How Do I OFB Restaurant Help

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by vankate, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. vankate

    vankate New Member

    OFB Restaurant Help

    I've had OFB for awhile, but I'm coming across a weird glitch I can't figure out.

    I have a restaurant, with a chef/stove, a server, and a hostess/podium, etc, and all that in place. The hostess greets the customers when they decide to eat there, and shows them to a table, and the sims follow. But, then the sims won't take a seat. They sort of stare at the table as though stuck and then leave the restaurant.

    I'm thinking it's a floor glitch, tried fixing that, even reset the roof because sometimes I find that's a problem with floor glitches. Nothing works.

    Then, it worked for one or two of the customers, at random, at the same trouble tables, but still most of them don't take a seat and then leave. It's on the second floor but it's on steady flooring, no roof pieces or weird things sticking up.

    What is causing this, any ideas? And how might I fix it?
    Thoughts appreciated. :)
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Is it just that restaurant? If so, it could be that the lot is glitchy.

    Before you delete it, though, check to see that there's enough space between the chairs and the wall. I had a restaurant where I set a table too close to the wall, though my sims stamped their feet, they didn't just stand there.

    The fact that they just stand there sounds like a glitch to me. And if it's just that one lot the easiest way to correct it is to have your sim sell the business and then delete the lot.

    Unless someone else has a better solution that's what I'd do. Make sure you sell it first to avoid any problems.

    And it just occurred to me that if you have downloads you might have one that's interfering with your restaurant. Just a thought.

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