Laura Bones

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by person123, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I know putting "sims" in is corny ... I didn't like all the ***'s ... oh, well. :eek:

    Very sad. Very well written, too.
  2. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Well, it's an emotional part of the story, but I probably won't use ***s anymore. Yeah, it's so weird how great of a story playing the sims will get! Wouldn't it be funny if someone published a book based on what happened to their sims? :rolleyes:
  3. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    When theyd gotten to Lauras house, Komei had sat down (awkward grammar) on the couch and completely lost his composure. Hed cried for seven minutes straight and only now began to draw in shaky breaths, his tears dried.
    My daughter is dead. At the age of four, shes dead.
    Laura wrapped her arms around him. Its okay to cry. This isbig.
    He nodded, hiccupping slightly. After a few moments of silence, he turned to her and said, Lets get married. This very minute. I want to fill in this gaping hole in my heart.
    Laura was taken aback. What? Getmarried? Right now? I mean, we dont even have engagement rings
    Lets go buy some, then! Then we can go to a church.
    Komei, this isnt exactly the wedding that most girls dream about when theyre young
    ButIcant we just be shallow and careless for this one time?
    Ialright. Lets get married.
    And so they hopped into the car again and drove into Graderon, looking at the shops through the car windows for a suitable jewelry store. Finally they parked the car on the side of the street and went into Grahams, a moderately expensive-looking store.
    Hey, were looking for, um, rings. Laura blushed as the elderly man behind the counter smiled knowingly.
    Rings, huh? I have a few nice ones for a small price in the back store. The man shuffled into a door behind the counter and brought out several small velvet boxes. He arranged them on the glass top in a line and opened each one, making sure to display the price tag as well.
    Laura examined each one, her heart thudding painfully in her chest. This was the moment all little girls dreamed about, wasnt it? She was going to get married. She took one out of the box and slipped it on her right ring finger to see how it looked, only half-realizing what she was doing.
    You like that one? There was still sorrow in Komeis eyes, and Laura suspected that itd be there forever, but he was smiling in anticipation of what was to come.
    Laura looked down in surprise at her hand. The ring shed picked was silver with a shining pearl surrounded by tiny diamonds. It was unique, and had a bit of an antique touch to it. She loved it. Yeah, its beautiful. How much does it cost?
    Komei snorted. My stingy fiancee. $1,272.
    Laura gaped at him. A thousand?! I mean, no offenseits a perfectly reasonable price for such a beautiful ring, she said to the salesman, but we dont have the money
    You dont have the moneynot that Im complaining, Komei corrected, smiling. He dug his wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans and took out a credit card, handing it to the other man. He swiped it through the cashier (dont know how to say this since Ive never done it before) and gave it back to Komei, ripping the price tag off the velvet box and giving it to Laura.
    What about you? Dont you want to get a band?
    Yeah, this time Ill pay for it.
    You dont have
    I want to, Laura cut him off, smiling. She picked a simply silver band that cost $830 and gave the cashier a pile of crumpled bills.
    Okay, where to next, Mr. Tellerman?
    To the church!
    Wait, um, can we at least wear nicer clothes? Laura gestured to her wrinkled and tear-stained sweater, and Komei smilingly assented, getting into the car.
    They went back to Lauras house and she looked through her closet hurriedly. Did she have any white dresses? Shed inherited her mothers wedding dress. Would it fit, and was it too battered and old? She finally unearthed the garment bag from the back of the closet and dumped it on the bed, unzipping it a little hesitantly. It was a sleeveless dress with a bodice embroidered with entwining leaves. The skirt was form-fitting and didnt fan out like a hoopskirtshe pulled on panty-house and put it on, grabbing a pair of white pumps as well.
    Finally she sat down at her vanity and studied her face. What makeup would she wear for her wedding? How should she do her hair? She really was supposed to have her mother with hertears welled up in her eyes unexpectedly. She hadnt cried about her parents for a while, and suddenly the tears were back. Laura harshly swiped them away and applied shiny pink lip gloss, as well as eyeliner and mascara. She ran a brush through her hair a few times before letting it fall over her shoulders. She looked okayright? She took a suede jacket and rushed downstairs for Komeis approval.
    Komei whistled. This is like a real wedding! I better get my tuxedo from my place. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply. Youre beautiful, he whispered.
    Okay, lets get to the church, right? Laura smiled and went out the door, into the car for what mustve been the seventh time that day.
    They drove to Komeis house and he put on a black tuxedo. Weve both got our rings, right?
    Right. Areare you sure you want to do this?
    Yeah, Im sure. He grinned confidently and they went to the church in the suburban parts of Graderon.
    Am I going to move in with you, or
    I like Chartreua Heights. Graderon makes me think of Charlotte, and Charlotte makes me think of He trailed off, visibly paling. Well
    Okay, then. I guesswere going to live at my house. Laura smiled reassuringly. The sun was beginning to set, so they hurried inside the stained-glass doors of the white building, looking around in uncertainty. A middle-aged man was standing at a podium, dozing slightly.
    Um, excuse me
    The man woke with a jump, rearranging his glasses on his nose. Oh, yes, yes, what can I help you with?
    Wewe want to get married. They exchanged smiles.
    Oh, yes, I shouldve known, considering your attire He cleared his throat and stood up, dusting off his robes. Come, follow me. They went through a pair of shiny oak double doors. You both have your rings, am I correct?
    They nodded.
    And what are your names?
    Komei Tellerman and Laura Bones.
    Okay, here, you two, stand here He cleared his throat again, and smiled indulgently at the couple. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today
    Laura zoned out, simply gazing at Komeis bright blue eyes. She was going to get married to Komeiperhaps have children with himgrow old with himtheyd be together forever, as the priest dictated.
    Do you, Komei Tellerman, take Laura Bones as your lawfully wedded wife?
    I do, Komei whispered, smiling widely at Laura.
    And do you, Laura Bones, take Komei Tellerman as your lawfully wedded husband?
    II do, her voice shook as she answered, tears forming in her eyes.
    I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
    Komei crushed his lips against Lauras, drawing her close for a passionate embrace. They kissed for a long time, reveling in the fact that they were now married
    The priest cleared his throat again, and they pulled apart, Laura blushing a little.
    Erm, you can leave now. He walked through a door to the side of the hall, and Komei grasped Lauras hand.
    So, Mrs. Tellerman, he grinned at her happily, Where are we to have our honeymoon?
    Oh, lets just go home.
    Alright. He kissed her again. I love you.
    I love you, too.

    Ten years later

    Agh, come on, hurry up Cassie, youre going to be late for school! Laura frantically cut up the peanut butter and jelly sandwich shed been making into quarters and wrapped them in a plastic sandwich bag, putting it and a juice box into a pink lunchbox.
    Cassandra, their eight year old daughter, grabbed the lunchbox, let Laura kiss her good-bye, and ran out the door onto the school bus.
    Laura pulled two year old Ruby out of the high chair and set her on her hip, gathering the breakfast plates and Rubys bowl of mashed carrots and putting them in the sink as well.
    Im off to work, honey, see you later! Komei, now the Executive of Parakeet Printing & Co., kissed Laura lingeringly before going out the door and driving off down the road.
    Laura went up the stairs and put Ruby into her crib in their bedroom, trying to lean over her heavily pregnant stomach. She watched the baby while she fell asleep and smiled, brushing a few wispy red hairs off the smooth forehead. She turned around to rest a little, thinking about her family...both her childrenher loving husband of ten yearstheyd saved up money for years, which had become even harder when Laura became pregnant after two years and had been forced to go on maternity leave. Then Cassie had been born, and all their troubles had seemed to go awayfor a few days, at least. Then it was back to cooking, cleaning, working Six years later, after theyd just gotten a routine of taking care of Cassie and setting some alone time for themselves, Laura had gotten pregnant again. Shed quit her job as a fourth grade teacher after having Cassie as she knew shed just want to spend time with her, and so now it wasnt too hard to juggle their daughter and unborn baby. Ruby was named aptly so for the hair shed inherited from her father, was quite the crier, and still woke both Laura and Komei every few nights.
    They still loved each other very much and went out to eat every once in a while, leaving Cassie at home with a babysitter. Sometimes he just randomly started dancing with her, and shed giggle and blush when he swept her down to kiss her. They were still very much in love, yes, and she hoped they would be for much longer

    The End
    Yeah, I ended it quickly because her family got messed up! For some reason when she had Ruby everything just got screwed up. The game froze and quit whenever I entered the lot, and I tried moving her out, but it still happened! :( So, yeah, that's the end of Laura Bones. I guess it was long enough.​
  4. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...


    It was sad that Jenny "passed." I'm glad things worked out for Komei and Laura though and Cassie.
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oh fabulous! Great story :)

    BTW "Komei had sat down (awkward grammar) on the couch and" - just lose the 'had' ;)
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    :confused: :scratchchin: :ponder: :eek: :D

    Great story, Person123. I loved it.
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Very nice story. I'm glad it had a happy ending and Laura got what she wanted. Her life wasn't very happy starting out, was it?

    You even made me like Komei Tellerman. Don't know why, but he's never been a favorite of mine. Maybe it was because he dissed my first, and very favorite (now dead) sim. And that was before NL. :p

    Could it be that family sims just don't like romance sims very much? Hmmmm ...
  8. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    Much like real life . . .

    Again, entertaining story, 123. I too now look at Komei differently. ;)
  9. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Yeah, I hated him at first, but then they star signs were just compatible, so I thought, what the hey! I'll put them together. He turned out as a very good husband and father. And he's a fortune sim, too, not a romance sim.
  10. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Just wanted to throw in my two cents here, I really enjoyed your're going to do another one soon, right? I hope so!
  11. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Yeah, I'm starting a blog story made by Kina Ailani, the Pleasure sim I made to start off Nightlife.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Oh, I assumed he was family because he hated my romance sim. But maybe it varies from game to game ...

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