All the times I hear you talking about the game, I hear wierder and wierder stories. How do you succeed? I've never had sims just dropping dead. And I've played A LOT since I got the game.
Well I'll be hornswoggled and dipped in mushy bananas. It happened again: A sim just spontaneously KEELED OVER AND DIED, right before my eyes, right as it was selected. She just got out of the taxi, started clutching at her throat as if choking on something, keeled over, and died. All needs were green. Mood was platinum. No reports of illness had been logged (I'm fairly iron-fisted about plague control). The only anomalous state would have been a first-stage pregnancy.I am utterly mystified. I wonder if mean sims poison public grills so that food made on them is tainted with a deadly, slow-acting poison? That, or maybe it was the energizer I used prior to leaving home. I guess the Energizer needs a health advisory warning: Pregnant women, children, and people with heart conditions should avoid use.
Trust me, if I knew, it probably wouldn't happen. Sometimes, however, as I just stated above, Sims appear to DROP DEAD for NO APPARENT REASON. Relatively speaking? No, no you haven't. I received by copy on 9/28. I have been playing it more or less continuously, 24/7, since then. You have to concern yourself with petty things like sleep, whereas I ignore it, and eat at the desk.
Okay, but sleeping is also the only thing I've done between playing the Sims since I got *my* copy on september 21th (my birthday).
While the logical part of me refuses to acknowledge truth in your claims, I'm strangely inclined to believe they aren't very far from such.
You'd be surprised how powerful massive caffeine-induced insomnia is. I don't think it's even physically possible for me to sleep right now. Besides, if I *WERE* to actually attempt to sleep, I would just end up more tired, and it would start a feedback loop that would take days before I recovered enough energy to actually function, in which my first act would be to measure out my caffeine.
Good Lord. And my friends insist that 1.25 liters worth of Coke is too much caffiene (ignorant fools). The latest I can stay up is around 5-7AM currently with my caffiene intake... I humbly ask for the advice of one so expert in its use.
First, any feat of physical endurance always requires great willpower. The kind of willpower that keeps you going after you've been stabbed in the back with a knife, which you need to pull forth that knife and use it to slay your attacker, then stumble away to administer your own medical treatment using only duct tape and the rags of your attacker's clothes, because the local hospital really isn't any better. Anyway, willpower. It's all-important. Second, know what your limit is: The LD50 dose for an average person is about 10 grams. You probably won't need to push this line, since you're new and have yet to build up a tolerance. Third: Purity. Consumption of excess food and drink drains bodily resources in processing, and if you drink 1.25 liters of coke, you're going to need to piss like a horse. Therefore, only purified caffeine will do. No additives. For a starter dose, I recommend about 500mg. Orally will be fine for now. Continue this level of dosage until are barely able to function. You are ready for more. Repeat the process, this time at higher dosage. If the need becomes urgent, you can move to snorting. At all times, you should resist the attempt to sleep until you succumb to total unconciousness. When you wake up, you'll realize you've never felt more rested in your life. You know what that means, right? That's right: It's time to begin the caffeine. Lastly, please note that I am not a medical professional, and that all of this is done in blatant disregard for any concerns of health. It is a family belief in that living a long (natural) life, assuming one is not killed battle, comes not through eating right, getting enough sleep, or any other such silliness: It comes, purely and simply, from being tougher than nails. Any weenie can live a long life in optimal conditions, but you have to be TOUGH to survive and even thrive in hostile, adverse conditions. Merely being able to live forever on life support means nothing. Life has no meaning if you cannot move and breathe unassisted, regardless of how much it hurts to do so. No pain, no gain.
fakir... not faker. According to fakir: A Muslim religious mendicant. A Hindu ascetic or religious mendicant, especially one who performs feats of magic or endurance. Magic or endurance, like trance meditation. So no spellchecker needed.