Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by afropower234, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    They also said in the chat that they got replaced in their job when they got married. (Why would a maid want to remain a maid when she had married her boss anyway?)

    It was a hoot when they were talking about how one of the Maxis guys had gone through and had his Sims marry all of the various types of NPCs. (Either he was obsessed by the idea or just wanted to see how it worked.)

    That chat had a lot of good information. Several things (like marrying NPCs and that designer mode for changing the look of furniture) were reconfirmed.

    If you haven't already read it, you can find it here:
  2. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    Thanks for the link, I didn't know there was a chat.
  3. grizfan235

    grizfan235 New Member

    Great chat, but they never reveal too much about the game. Which may be a good thing because I want to have my jaw drop the first few times I play the game.:p
  4. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    I'll be amazed at the graphics and all the new options, like you can call the adoption agency, and divorces. THat way you dont have to kill that annoying spouse you cant stand...
  5. Angelic Slayer

    Angelic Slayer New Member

    How do you marry the paper girl, cos doesnt she remain a paper girl, after you become an adult. :confused:
  6. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    From a screenshot I saw recently (but can't remember where), it looks like the paperperson is not the young child she used to be.
  7. grizfan235

    grizfan235 New Member

    I want my romantic sim to make out with all the npc's. Hitting on the mail-man/woman will be great and cheating on the wife with the maid will be the ultimate sin(especially with your wife is a family sim).:rolleyes: lol
  8. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    I think you probably have to be a burglar to marry the burglar. Cause if your a burglar, the NPC burglar will be friends with you. Sort of.
  9. Angelic Slayer

    Angelic Slayer New Member

    :eek: Your poor sim wife, doing the same ;)
  10. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    I don't know what I am going to do with my sims until I get the game and explore it a little
  11. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    I know that I am going to make the pizza guy a playable character by marrying him and then kill him because in sims 1 he always left before I could answer the door.
  12. Angelic Slayer

    Angelic Slayer New Member

    Lol...luckily that never happend to me *phew* :rolleyes:
  13. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    I made a hobby out of trapping annoying NPC characters. Like the skunk and racoon in unleashed. I used the move objects cheat to build a fence around them, and then build an exit to the fence a long ways away. Then, when they wandered over, I would trap them in a tiny box and end my NPC troubles. I even trapped the lady who brought the bills. It was fun. :D
  14. grizfan235

    grizfan235 New Member

    Hopefully that disgusting obsessed fan will be gone or replaced by a better one(possibly a bunch of teenage girls). It will be great to finally interact with all the npc's......

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