keeping it big or simple?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by sayaka05, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. sayaka05

    sayaka05 New Member

    that i'm planning to do with my next house.

    recently i've discovered that even those smaller lots can hold a big house.
    so i can expand them bigger and bigger until it's just big enough for my sim family.
  2. estatica

    estatica New Member

    I like to build all kinds of lots, but I usually just play the small ones, otherwise my game starts to get choppy. I guess by now I am used to building lots bellow 20.000, but to compensate I tend to go a bit wild with community lots :p
  3. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Hey how did you find my new hiding spot! lol
  4. estatica

    estatica New Member

    Actually, I didn't, but it's great that you showed yourself... I was in need of blackmail material! *evil smile*
  5. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    I'm completely innocent here (at least everyone thinks I am) :devil:
  6. simsguy

    simsguy New Member

    Well, I cannot comment for the computer Sims games because I haven't played one of those in a couple of years now. On the console games though, I like to start off with a one room house with a bathroom to the side somewhere. I use a couch or recliner for comfort and energy. When they get more money, I add wallpaper/flooring to that small room and bathroom. Then I start adding other rooms one by one.

    You could do that for your game. Make small one bedroom houses where your sims can start out in and then they can move up later on to a bigger house. Then the first house can be used by other sim families.
  7. Figwit

    Figwit New Member

    Hmm. I don't know if I can comment in this because I don't build houses. I have tried but other people do them so much better. Maybe one day. Anyway, my favourite house would have to be Mirelly's Devon. I usually cheat my new families enough money to buy it and then decorate it as my sims can afford it. It has a lovely big yard for a vegie garden and a pond and enough bedrooms for a growing family. The only thing I do to change it is convert the garage to a living area - it usually becomes my nursery with its own bathroom. My sims normally just have the bare essentials in the way of furniture and decoration though I buy the best items once they have the spare cash.
  8. buzaranha

    buzaranha New Member

    I like to build houses of all sizes, but while playing with sims I prefer small to medium houses; lots 3x3 and immediately above are my favorites. I enjoy starting with a small house with just a room, a small bathroom, and a kitchen that is also the living room... then, as sims breed, I'll add more rooms, arrange the garden, add a pool, etc.
    I make very big buildings once in a while, but only if I have a good theme.
    I never get bored building... furnishing, yes, sometimes... but when it happens, I know that something went wrong with the building part and probably I wont like to play in that house so I undo what I can and start all over again.
  9. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    This is pretty much what I do too. I'm beginning to move around though because as the older ones die off I end up with all these big houses no one can afford or they already live in a house built to suit them. So I'm trying to move them to bigger houses that I've already done some improvements on.


  10. buzaranha

    buzaranha New Member

    :) [FONT=&quot]In the more complex houses I have, I choose one sim from each generation to live there with his/her own family, so the house that took so long to be nice wont be left empty in the neighborhood. To avoid getting bored, when that chosen sim comes back from university, I make wall/floor decoration and furnishing changes, and change the purpose of each room too, especially bedrooms, living rooms, game rooms.

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot]With Free Time Im starting to build houses with nice attics or basements (I prefer attics), where a lot of fun stuff can be placed and used, and tried to add that to the pre-existing houses. In those houses, I try to have another attic that is not accessible where I keep objects that I know will be used again at any time (It can be really small with moveobjects cheat, but sometimes sims will know an object is there and start to complain because they cant reach it :D) Its kind of silly because I could just buy everything again, but somehow, in families with many generations, I find it funny to use things that where there from day one.[/FONT]
  11. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    I like to reuse stuff too because then it's cool to see the great grandchildren sleeping in the great grandparents baby bed. Or I will put them in the kids backpack so they will have it for their kids when they grow up and move out.


  12. simgurl84

    simgurl84 New Member

    If I am building a lot, I usually start small on a big lot. That way as the family grows I can expand.

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