Yeah guys, be nice to me...Thanks for standing up for me, Michelle! You're nice unlike SOME of the posters in here! I happen to like my new avatar! at least for now...I have yet to find a funny picture with a bookworm in it....
Ouch Oink...sarcasm doesn't look good on you! :O Thanks for the title on your avatar Oink...I actually thought it looked more like a vampire sheep to me...hmm...oh well, I suppose that it was wise for you to warn your fellow city boys that sheep and bunnies actually don't look the same!
Oink i had liked you till the sarcasm. I don't usually take well to sarcasm unless its my friends here at home. You only asked where i got it from not the website.
I could have phrased it better, and for that I apologize. It inadvertently led you to reply in such a way which I felt pointed out my already apparent stupidity. Oh well, live and learn... and proofread... Dont take it personally either, it's been a habit of mine as of late.
So you two just manipulated me into apologizing. Evil has two new names. :angry: (Wasnt apologizing to YOU Book. You just happened to be in the way.)
your point being? Its all I have in life-to try and manipulate as many people as I can to make me thats boring you ever owned a Rainbow pony in your life? You were probably raised on Rambo and GI Joe and everything unfeminine so who are you to tell everyone to mellow out and brush a pony? Yeesh....
Dang the mother who raised her daughter that way! Curse them to That Burning Place of Eternal Suffering! :angry:
That would explain my obsession with joining the U.S. army I had a few years back... and my intrests in basically anything military I now have. Meh, It just made me grow up not being a sissy girl. The picture just wouldn't have the same effect if it had Rambo and said "Be happy, brush Rambo." I'm only advocating that because the other branches didnt bother (nor need to anyways ) to come out with a game. So go, and be happy. Oh, and dont join the Army, please? You could at the VERY least join the Marines, if not the Navy to be a SEAL, or something. The Army is so bootleg, IMO. At least you'll have a chance to be a Ranger, and that I respect.
Me: "When do we get the freakin' guns!?!?" Drill Instructor: "This is the last time I'm telling you: You don't get to handle a gun until you tell me your name." ^ My future conversation in a bootcamp.