
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I was going to say Pronupsims but I didn't see it when I went back to look. I'll have to check my downloads. Odd, because I think Pronumpsims is the only place I've gone looking for gowns. The veil is definitely Pronupsims. You have to have a big bun or high up hairdo for it to look right.

    Viola is based on a mother-in-law I used to have. :p Full of advice and always knows how things 'should' be done. I'm sure we all have someone like that in our family. ;)
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Sunday nights are spaghetti nights. Mom does a great job with spaghetti, cooking the sauce for hours. I dont know why it has to cook that long but Moms spaghetti is the best Ive ever had.

    Ania played with her rabbit toy in the other room while we ate.

    Mom put her fork down and looked annoyed. Kate, is something wrong with the sauce? Youre not eating.

    The sauce is fine, Viola. I dont feel well. Kate stood up from the table and went upstairs. I figured she was just angry because Id told her I didnt want to hire her friend, Something-or-Other Cho, as a cashier.

    He cuts hair for a living? Id said. I need someone who has experience with a cash register, not hair.

    Hell learn. You dont have to pay him much, maybe 50 an hour.

    50! We cant afford that.

    At least for a couple of hours a day we can. He needs a job, Errol, and we need a cashier.

    Ill think about it, but I dont think Ill change my mind.

    Kate had been a little cool around me for the rest of the afternoon. I studied the last meatball on my plate and decided I should go talk to her. Maybe Id give Cho a chance. I told Mom Id finish eating later and followed Kate upstairs.

    She was standing in the hall, looking pale.

    OK, Sweetheart," I said. "Ill hire your friend Cho. Well see how it goes.

    Kates eyes got big, she covered her mouth and ran into the bathroom. Im not quick on picking up the clues so I went right behind her. I was just in time to see breakfast, lunch and dinner hit the fan, so to speak. Kate straightened up, wiping at her mouth. What a mess, she mumbled. Then she groaned, bent over and gave up even more. Surprised me that there was anything left inside her.

    I handed her a towel. I thought the spaghetti was pretty good. It didnt make me feel that way.

    Dont talk about food. Help me clean this up.

    Someone took hold of my elbow and pulled me out of the bathroom. Mom said, Put Kate to bed, Errol. Ill clean up in here. And congratulations.


    Mom had a big smile on her face as she reached for the toilet brush. Another grandbaby. This is so wonderful, she said. Im so happy. She started whistling as she cleaned up the bathroom.

    I grinned at Kate. She rolled her eyes and leaned against me, exhausted, so I helped her get into bed. Then I went downstairs and called Cho. I was hoping hed say no thanks but he said hed be around first thing in the morning.

    And, no kidding, he was a disaster.
  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I found it, I think. It is pronupsims, the 11th gown from the left.

    My condolences on having had such a mother in law. :p

    We posted at the same time! I loved this part!

    Poor Kate. Poor Errol. Glad the old lady's happy, anyway.
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    sheesh, we posted at the exact same time. And thanks for finding it for me, and Shana. And for the condolences. :D
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    The mother-in-law I refer to used to whistle all the time, too. Drove me nuts. :p
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I went for a looksee. Very similar in the bodice (sp?) but not the one. I found mine. It's page 4 of the outfits at XMSims. When I downloaded it I didn't realize what a nice wedding dress it would make. Not 'til Kate tried it on. And with her dark skin the lace was particularly nice.

    Brother, this avatar of mine is amusing, but to have Errol glaring at me seven times on the same page is just too creepy.
  7. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I could have a Franz glare along with Errol, but that'd be creepy...or would it? :rolleyes: :D
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    You do have a good picture of Franz staring at the camera. If that were your avatar we'd have a glare contest. :p

    Whoa, look at the time, 11:20. Errol and I need our beauty sleep. Nighty-night.
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Errol more than you, I'd say. :D
  10. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I'm so glad you're writing again. and I love that chapel where did you get it at? or is it one of your own creations?
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thank you. I built it because I wanted a small chapel for their wedding and because I wanted to play around with the new roof styles that came with OFB. After adding the round dome and the pointed domes to the towers I had trouble adding the final 'standard' roof. It wanted to leave a gap at the front. So I decided a fancy fence would look OK filling the gap. I like the way some things, like the fencing, will go through the roof. It can make a plain roof look more interesting. The front of the chapel needed something extra, too, so I used the banners I'd found on MTS2.

    It's a very simple chapel, otherwise, made interesting by the towers. It's small. I had to put the bathroom outside, behind it. :rolleyes:
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    So, they move in temporarily, is that how you manage it?

    I wanted to say, also, that I love the garden apartment for Viola, especially the stairs leading down to the door, though the room was also charming. You're a talented architect, Lynet.
  13. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I agree! I just love Errol's house and workshop! I've been experimenting with basement apartments myself - It can sometimes help to have renters!
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I've built a residential chapel for weddings for Emmeline's family. That's how all of them got married.

    But this time I didn't want Errol and Kate moving out of their house. So I built the chapel as a residential lot in order to get the wedding arch in it. Then I converted it to a community lot. Which means it was really a reception and not a wedding. They had to get married quietly at home because the wedding arch doesn't seem to work on a community lot, or at least it didn't for Errol and Kate. They invited a group to the chapel and had a really fine party, though. :D There were uninvited guests as well but all had a good time.

    Thank you. It did turn out nice, to my surprise. I managed to get a piece of normal wall in place where I could put a door and windows. Add connecting stairs, a doormat and voila!

    The property lot is so small there is not much room to expand. I really needed the basement for a bedroom.
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Abhijeet Cho wasnt a disaster at first. He was just slow. And he wanted to go on breaks all the time and go talk to Kate. I think he has a crush on her. Understandable since shes gorgeous. I like looking at her, too.

    I hadnt seen her pregnant with Ania so I didnt know what to expect. I remembered that Harcourts Alka wanted to eat and sleep all the time. So did Kate. I guess that means its part of the routine. And she swelled up so big I thought she might pop like a balloon and I was afraid to hug her. But that made her cry so I told her why and that made her laugh. Hug me, you idiot, she said. Im not going to explode.

    In the meantime, and it seems so sudden, Ania was growing up. She was not on the floor getting under foot or yelling from her crib anymore. She was a little girl with Kates red hair and my sad eyes. I worried about her having a face like mine.

    She wont be beautiful like you, Kate, I said one day.

    Kate raised her fist, grabbed my shirt and put her very angry face up close against mine. It reminded me of the policewoman she used to be. Ania, she said, is more beautiful than anyone else on this planet. Dont ever say anything different. Dont even THINK anything different. Got that?

    I got it. Be careful what you say to a mother about her baby.

    Dont get me wrong. I love Ania. Shes my buddy. She helps out around the shop after school and since shes too short for the cash register she brings me lunch, chats with the customers, hands me my tools. Shes made a friend of Cho. When he goes on break he plays chess with her.

    I dont think Ania was very happy, though, when Kates balloon finally popped and we had another baby girl. We called her Edith.

    Ania said, Whats all the fuss about? My friend Ira says his baby brother is a big pain. It cries all the time and it smells bad. Im tired and Im going to bed.

    I tucked her in. Tomorrows Saturday and I need your help in the shop? OK?

    Sure thing, Daddy. She grinned at me, rolled over and went to sleep.
  16. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I am so boring compared to you, Lynet. your story is great and the pix are wonderful. do you use highest resolution to get the quality?
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Boring? What are you talking about? You're not boring. I always read all your posts. As to the pictures, yes. I set it to large size, highest quality. My hard drive is quite clogged up with sims pictures. :eek: I snap way more than I show here, then sort through them for the ones I like the best. My poor sims. They hardly get to move very far before they get paused and have their pictures taken. :p

    But more than size or quality --action is the key. I like to see expressions on their faces, too.
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I laughed out loud at the curlers. And what's that hanging on the wall? Looks like superhero costumes.

    I think Ania's cute.

    And I love the story, as always.
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member


    I found a modification of a dresser over on MTS2 (I think it was there.) It looks likes some shirts hanging on the wall. Sims can change clothes with it. It's convenient because it doesn't take up much space and fits in with rooms like Errol's workshop.

    I've seen the curlers everywhere and found them at MTS2, I believe. That's such a big site it takes a long time to check out their downloads.

    :p I thought they fit her personality.

    I travel around so much searching for interesting downloads that I often lose track of where specific things came from.
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    The sentry and other bigger robots took longer to build. And they always sold out faster than the toy ones. So I was up late nights building more. I drank a lot of coffee. And Id get up in the morning an hour or two before anyone else. I wasnt getting much sleep.

    Kate brought a plate of pancakes to the shop. Sit down and eat, Lover.

    Soon as I finish this, I said.

    The shops making money. Its time you got some help building these things.

    I tightened the last set of bolts and hit the switch. The bright blue sentry robot sputtered, shot off sparks and smoke, and died on the spot. I started hitting my head with my fists. Kate pushed me into a chair in front of the food.

    Eat this and go to bed. You cant do the work right when youre exhausted. Its Saturday. Ill run the shop and Ill call around to see if I can get you some help.

    Another one of your friends? Cho is never going to learn how to run that register any faster. Hes an idiot.

    Hes not that bad. Finish your breakfast.

    I did. And then I repaired the robot because it was the only one I had ready to sell. Then I made a few toy robots. The shop was full of people but I ignored them, even the ones who tried to ask me questions. Finally I went back to the house and to bed. I had bad dreams about robots running amuck.

    In the meantime, Kate hired Joe Smith.

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