Miserable Failure: How?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by J. M. Pescado, Oct 14, 2004.

  1. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    As a side note, I call for the removal of the censorship upon the above 7-letter word, as it makes it really difficult to discuss the family trees of Sims, among other things.
  2. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    LMAO :D

    Senor Fish ;) let me say that I have been enjoying your posts over the past several days. I find you very literate, very well spoken, and someone with a grasp on the English language and proper use of grammar (which scores MAJOR Aspiration points with me - no offense to our foreign friends). I have been lurking in silent admiration and now that you have made me laugh at work and draw stares, I just had to share my thoughts.

    Your insights are very helpful to me as I plan my game strategies, as you and I tend to think along similar lines. Now that I have finally gotten my coveted copy of TS2 I can start to experience first hand all the joy and pain I've been reading here.

    /bow Well met, oh sage water dweller :)
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    ... or indeed any legitimate references to, amongst other things, a type of Spanish wine, a particularly rough-toothed rasp, a size of writing paper, a variety of soft brown sugar ...

    Never mind, JM. Here in the UK we have a quite large town which is invariably censored on almost all BBS ... poor old S****horpe in Lincolnshire has to requiat incognito ... not to mention red-faced shame :eek:
    I'd post a link to the town council's page but I'd be breaking the rules I'm supposed to oversee :p :( :embarrassed: :tired:
  4. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    Oh no..poor Vidcund is amazingly easy to reduce to blithering idiocy. He IS terrified of the most mundane things. I had to work hard to keep him away from everything he fears. He came home from work late one night and the trash can was turned over. Since he's standing by the mailbox I had him clean it up and stomp on that small group of bugs. I forgot bugs were a big fear and he was reduced to a puddle on the sidewalk. It required the psychologist but he snapped out of it quickly. Unfortunately those fire enducing toaster pastries was the straw that broke his mind completely when he made breakfast the next morning. I found the Curious brothers a really fun family! lol
  5. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    He seems to have a fairly mundane set of fears: Like all knowledge sims, he hates losing skillpoints. I mean, who doesn't? He isn't terribly fond of insects: Fortune sims often share this trait also. And he also doesn't like things like being sick, and fires. Nobody really likes being sick, and this shows up on all sims every once in awhile. I can't imagine why Sims are so deathly terrified of fires, though. I mean, fires are awesome! YEAH! LOOK AT 'EM BURN! If I could be properly represented in the Sims, "Fire!" would probably be one of my wants.

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