the highest rating i got was 132/90. I have no bloody idea how i done it. I showed the headmaster the first room, lounge room and then dinning room and then called dinner. Dad made the lobster and he loved it. No smooching nothing like that at all no one other then mum greeted him. I like sending my kids the private school just for the fact of the school uniform i love the girls one lol.
the danger with lobster No matter how high the cooking score is, you still have about a 20% chance of burning lobster and turkey. It's inevitable; even great chefs screw up. I got my first teen into private school with turkey but I might stick with chef salad now. I want to know how to get him to even visit the trailer trash folks. My headmaster refuses to come in if there's so much as a weed - or an old newspaper - or bills - or garbage - and he's very sensitive to clutter. He seems to be pretty shallow and loves the big ugly sculptures and paintings. I learned to turn the pinball machine around so he couldn't play it. Actually, the first time (which failed) it was the family that kept drifting off and playing pinball and video games - much more than usual - anxiety?! Also, never let him in the hot tub or he won't leave.
I usually just show the HM my bathrooms. I usually have at least 3 worth 10 points each, finish up in the kitchen/diner worth 10-12 more and voila 42 points. Anything over pork chops is worth 50 and smooch points come for free if you let the sim with the highest charisma lead the conversation. Pescado will probably now tell us that I am talking baloney but I don't play with a slide rule so all my figures are approximate
You can't just schmooze, I've noticed. If you bother to try to befriend the headmaster first, it goes much smoother ... one way is to call him after an unsuccessful attempt and make him a friend, then invite him over ... Also, an open plan house, no matter how fancy, doesn't impress him as much as one with walls. I had a family with a lovely modern home where the kitchen didn't have a door, just an angled gap in the wall, and the headmaster said "I've already seen this room, thank you" when I tried to show it to him ... guess I should have gone with the bathrooms. Also, the house had three stories with a ghost on top (her tombstone was on the roof) and he was stuck up there with the ghost when dinner was called. So, they didn't get in. My other family with a more traditional home did, and they also did the "get to know him" thing before laying on the schmooze. I LOVE the trailer trash story. That's hilarious. Stomping cockroaches, going into labor ... LOL.
Eh, if it burns, just throw it away and get another one. Don't let him serve that crap, X is out and tell him to do it again until he gets it right.
I noticed he does like gnomes. My family it tryed to get into priavte school had gnomes out the front and he said he didn;t think that the family would fit in. All the weeds was pulled,mail taken in and newspaper picked up. Once i removed the gnomes he liked the family. Whats up with that ?
He must be gnomeaphobic. It's a little known condition that involves fear of garden gnomes, so sad really ... Or maybe he's a kind of headmaster vampire that can't cross a threshhold if a gnome is guarding it. Seriously, I think the headmaster is a snob, and that's all there is to it. Try putting in a more expensive sculpture and see if that helps. I tried getting a starter home family into private school and he was not impressed ... the family that did get in lives in a huge four-square family manor with lots of rooms and a pool. He didn't even have to look upstairs (just bedrooms anyway). He was impressed that the house had four separate well-furnished rooms downstairs, and seemed to especially like the pool table and the plasma TV. How did I get all that stuff? Simple. Two parents, their grown son and his wife all live together. Four incomes means lots of simoleans ...
The Headmaster likes curtains and artwork. All that runs your "environmental" score up. I like reading these old threads. We have a whole new batch of people now, so we have lots more experience and opinions to add. BTW: Noticed I was really quiet back then. LMAO What was up with that?? Think I was distracted a little the first 2 weeks TS2 came out?
This is by far one of the most popular and pernicious headmaster myths. The headmaster doesn't give a rat's *** about your yard, unless you show it to him in the tour. The reason the headmaster warps off with a rejection instantly on arrival is due to a bug. Any explanations claiming that it has ANYTHING to do with your yard or anything in it are pure weapons-grade bolognium.
And never, ever, save your game after he has been called. Don't bother calling him hours in advance, either, it doesn't help. Just call right around 1700, do the scenario, and THEN save.