
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    It just keeps getting better and better ... and now I have to go out of town for five days, so I'm going to have to wait!! Argh!!! I'll try to log in from my new location ... can't wait to find out what happens next.

    Go, Errol!!
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I am not a young man anymore. Have I mentioned that? Probably. That's part of getting old, telling everyone that you're getting old. But I didn't feel it yet. What I felt was the heat of adrenaline, every muscle vibrating like the strings on a base. I suspected the feeling wouldn't last long so I pumped it up even more by yelling at the top of my lungs as I ran around the corner of the building and into the melee.

    The crazy Duke was yelling, too, yelling for his soldiers. Ania had stopped running and stood helpless, watching Hector throw off the soldiers that charged at him. I saw the other Duke headed to grab Ania and I intercepted him.

    He staggered to a halt and looked horrified because he was weaponless.

    "Looking for another kiss?" I said. I threw the heavy sword to the ground and brought my fist up under his chin all in one move. I heard something pop and it wasn't one of my own bones. His feet came out from under him and he fell backwards. There was no time to gloat over the weakness of the man's jaw. Ania screamed and I spun around thinking someone else was after her but the sword raised high and ready to swing wasn't aimed at her. It was aimed at me. I rushed in under the soldier's arm, head lowered, and brought both of us to the ground where we rolled, fighting to keep the sharp edge of that thing away from soft body parts. I was tiring. I needed more than adrenaline if I was going to keep up with these guys.

    It occurred to me that this was all going to end badly and I started thinking of Kate, feeling sad. There were too many soldiers. Hector and I couldn't fight them all.

    Ania was screaming again, "Help him, Joe! Help him!"

    A moment later the soldier on top of me died, a sword through his chest and a look of horror on his face. It wasn't the sword we'd had been fighting over. When the body fell to the side I looked up into the face of Joe.

    "Glad to see you," I said.

    He pulled his lips back tight on his teeth, looking furious, "You should never have brought her here! Now get up and get her out. There are horses outside the gate." He turned away without waiting to see what I did. He had other men to fight.
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    *A picture is worth a thousand words so I decided to leave it up to the pictures (with short captions)*

    1) Ania and Hector run into trouble.

    2) Joe and his men have come to rescue Ania.

    3, 4 & 5) And they fight.
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    1) Joe attacks the Duke,

    2) but the Duke escapes him.

    3) Errol goes to take Ania away from the fighting.

    4) They grab two horses and escape.

    5) Errol encourages Ania with her horse.
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    1) Joe and his men escape the castle.

    2) The Duke is very unhappy at losing both his prisoners and his chance to capture Joe.
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I decided to add a couple pictures of Duke Hagen's castle at Aghamore. It's not as big as Dominic's castle at Vassily. Not quite a castle, actually. It's more of a rustic manor, with walls added for defense.
  7. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Amazing pictures as always Lynet!

    And a question...where did you find horses that they could ride!?! I want them!
  8. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Wow! thank you ssoo much.
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Heh, finally managed to log on. For some reason this computer was being stubborn about letting me post, but I've been reading your story every day.

    Just wanted to say, wow, Lynet. Great pictures, and I'm so glad Joe escaped!
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thank you all. :) Four more chapters and a few pictures coming right up. It was a little difficult to write this batch. Kind of emotional. :eek:
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Ania and I did OK with our two horses. The animals werent eager to leave the comforts of their stable and go off into the unknown under the hands of strangers but I think they were also not eager to stay and listen to the sound of sword fighting, which was a sound found everywhere inside the castle walls. Although Hector and I had chosen the two biggest and strongest horses, I now guessed that their size and strength came from pulling a plow and not from carrying knights in battle. Either way, being even more nervous about the whole business than their riders, they carried us to safety. And having a couple of the Dukes knights come clanking after us on foot only helped the horses move faster. We left them all far behind.

    When I saw that our pursuers had given up on chasing us I pulled my horse to a stop and looked at Ania.

    Im going to go back. I want you to keep riding. Just follow the road. Well be along soon.

    Absolutely not! You know I love Joe with all my heart, Dad, and Im afraid for him, but I love you, too. This isnt your war and I dont want you to die in it.


    You could both die. Stay with me, Dad. Well wait right here, together. The robot is back there, isnt he? And he really knows how to fight. Did you see him? He doesnt even bother with a sword. Did you write his programming or was it Joe? Or both of you together? I guess that would make more sense. And do all robots start to think theyre people or is it just Ironsides? Hes very strange, Dad. And I dont understand why he keeps telling me to call him Hector when his name is Ironsides.

    She talked because she didnt want to think. Her voice was hoarse and I wished I had water to offer but wed come away with nothing. I smiled at her and reached out for her hand and we managed to hang on like that for a few minutes in spite of the horses who kept bumping each other and snorting impatiently.

    A shout from the road in the direction of the castle almost set us off to running again. But Ania knew the voice before I did and jumped down from her horse, managing somehow in spite of the tangle of skirts. I got myself down to solid ground, too, and watched her run into the arms of Joe.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I gave them a few minutes for all the kissing that followed, then went over to ask about Hector. He wasnt in the group of men that had come with Joe.

    Without saying a word to me Joe handed his sword to one of his men and swung his fist at my face. I blocked it easily and planted my own fist into his middle, knocking the breath out of him. His men grabbed us both by the arms. They knew it was a stupid fight. Ania moved to stand between us and slapped Joe hard, taking all of us by surprise. She only glared at me.

    What was that all about? she demanded. Answer me! Joe! Dad! Answer me!

    Joe shoved off his men. He did not put a hand up to his face although I bet his ears were still ringing. He didnt answer her, either, just shook his head and said, We have to get back to camp before light. Lets go.

    Wheres Hector? I said.

    Setting a few fires around Aghamore to keep the troops busy until we get away. Hell join us at the camp later.

    Ania stared at us, completely confused and still angry. Then she turned her back and started walking down the road, ignoring the horses. Her chin was up, her spine was stiff and her arms were straight at her sides. It was almost marching. I had to smile. On the outside she might resemble me but on the inside she was all Kate.

    Joe and I both watched her for a minute then Joe went after her. I grabbed the reins of the horses and pulled them away from the grass they were munching at the edge of the road. Joes men and I, with reluctant horses in tow, trailed along after the Prince and his Lady, not getting too close.

    I didnt see Joe and Ania speak to each other but at least they were walking side by side.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Camp was in a field on high ground rising close to the mountains. The ground was rocky but the men had cleared patches for small tents and cooking fires. If you walked to the edge of the field, through the scrub, you would find yourself on the lip of a sharp drop in the land. From there you could see most of the valley and anyone moving around in it. It was a good position. Joe showed me the view and pointed out Royden.

    I remember a green valley full of farms, Joe. Not this. Its dead.

    It will come back. It just needs time. And peace. Weve had years of drought and war.

    I looked across the valley at Royden, remembering Harcourts huge castle, and decided that there was something I needed to do. Lend me one of the horses. I want to go into Royden.

    Its too risky. If youre caught, you know where we are.

    After dark. Ill be careful. And no one here knows me, right?

    Whats in Royden that you are so anxious to see? Its changed, mostly uninhabited, and you probably wont find what you expect to find.

    Yes, I said sadly, I will.

    Joe hesitated, then said, You can have the horse. He pushed a hand through his hair and squared his shoulders. I smell something cooking. We should join the others before Ania comes looking for us.

    As we made our way back through the bushes I said, Hows your face?

    He rubbed at his cheek and moved his jaw back and forth, No bones broken. But it was a near thing.

    Did you tell her what we were fighting about?

    She figured it out for herself and told me to apologize to you, which I do. And if you and Hector hadnt been there I might never have been able to get her out

    Im still trying to figure out why the mirrors took her there and not to you.

    Just part of Hagens web, trying to trap me. He has some control of them, the mirrors. More than I thought he did, and thats my mistake, underestimating him and the extent of his madness. Then Joe glanced at me and smiled a grim smile, But not anymore.

    Duke Hagen didnt know it yet but he was a dead man. Threatening Ania was his mistake. And Joe didnt know how much he himself had changed from the young man whod sold my robots back in Strangetown. Did I want Ania to spend the rest of her life with him? Could she be happy with him? I asked myself these questions all the time.

    Did I have any say in the matter?

  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Entering Royden was like entering a cemetery. There were people, but only a few, moving like ghosts in the shadows between buildings that leaned as crookedly as old gravestones. I passed the tavern where Harcourt and I had eaten and talked until late in the evening just before I returned to Kate. The tavern windows were boarded up. I was thoroughly depressed by it all even before I got to the ruins of the castle.

    I took the horse into a patch of weeds far enough off the road where he wouldnt be seen by anyone who happened to be passing by. I carried no lantern. By the light of the moon I walked around the ruins for a while, thinking back to the huge old building with its bright pennants and grand staircases.

    I knew about the path to Harcourts sarcophagus from Ironsides description of it. Hed given me a few more details after he arrived back at Joes camp, but not until after a break to recharge in the afternoon sun followed by a long tale of scrambling up and around the walls of Hagens castle setting fires everywhere. None of the fires did much damage but most were hard for the troops to reach and put out. He was sighted more than once but managed to elude them because of his talent for climbing stone walls. Eventually, figuring wed all had time enough to get far away, he climbed over the outer wall and ran. I was thinking about all of this, the robots adventures, when I came up on the tomb.

    There were candles in an iron stand sitting on it but I had no matches to light them. Didnt matter. The moon gave enough light.

    No ghosts, if youre wondering about that. No image of any kind, just the long stone sarcophagus sitting in a small hollow. The whole place--the ruins, the town, all of it--was completely quiet. I walked down to the coffin and thought about things for a moment, then said, This is hard, old friend, seeing you this way, but I had to come and say goodbye. Thats all. I looked around at the black remains of his castle. But I have to say, Harcourt, you sure made a mighty big exit. I dont think Ive ever heard of a more spectacular ending than this one. Must have been something to see. I stood for a while longer, staring at the mountains, then went back to the horse and walked him quietly out of town, trailing memories every step of the way. Most of them put a smile on my face, and what better legacy can a man leave behind for his friends.
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Some more of Errol's memories...
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    All the horse stuff, including carts and carriages, I've found at MTS2. I just do a search for 'horse.' 'Farm' or 'animal' might also get you more stuff. They're all created from the cars so the animation is too funny, even to opening and shutting invisible doors when they get on the horse. Even so, the horse will take them to a community lot and home again. :D

    Getting the meshes is important and may even be tricky. I know of one mesh (grazing mare) that seems to have been deleted by the creator.
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Sniff. Harcourt's really gone, huh? Here I was, holding out hope that he wasn't.

    I'd forgotten how impressive that castle was. Simply amazing what you managed to do with a few little building tools.

    And I think Ania can handle Joe, Errol. She's definitely her mother's daughter. ;)
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I thought about it for a long time. And believe me, it was hard to bury him. That short post where Errol visits his grave took all day to write. I guess you know how easy it is to get emotional about the characters, especially if there are pictures of them all over the place.

    Thank you. I'd forgotten, too, until I looked at the pictures again. I took the risk of moving the castle into the house bin. Too bad. It doesn't work now when I try to place it back in the game. Can't enter the lot. *sniff*

    That's what I think, too. Joe needs someone by his side, not mincing along ten paces behind him. And love won't last if there isn't also respect, IMHO. Joe was jumping to conclusions and getting violent about it. In the middle of combat, this is good. In a family squabble, this is bad. :(

    Links back to pictures of Harcourt's castle that I posted in I,Sim (in case anyone is curious about it:(
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Far away in Strangetown, where I should have been back already if the mirrors were accurate time machines, Kate waited for me. If all had gone well, if the mirrors worked, then I should not have been gone any longer than it took to drive my truck to the old mansion and back again. Right?

    Kate isnt so gullible as to believe machines dont break down, especially time machines. So as the days passed, turning from a week into a month, she could figure on one of two things: the mirrors had stopped workingor we were all dead on the other side of them. She refused to believe we were all dead.

    Long hours of waiting, long nights of restless sleep filled with nightmares about what had happened to me and Ania, wore both Kate and Viola down to raw nerves. Sure, Kate had been through it once before because of me. Id been missing during her entire pregnancy with Ania. Remembering this didnt make it any easier to endure a second time. She soon found that she had no patience with anything, starting with where the paperboy dropped the newspaper on the sidewalk and ending with the glare of the street lamp on the bedroom wall at night. She told me later how she had every spot on that patch of wallpaper memorized. She came to really hate that wallpaper.

    She was trying hard to get along with my mother, too, but some days the petty little events really annoyed her. One morning when she came down to breakfast and found Viola crying over burnt toast, she said, Its just toast! Stop blubbering, throw it out and make some more.

    Viola rubbed at her eyes, I forgot to buy bread when I got groceries yesterday. Were all out.

    Kate started to snap at her again but turned around and faced the wall instead, making herself calm down. Then she turned back to Viola who was getting frozen pastries out of the refrigerator.

    Waiting for something to happen is making us nuts, so Im going to make something happen. Ive decided to sell the house, she said. The store, the house, everything.

    Viola set the box of pastries on the counter with hands that were shaking so much the frozen pastries inside were banging around inside it. What? she said. What? What? What?

    Kate suddenly felt sorry for the other woman and went over and hugged her. Ive been talking to a real estate agent about that mansion with the mirrors in it. Do you understand? The mirrors that Errol and Joe and Ania used to get through to Joes country? Were moving there.

    But Errols store

    Im selling it.

    But its his store, Kate. How can you sell it?

    Easy. And when he gets back, he can start again at the other house, or do anything he wants to do. Doesnt matter. Were moving closer to those mirrors. She pulled a chair out and pushed Viola down into it. Take a break, Viola. Ill make you an omelet.

    Im sorry, Kate, she sniffed. I forgot to buy eggs.
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I've often thought that sitting at home, waiting for someone to come home from war, would be almost harder than being in the war itself. Not knowing, just hoping, day after day, that the next news you heard of them wouldn't be bad ...

    Poor Kate! I feel for her, and Viola. I hope they get to attend a lovely wedding when all this is done.

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