At least there's no risk of drowning in soapy waters in a dumpster. But they're all smelly-heads! Whatever it is in Snake's avatard
Hmm, it looks like a negative of a cat to me but what do I I'm sure Solid and Oink will inform me...but will say 'No!" Pet Turtles? class had pet turtles before,and i was given the task of cleaning the fun..especially when those things tried ta go outta the sink..pfft.. santa clause
I don't like Santa. He strikes me as a creep. The only person that can sneek into one's house leaving "presents" and get away with it. The Grinch.
He's mean, green, and pleasantly evil. Mike-the-aforementioned-in-a-different-post-demon-faced-monkey-offspring
Awww, I love you this much <---> Book! Oh and by the way, you post is all varieties of wrong, and I dont even need to mention your profile. I dont like fish all that much. Sushi and select kinds of fish I tolerate. I dont like them as pets either. Except for those kind that live in aquariums... I'm confusing myself. I like fish. Better? Jo and Sh.
Oh right. Jo and the rat. Big difference. Yes, I just watched three of the Lethal Weapons. Yes, I like Bruce Willis. Clint Eastwood.