control because I'd have followed my fist into who knows what. The mirrors had suddenly reappeared.

    I looked hard at Hector. "Think about Ania. Don't think about anything or anyone else. Ania! Repeat her name. Now!"

    He did. So did I. I grabbed his elbow and pulled him into the mirror.

    We fell on our faces in darkness, tripping over something low and hard, like bricks. Hector's metal scraped on what sounded like stone flooring. I hit the same floor hard, knees and elbows banging painfully, and yelled out.

    When I stopped cursing I heard someone whisper hesitantly, "Daddy?"

    I scrambled to my feet and reached for the sound as she reached for me. I couldn't see a thing but I touched her hand and pulled her into my arms. "Hey, Baby, it's me. I'm here." She was trembling and holding on to me like a frightened child. I said carefully, "Where's Joe?" I was trying hard to hide the anger I was feeling toward that man. But Ania could hear it in my voice.

    "I don't know, Dad. Don't be angry with him. It's my fault. He told me not to follow him through the mirrors, but after he left...after he was gone...I'm so sorry, Dad. I shouldn't have done it, and now we're both in trouble."
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Are you sure you weren't a burglar in a past life? :D

    Just checking. As always, great stuff, Lynet. The details you provide make your story really come to life.

    But you are a tease with this one post at a time cliffhanger stuff.
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Sorry, it's not another chapter. :eek: I can't seem to stop myself from leaving these things hanging at the end. Also, I don't save any of the chapters I dash off while here at work on the hard drive. It's an old, beat up thing, connected to a network. And I take too much time for lunch as it is.

    Last night I was dreaming of Ania, Errol and Hector and where they were and why and about building it in the game. Wanted to start it first thing this morning, but, unfortunately, here I am instead. :p

    And speaking of work, gotta take the deposit to the bank before it closes.

    p.s. I lived for about 16 years in a big, 100-year-old, spooky, 3-story rowhouse in Baltimore. It's easy to imagine burgling a place like that. :eek:
  19. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    way cool... a way to control the mirrors.
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I heard a snap crackle and there was light. Hector held out a small lantern.

    He said, "Found this on the floor. Look at this place! Look at the carvings on the stone. Snakes! Where are we, Emil?"

    "Dad? Who's Emil?"

    "Nevermind that. How long have you been here?"

    "A couple of days, I think. I can see the sky above the garden walls. But I didn't know about the garden at first because I was afraid to open the door. I was afraid he might be on the other side."


    She pressed the edge of a sleeve to her eyes, first one then the other. "I really wish I had a box of tissue. This place makes me sneeze all the time."

    Hector produced a paper napkin from our bag of food and handed it to her.

    "Who?" I said again. "Who does this place belong to?"

    "I don't know his name. Don't look so upset, Dad. I know what you're thinking, but as ugly as that man is he has behaved himself. He hasn't come near me, no closer than the other side of the dining room." Then she waved at the stone walls surrounding us, "And he has never come in here. I don't think. I'd wake up, I'm sure of it. I did when you and Ironsides came in. And I wear all my clothes to bed, too. See? All this stone is cold. Do you like the dress? The ugly man gave me this dress. It's warmer than the cotten outfit I was wearing when I first came."

    "Call me Hector, m'Lady."

    She looked at the robot and blinked in confusion. I took her hand. "Did you try to go back through the mirrors? Did you ask the man about Joe?"

    "I haven't seen the mirrors. Is that how you got here? Maybe they only show up when all the lights are out. I always bring a candle in here but when I fall asleep it goes out. And I asked about Joe. That man got all excited and the hood fell off his head and I saw his face. It's terrible, Dad. Scarred, maybe from a fire. I guess they don't have good hospitals here."

    So maybe this guy was Alka's brother and Joe's uncle, the man burned in the castle fire, the Duke who wanted to be King.

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