My baby is stuck... :(

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Mattt, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. Mattt

    Mattt New Member

    My baby is stuck... :(


    Here's what happened...

    -Baby is lying in crib.
    -Dad goes to pick up baby.
    -I cancel dad's action because I just sent the mother up there
    -I tell the mother to pick up the baby
    -The dad goes about his business making dinner.
    -The mom and baby are stuck!!!

    By using the move objects cheat, I can see that the baby is still waiting for the dad to pick her up!! The mom is stuck trying to pick up the baby, who is waiting for the dad! I can't unstick the mom by either moving the baby out of the crib and deleting the crib (by cheating) or by deleting the baby and the crib.

    If I move the baby out of the crib and delete the crib, the baby just sits there, thinking it is the crib, still waiting for the dad to pick it up. I tried waiting for it to grow up but child services came before that could happen.

    Obviously I don't want to delete my baby.. especially since the dad is getting up there in the years.. :/

    So is it possible to flush the baby's actions somehow? Is there a hidden cheat for that? Or can I somehow open up the save file or something and remove all actions in progress? Any combination of cheats that might work?

    Any help would be much appreciated! :)
  2. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    this happened to me before once ( last night to be exact :p ) the dad was supposed to pick the toddler up because the toddler just woke up, but I canceled the action because he was tired and decided to make the mom pick the baby up, but I accidently canceled the baby's action "stay in crib" :( and the baby was stuck in a sitting position with the dad standing in front of the crib without moving either :eek: thank god mom was still moving :p but I had to get out of the house into the neighbourhood without saving the game in order to unstuck them :( if this happens to you again, get out of the house without saving :cool:
  3. Mattt

    Mattt New Member

    Yeah, I saved because I would have lost a lot of work otherwise... I was hoping there'd be a fix but there hasn't so far. I haven't played that family in quite some time now. :(
  4. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    well yes it is a tough decision to not save because of the hard work you've done for the family :p but I hadnt had a choice either because they we're both ( the dad and baby ) we're stoning there like a statue :eek: so I had no choice but to not save :( I dont think theres any other way than to get out of the game without saving and coming back in to restart :eek: correct me if Im wrong :D
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I absolutely agree. If you ever get a family stuck in what seems to be an impossible situation you should always exit without saving. Cos if the situation actually turns out out to be really impossible to get out of you will only have yourself to blame.

    BTW I am not clear whether you are talking about a baby or a toddler? I cannot see how you can know what actions a baby is expecting? A toddler's orders list should be deletable like any other sims ... isn't it?
  6. Mattt

    Mattt New Member

    I have nobody to blame but myself? How about EA for releasing a buggy game? They should release a patch to fix this. It is a classic bug from the ORIGINAL Sims and shouldn't be in this game.

    The baby is a baby.. only a few days old even. You can tell what action they have by using the move objects cheat on them and returning to play mode.. you'll have the baby selected, which isn't normally possible. This allows you to see the baby's actions.
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oh I think it is a little premature to describe a few minor faults as "buggy". If Windows was as perfected as TS2 before being released we wouldn't all be constantly checking for service packs!

    My solution would be to be to just play on and see what happens. Sometimes things like this unstick themselves. Maybe try sending Dad to work (get a new job if necessary) to get him off the lot ... or else to bed (you said he was tired ... move his bed out of the baby's room first if need be). If it works fine, if not don't save just reload and try something else. If all else fails maybe you should kill the dad off? (the old pool with no ladder trick) What a great story ... I can see it now. The Orphan starring Simbyl Shepherd. ;)
  8. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    One possible idea...let the events play out..meaning re-command dad to pick up the baby and that will probably undo a lot.
  9. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Good point, Josh. I just remembered that one of the first toddlers I had got stuck for a while when I accidentally cancelled his mom's order to "help toddler grow up". I thought oops ... then oh well maybe it won't happen again until the same time next day ... um ... no ... LOL That was when I discovered that you can click on a toddler and just order them to grow up ... oh how well I remember my own mum constantly telling me to do just that ... let me see ... 'twas only last week :p
  10. Mattt

    Mattt New Member

    I tried leaving the lot but, unfortunately, they save every action your sims are doing when you leave, so the baby was still waiting for the dad when he got home.

    I've tried recreating the actions in the past but that doesn't work. It just stacks two "waiting to be played with"'s in a row. :(

    I've also tried deleting the dad but that doesn't work.
  11. Mattt

    Mattt New Member

    Btw, deleting the dad clears the queue but the mom gets stuck still.. she's stuck cancelling trying to hold the baby, which isn't even in its queue. Deleting the crib frees her but thent he baby is trapped on the floor as "in the crib". :(
  12. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    Why didnt you guys move the family out of the house and then move them back in? I think it would help alot :D
  13. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    That sounds like a great idea!! If I ever get stuck like this I might even try moving them to another house... :D

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