My sim had 4 alien babies at once!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Cassiepeia, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. CMartch

    CMartch New Member

    drink cheap coffee and then stargze with the telescope to get abducted
  2. asha143

    asha143 New Member

    My babys all look the same...

    Whenever i have a girl baby, she always comes out looking pretty much the same as all the rest, she changes hair and eye color but everytime one of my families' has a daughter when she becomes a child her hair is always that short haircut, never semi long or anything, just the short one, is it all random or is there a way that i can change the outcome of how the baby looks?:confused:
  3. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    The children have default hair color. You need to have them look into the mirror and click on "change appearence." Then you can pick the hair color and style you want. However, when your sim becomes a parent, their child will inherit the one of the two default hair style of the parents, and you'll have to change their hair, too.
  4. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Custom Made skins are dominant, but there is no blending of them. You get one or the other rather randomly (but definitely they are dominant over any Maxis made skin, eye color, etc.)

    As to having more than twins, it's a glitch in the system. Some people just exit without saving and try it again if that happens because it is rather exhausting for the poor parents.
  5. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Heh, if that ever happens with me, I'm just gonna play it as it lies, because I'm a masochist like that. :) Or is it more like sadism, for dragging your Simmies into the experience with you? Does the view of whether playing this scenario out is sadism or masochism depend on the way you play your game? What do you think?
  6. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I don't know, I just think it would be fun to have tripplets or quads. Just the challenge of having to raise these children would be worth it. I wouldn't quit without saving, I'd be counting my blessings. :)
  7. Zootyzoot

    Zootyzoot Keeper of Broken FeltTips

    Oh, I feel like a complete sadist when I attempt to **** up my Sims' lives for my amusement, to the point where it's just not fun anymore. Though this varies. If I like a Sim then I can't be horrible to them and if bad stuff happens to them I won't save it. However, I have currenly got two Sims I got bored with starving to death in the cellar of a gothic castle, while the rest of their family get on with their lives overhead, ignoring their screams of pain. So I suppose it depends on whether I am emotionally engaged with a Sim or not. Sims that have no real personality (I mean the personality that you imagine for your Sims, not the amount of points they have in their personality categories) I don't anthropomorphise and so can inflict any amount of pain on them. But I have surprisingly limited control over whether I am attatched to a Sim or not, which is a little weird.
  8. fuzzy_ferret_luver

    fuzzy_ferret_luver New Member

    How long does the male stay abuducted? Is it a couple of days or just a few hours?
  9. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I'm sure someone else knows the exact time, but I think it's about 3 game hours.
  10. Blower

    Blower New Member

    According to prima guide the large telescope is required- not the normal one.

    Also if you are serious about wanting to know the dominant/recessive genes the guide has those too hehe - let me know...

    Twins are a 5% chance - getting them twice would be very unlikely - however! so many people are having them, ive had 3 births none twins tho.
  11. pretty_princess

    pretty_princess HeY tHeRe

    i nevr got twins!!:( is there any way to make getting twins commonly:confused:
  12. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Look for a hack here:
  13. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    I really would like this info :)

    My first babies were twins. It was pretty hard learning the game and having to deal with twins at the same time. To my credit, the social worker never came, worse I got were a few warnings about starving my poor kid.
  14. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    Holy Thread Ressurection, Batman!

    Wow I remember when this thread was new.... 3 months ago. If you stir its slumber the walking dead post will stalk our other posts and devour them alive to slake its undead hunger. Hmm, maybe I need to play more Resident Evil? :confused:
  15. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Be nice to the newbies. :p
  16. Krazed_Sim

    Krazed_Sim The Krazed Sim

    Not just 4 babies at once... 4 alien babies at once...[​IMG]
  17. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Well ... goodness gracious me! :speechless: If twins have a probability of 0.05 and what happened here was each twin, twinning then the odds ... hmm math and me don't get on well but I make 0.05*0.05*0.05 or 1.25 per 10,000 births.

    However the second twinning events take place simulatneously after the first so maybe it ought to be 0.05*(0.05+0.05) which would be 1 in a thousand. Yikes! :confused:

    Triplets however would occur (I think :p) at the rate of 1 in 400. In all case these rates far exceed real life ... luckily for real life or else we'd be swamped with diapers before Christmas. :eek:
  18. pretty_princess

    pretty_princess HeY tHeRe

    :cool: taking care of babies and toddlers and kids in the sims 2 is a piece of cake!:cool:

    I WANT QUADS TO!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :knockedout:
  19. RanchDressing

    RanchDressing New Member

    I wish I had four babies! I can't even get two babies. And all of the babies I get are ugly. :p

    And raising babies for me is pretty hard because I get tired of them crying and having them make a mess with the water.:classic:

    When they turn to children and teenagers it's not as hard but it is hard when they never do their homework, and the bad thing is that they are never in the mood.
  20. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    oh boy...imagine if you were taking care of quintuplets.....

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