
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thank you Hatchi. :) There are times I wonder if SBW is the only one who reads my story. Of course, that gives me reason enough to keep writing. An audience of one or two is all the encouragement I need. :eek:

    I have hope for Joe and Ania. Of course, Ania is still a teenager and Errol :mad: has warned Joe to keep his hands to himself. But she won't be a teenager for much longer. Then I'll have to see if there are sparks. Even I don't know about that yet. But Ania definitely likes Joe as much as she's allowed to and seeks him out when he's visiting.
  2. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Sorry lynet... I read your story almost daily. I don't always comment because someone has already at least with what I would have said. But I enjoy it as much as I do reading Janet Evanovich. Keep up the great story.

    Not only are you a story teller but an artist as well.
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thanks, Michelle. I guess I really know people like it. I'm just feeling kind of tired tonight and that often makes me feel a little blue as well.

    Thanks, too, for the complements on my pictures. :)

    Daylight savings time says it's now past midnight! And I've to got to work tomorrow. Silly me for checking in here just once more. :rolleyes: But I'm glad I did.
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Errol. Errol, Honey, wake up. Youve overslept and Joes already over at the store.

    I opened my eyes. Even though I was looking through them and not at them I knew they were bloodshot. They felt bloodshot. I sat up and swung my feet to the floor.

    Honey, Im leaving for work. Anias made toaster pastries and shes very proud of not burning them this morning so go on down and eat one. Kate kissed me quick and left the room.

    I brushed my teeth, splashed water on my face and went down to the kitchen where Ania had already set a place for me.

    Good morning! I said. Ania nodded but kept her head down, pushing crumbs around on her plate with her finger.

    This is delicious, I said. Did you get all your homework done last night?

    She nodded, head still down.

    Whats up, Kid?

    Merlin likes me.

    Whos Merlin.

    This guy in school. He always sits next to me on the bus, even when I dont want him to.

    Frankly, Im surprised every guy on the bus isnt trying to sit next to you, since youre so beautiful.

    That got her to raise her head, starting to smile, then she started crying. I stood up, pulled her to her feet and hugged her. Kate had advised me on this at Anias last birthday. They cant help it, shed said. Their bodies grow almost too fast, the hormones take over, and its a wonder they handle it as well as they do. Anyway, its a roller coaster ride with teenagers so hold on tight. The rides just beginning.

    Im not beautiful, she sniffed.

    I said yes you are and she said no Im not a couple of times. So I said why would you think youre not beautiful and she said, Because HE doesnt.

    Whos he?

    She hesitated. I dont want you to know.

    Now I was beginning to get worried, Tell me who he is and Ill go shake some sense into him. I really need to know, Ania. Im serious.

    Dont say anything to him at all. Please, Daddy, if you do Ill never come out of my room ever again. Ill be too mortified. I wont eat. Ill fade away to nothing and die of a broken heart. She stuck out her chin and wiped at her eyes at the same time.

    OK, OK, I promise. Not a word. Ill just beat him up without telling him why.

    Good! she said. Its Joe.

    Kate was right on the money about the roller coaster.
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Heh. Wheeeeeee!!!!

    Written like someone who's been there. Wonder why that is? :rolleyes:
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Joe looked at the tin of boot polish I'd handed him. "What's this?"

    "Give yourself a black eye. And a big, ugly bruise on your chin, too."

    "Why?" He held the tin up to his face and read the fine print. "This will be forever getting off. It'll upset the customers all week."

    "Maybe they'll feel sorry for you and buy more stuff."

    "They might think you're too hard on your staff."

    "Good idea. I want you to run with that idea. And get the hours changed on the sign. We're going to start closing the shop earlier. Even with Ironsides working all night building robots we still run out of inventory by 3 pm and then the customers start complaining."

    "That's because not everyone wants a Sentrybot. We're seriously overstocked on those. Assign him the Hydros. The customers have been asking when you plan to get those back in since they're more reliable than the local gardener. And I've been thinking, Errol. It might be time for a bigger store and more staff."

    "There's no more room for a bigger store. The property's too small."

    "So we buy a bigger lot. There's one down the street that's up for sale."

    "We? Are we partners now, Joe?"

    His face got red. "That's not what I was thinking."

    "Relax. It's what I've been thinking. But not yet. There are other issues to take care of first. So go give yourself a black eye because if you don't I'm going to have to." I rubbed at my scarred knuckles.

    "No need for that. I'll do it. But I'd like to know why?"

    "I can't tell you. It's too complicated. While you're upstairs tell Ironsides to do Hydros. He'll want a reason so tell him your boss didn't give you any reason, just that it's got to be done because it's part of the plan. He'll like that. Now get moving. I'm opening the store."
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm at work and got this chapter idea in my head and decided I had to write it up quick and post it before I forgot. Lunchtime's over. Bye!:D
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Errol cracks me up. Pretending to give Joe a shiner is hilarious. He'd better let Kate in on the plan or she might go all mother hen on him. Knowing him, he won't, and she will.

    Thanks for the laugh, Lynet.

    I was planning to post but am having breeding farm woes, to quote Sacharissa. Sigh. I plan to stay up late tonight hatching evil plots so more than likely will have a new chapter by morning.

    I'm always glad to see that you posted. Your characters are so realistic and well drawn that I feel like I know them.
  9. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Make that at least THREE - I'm also following your story with much ENJOYMENT AND Anticipation! Just keep in mind that for everyone who writes an encouraging comment, there are probably 10 to 20 readers who agree, but just don't post. (Besides, that would sure clutter up the thread if EVERYONE commented!) :D
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thank you Sacharissa. You're right. I had a weak moment last night and now I'm embarrassed. :eek:

    Thanks, too, SBW. :D I came back online to tell you that. Now I'd better get off and do the daily bank run.
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Don't be embarrassed. I see getting feedback as getting paid. We don't get paid for these stories in any other way, and while it's true we post them for our own enjoyment as well it kind of feels like you're naked in public if no one throws you a towel.

    Feedback is the reason I keep posting my soap when I have an "actual" novel that could make me money sitting neglected on my laptop.

    Anyway, I know exactly how you feel, which is why I try to post feedback as much as possible. If that makes this look like the Lynet and SBW show, well, so be it.
  12. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Here's a towel! A nice big fluffy one, too! And it's yellow...why do I like yellow towels? I really don't know.

    I love Errol's way of speaking. He's so...down to Earth. Did someone else already say that...or did I say that before? Another senior moment.
  13. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Hi! *Waves wildly.* Over here!

    Awh, poor Ania. I know exactly how she's feeling, believe me.

    I run out of words sometimes Lynet, but you I know I love you, don't you? And your stories.
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thank you all. I'm rolling up my sleeves and getting back to work.

    However, things may slow down because the painters are supposed to start within the week and the room with my computer is on their todo list. Also, on April 22 we're leaving for Amsterdam. And last, but not least, the tax season is ending on the 17th and I'll be getting my husband back. ;)

    Simming hours are going to be severely cut back. :(

    But not yet! :D
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    (Gasps for air) Say it isn't so. I mean, how dare you have a RL. :D

    As long as we hear from you once in a while, I suppose we can allow it.

    And, I wanted to apologize for calling Ania, Aida. I got it stuck in my brain that she was in an opera, I guess.
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Aw, shucks.

    As for Aida, I wish I'd thought of that name. Great name for those teen dramatics. And you were right about my own experience. My poor daughter. :eek: I once burst out laughing at the performance: handwringing followed by the arm to the brow. She was so intense, so Clara Bow. And it wasn't funny to her. See what you've got to look forward to? It may knock the wind out of you sometimes but it's an exciting ride and you end up best friends. :)
  17. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Just remember, we were like that once! I recently ran across one of my high school journals, and reading through it, one would have thought I was a Manic-depressive! Every day was either the Heights of Glory or the Depths of Despair! I do not remember being a drama queen, but apparently I was.

    That particular journal ended with a gushing description of a boy I'd just met, and how gorgeous he was, etc. Apparently, nothing came of it, because I have no recollection of this guy. Ironically, that was the last entry in the journal, even though it ended with the words "More Later..." Oh how young I was...:eek:

    Anyway, back on point - You have a wonderful talent, Lynet, and I think you are capturing that Teen Angst and First Crush with Ania just right!
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thank you, Sacharissa. As many years as it's been I actually remember my first crush, even his name (Tommy,) and my first kiss (that was Tommy, too.) :eek:

    But I remember even more clearly the first kiss from my husband. :D Wow! Sooo romantic. *big happy sigh*

    Anyway, here goes a couple of more chapters.
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Joes black eye did not look real. Hed smeared the polish in a circle almost as big as his palm. But I knew more about it than our customers. They obviously thought it was real. Some of them pretended not to see it. Some of the men slapped him sympathetically on the back or faked another punch to his chin just to see him try to duck. Then theyd laugh hard and shake his hand. With the women it seemed to depend on their age. The older women were quite shocked, and complained to me or to Mom about uncontrolled hooliganism. The younger women wanted to meet Joe for coffee somewhere and hear the gory details.

    Shortly after 1 pm the girls got off the bus. Edith headed for the mailbox to get the latest college literature and Ania came directly into the store, as she usually did. She took one look at Joe, gasped, clapped a hand over her mouth and ran back to the house. Joe looked surprised.

    The inventory was almost gone. I closed the store and suggested to Mom that she go on back to the house and fix us some sandwiches. I asked Joe if he wanted to eat with us.

    Not today. Thanks anyway, Errol. He started to leave but stopped with his hand on the door. Is Ania OK? She seemed to be upset about something. She usually helps with the sales and I could have used the help today.

    Could be she was upset about your black eye. She thinks I hit you.

    Why would she think that? We get along fine, you and me. You have no reason He stopped talking and stared at me, then at the house, then at me. The little wheels in his head turned and the gears slid into place. Hands in my pockets, Errol. Eyes, too. I dont even look at Ania and Edith. I give you my word. I hardly even speak to them.

    Dont you think my daughters are beautiful, Joe?

    The man was speechless. There was no safe answer to this question. If he had simply walked out the door and never asked about Ania hed be safe at home now, his boots kicked off, a mug of beer in his fist and a game on the TV.

    I put him out of his misery. Go home, Joe. Ill see you tomorrow. Wearing the black eye, of course.

    Did I shake them up? Joe and Ania? Maybe enough so that I didnt have anything to worry about until she was away at college.
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    As soon as I stepped in the house, Kate met me at the front door. Youre going to have to speak to her, Honey. Im serious. I dont know what shes up to this time but it has to stop.

    Anias fine, Kate. Ill talk to her. Where is she?

    Ania? Im not talking about Ania. Im talking about your mother. But whats this about Ania? I heard her run up the stairs a little bit ago. Ill go take care of Ania. You deal with your mother. Shes in the kitchen with Edith.

    Kate headed for the stairs. I went into the kitchen and sat down with a sandwich. Mom and Edith were already at the table and Mom was dressed in an outfit I would never have imagined shed be willing to wear.

    Mom? What are you wearing?

    Edith giggled then straightened out her face and took a slow bite of her sandwich.

    Mom didnt say anything.

    Are you going to a costume party?

    Im going to work.

    As a maid? I thought you were happy working for me.

    Im still working for you. This job starts at 3:00. Its just something different, gets me out of the house.

    I looked at Edith. She was chewing on her sandwich, staring at the wall, Edith, I said. Take Anias sandwich up to her. Now, Edith! She made a face, annoyed, then picked up her plate and Anias and left the room. I heard her slow step on the stairs. Eventually she got all the way up.

    What kind of job is this, Mom? Id like to know a little more about it.

    Its just a waitress job, Errol. Thats all. I have the evening shift.

    In a maids outfit? Whats the name of this restaurant?

    Its in town and its a new one called Mommas. All the staff are my age. We have a good time. Most of the customers are my age, too. There is nothing for you to be worried about. Oh my goodness, theres the horn. My carpools here. Dont wait up. She jumped to her feet and ran out wearing a big grin on her face and not a lot of anything else. I got a better look at just how skimpy that outfit was.

    Left alone at the table I ate a sandwich with too much mayonnaise and not enough baloney.

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