Other games while waiting for sims2, or just fun games.

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by altec_tech, Jan 29, 2004.

  1. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    Well you need to get into the Goths House... they look like they would in TS2! and then you do something in a machine... I watered it and it wasnt thankful so it ate me... I was like WTF?
  2. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I may have to let any man eating plants go thirsty then, poor things! :p

    I've been playing Outlaw Golf with my hubby lately, funny game, kind of suggestive though so not for small kids in the room I think. I'm amazed I'm doing ok at playing the game though, getting par sometimes and even a couple of birdies! :D
  3. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    Well I found out that the man-eating plant is also a garbage disposal LoL..
  4. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    So are you supposed to feed it your trash when you empty the trash can, so it won't eat YOU when you water it? :eek:
  5. EwanGirl5

    EwanGirl5 New Member

    Vice City, Simpsons: Hit and Run, American McGee's Alice, Lemmings, Rollercoaster Tycoon... I haven't played Sims lately because I uninstalled everything when I got Vice City and when I tried to reinstall I couldn't because my friend have a bunch of my CDs and I lost the others... DAMMIT!
  6. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Waaaah!! :( I HATE it when you lose CDs like that!

    My hubby has Simpsons Hit and Run, I should play it while he's at work and get good and surprise him, haha!

    What is Lemmings like? Would you recommend it for someone bad at controlling movement in games? I've been curious about that and American McGee's Alice for a while now, but afraid I wouldn't be able to play them because I have no gaming reflexes. :p
  7. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    Well no.. I made Mortimore clean up and he went to the plant... Im not sure if he will eat Mortimore... I just hope I dont lose again!
  8. grizfan235

    grizfan235 New Member

    Just buy a couple of games like Far Cry, UT 2004, and Madden 04. Those should keep us occupied til then. Also Madden 05 and Half-Life 2 are coming out soon, making this the best winter of pc gaming ever!!:D
  9. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    what games do you think would hold everyones mind? Make a list of games you think would hold some sold minds
  10. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    RCT2 or Make a fansite
    thats what has been keeping me busy... fansite on my sign

    Why is my thingy red on the side? I am not rude who did this :(
  11. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I think the red thing says whatever it says by default, not that someone actually wrote in that you were rude, or I was kind, or whatever. Just keep posting helpful stuff and your reputation will go up again, I think. I don't really know if there's any way to see which post(s) of yours have been rated as good or bad, so you might never know what happened, or there might be a feature somewhere I don't know about that would show you which post or posts someone didn't like.

    Let's see, for games that hold your attention, I've been playing a ton in Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town lately, you control your little guy and take care of his farm, plant crops, water them, harvest them, take care of cows, chickens, and sheep, run around town trying to make friends and pick a girl to try to win over and propose to when she likes you well enough. Also there are 2 mines to go digging around in down 255 levels each, so THAT will take a while! :eek: You have a horse and a dog that you can enter in contests/races to win stuff, and then there's the cooking... you have to order stuff off the television shopping channel to get everything you need to cook with first, and then the experimental recipies begin! ;) There are Harvest Sprites to befriend and if they like you enough they'll work for you to help take care of your crops and animals, but they don't like me enough yet. Oh yeah, there's also fishing. There are just SO MANY things to do in the game... it's keeping me distracted. :D
  12. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Harvest moon is one of the few games which sounds like it may be fun. I love farm stuff and this sounds more interesting than the old Sim Farm (which really is *old* now!)

    Is it a PC game or a console game? (If console, then I wouldn't want it.)
  13. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    Ya Harvest Moon is a consol game. Sorry! :eek:
  14. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Sorry, I should have said, Harvest Moon is a console game, it has a Playstation 1 version, and a Gamecube version, and several Gameboy versions that I know of. I wish they would come out with a PC version of the game, that would be great! :D

    I've started playing Final Fantasy 9 again on the Playstation, my friend loaned me her copy so I can finish my game I started months ago, before *I* loaned ANOTHER friend MY copy of the game, haha! I let her borrow FF 8, she's working her way backwards through the series. :D

    I also started playing Gauntlet Legends on Playstation, but as I have an OLD controller with only the directional arrows and NO joystick/toggle control... my thumb can't play the game for very long, and I end up cooling my sore thumb against my cold soda cans, haha! :p

    I downloaded the free 1 hour demo of Singles just to see HOW bad it is and how much of an obvious rip-off of the Sims it is... but from what I've read of reviews and stuff I would NOT recommend the game for anyone under 18. :( I'm not even sure I'll play it now that I've read more on it... sigh.
  15. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Thanks, Fae.

    I actually looked it up because your description sounded interesting, but I'm not buying a console just for one game (especially since I don't care much for the console format when I've used other people's.) It would be nice to have a PC version, although I hope that they give us a Rural Life EP for Sims. That would be ideal from my point of view!
  16. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    I never liked FF8 for some reason. My friend was recently playing FF1. He said it was nuts.
  17. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    latest list of games ive been playing:

    Simcity 4: Rush Hour
    Midtown Madness 2 Multiplayer @ zone.com
    Nascar Tunder 2004 Multiplayer (Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson Junkie here :D )
    Gunbound (Worms Clone, but better)
  18. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    I'm playing Freedom Force on my computer right now. Its a fun superheroes game. And i also play Starcraft. I dont know why. I play a bit of Sim City 4 in between making neighborhoods as well. and hey! I play GunBound! I love that game! My account is Supernova6.
  19. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    cool. my username is just as i have it here. my username is almost always the same all across the net. only place that is not the same is on zone.com where i play midtown madness 2. this is because ive prefixed my name with my teams name. so my username there is SFRTA_Vchat20
  20. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    I usually try to use Supernova as my screenname everywhere, but it always seems to be taken. So my new one is usually supernova6. I actually encountered the other Supernova (the one who took my name!) in gunbound as an opponent!

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