Poll: Favorite Prime Time TV Show?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vchat20, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Agree totally Kristal. A society that believes that bare flesh is not acceptable but is willing to display depraved slaughter has got a few priorities bolloxed up.
  2. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I had a gentleman rider the other day tell me he thought the halloween series is great. I told him that I haven't seen any slasher type movies since about half of My funny valentine (if my memory is correct). I haven't even seen Texas Chainsaw Massecer scream, or any of the other slasher spoofs.

    That being said I have to admit I enjoy watching any of the Law and Order series..... and want to add to my favorites the new one Commander and Chief....
  3. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I LOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEE Comander In Cheif. I love her as President!! :) I wish we had someone that good in the White House. :) Maybe we should just elect an actor. . .Oh, wait, we already did that. Silly me. ;)
  4. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    That reminds me of that scene in Hardball (with Keanu Reeves). Anyone else think of G-Baby when they read that?

    Anyway, back on topic: Favorite TV Shows
  5. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Wow. I didn't realize that this thread was over a year old now...

    I've added some "must-watch" shows to my list (in order:(

    South Park
    Desperate Housewives
    Family Guy
    King of the Hill
    My Name is Earl

    I think that's about it for now..
  6. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    since the original topic was made, a couple of shows have definitely grown on me. majority of them are NBC shows except for two: CSI and Extreme Makeover (which I should mention has an episode coming up at the end of the month which is located not very far from where I live. about 20 miles away last I checked).

    Law & Order: *
    Crossing Jordan
    Las Vegas
  7. kuponutty

    kuponutty Confused little moogle

    For some reason I love crime shows! **** Wolf (they won't let me say his real first name!) is great with them. Also I like Lost a lot - its addictive. After whatching the first episode I was hooked! It isn't shown anymore here, we're still waiting for the 2nd season... Survivor is okay, but its getting repeaditive after so many seasons. My mum loves Desperate Housewives, like all mothers.
  8. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    loves Desperate Housewives, like all mothers.

    Actually I'm a mother, and I've no desire to watch that program any more than I want to watch wife swap...
  9. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Oh, now I love Wife Swap! It has a horrible name, but it's subject matter is precious. They take two completely different women and swap out their lives. They get to know what it's like to live a week in someone else's family. They always appreciate their own families more when they go home, and learn a little something from the other family about ways they can improve their own lives. :)
  10. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    2 and a half men!
    Man that show is just too funny sometimes. I liked last nights episode quiet a bit.

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